._ . -. _ _
<br />R€AL ESTATE MORTGAGE ~~~~ ~oRM Fta zoa_eR (Rev. 1-n)
<br />3. . .....
<br />~~~ [?t~,__ January 22, 1980
<br />8Q~
<br />Donald L. Robertson and Connie L. Robertson, husband and wife
<br /> ?tortgagcr5
<br /> ,
<br />of Hall ~~,.,, _.. Nebraska .., ccnsiderat ion of
<br />Lh? s~~snce cf .*.he princip?1 ss:, reel tad in the rot?`.ereir;aSter descriDad, receipt o, ahic!: ±s sckno:•+ied,~ed, here^,y
<br />-~ 3 ~'^~'-['- and vC7~%Fy t_
<br /> THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation, }
<br />i
<br />' of Omaha, Dougias County, Nebraska, whose address
<br /> is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 6810p, ,
<br />- ri~rtgagee iSuD,~,.eCt LC D!i. $3S. ~C'117°,~s~. "~galt5 cecn B,'. Dy ^3^i.!P Cth2?' t.h3~l ."?.;:':.p<^. (jCrS' ?X15L!^~'y 88SaRiPP.tS Of
<br />.__Grd; re9erPaL1On5 Sit ._..__.. La??S i:d .Y 3•. _ _e7t.a, eSl~t'.ie . y't?.. Of ti1£ plibl~~ tr; ai: hl[1;Nal'S ). Lh2f01i0W!,ryg-
<br />,.,,,~„ Aall Nebraska
<br />disc. ___ rest estate is '_ba7?.y,
<br />SEC. TWP. R6.
<br />Lot 2, in Lake Davis Aires, Third Subdivision - - - - - - - 2G 11N 9 [d 6th P.M.
<br />~O _m o
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<br />- 2.p3~Lher Nits s>_ e7 the _ rest ~*,e ?!nr a.:b~s.^ 1:1 _s1 tr tier ?r. 1°uilin6 a. Dul2dirgs,
<br />- ims•nc~rsenw. `?tares r.rs -~~c .~r r ~. . 3^.•~uire~, incialing s31 aFrxrse~is,.~zguipnenL,~ilxG.u•?s or
<br />_ ~ ..i rizW nszd 2: s;yr~~ ,e~_ ~a=., sl- ~~ ? N.a-e" ,~i ..er ~f-. ~.e. ti pr., aerti?sLioa, other szrv-
<br />it`e5, ~dt.he fyT 1~_ _ «'2 ~_`S. 1' 9:.'_ _7 -J- ~i 'aS1~ ~2S3°_e$ 1.^.CIll~_r~LT.. DllL n7L i1'.°SLEd LQ,
<br />zti--e-s, s a1 ~ as-. st - N -.3rv ~ r ~a e 1 ~ .r^~ - r e ? aR?. '-^-a-door bed. :.~a?: ngs,
<br />sL:sres, reir: ~st:_, aa_er n. _.. rs, _..,e_.: ,~ . _7:.:.E ._a: .*_ 3.~ 71, _p'_acz e.uipment, ail n7 Nlzi ch
<br />- - ~~ 1ee;~c?~ ~re ,a_t _.e,J~ _,} -_..___} _._~._._ ~nere:_ ,.r rot. :,.d de?:aed a _:nrt!hn of
<br />- - tt,a 9aCt1'.'~ } -'i,. _,.c .,.. _t?D .. We'x.J'S ..i__e__ _ __ ti?~.
<br />- ?nts mc~rt~apa _= 3i~?- _: :.e-_~.~e a ;^,?51 snr: ...-.. ._ ~-__ ix*,e ..*.erc~wi ~,,. exF~tt2d Dy `7ort.gze.._.s u~ ..-_rt.~agee. in
<br />ttte sib: i•+ai s r P'II''TY T80 ~~ HL;9DRF11 A~Ig NOI 1D0 - - - - - - - •. - - ;.~, t nos,
<br />~E 54,*` 1`+13taA~~_G N't.._"; LPreBt 3 ... ,_ ~- the trrvLa ..a _a?,. r E, Lh2 ice.... 1._SL a1i.RanL Dcinz 1ue atld pati
<br />' € b 2D03
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<br />able oc tLe Iss't dsy :7 a ru8ry, ?Y:'_s eer:~°?ys~.ee sitai_ D2 uold u;,on tDe Dsy7uenr. of said
<br />!
<br />,_^;axiss~y ~^te_
<br />~ }lmrtgeg:x'x +y~-ae tc Fsy. SS re4uasted Dy !5~st..~Re, on ?acL in°'_.° loran t. ;ata„ In sddl t.i on vp tna gums redulred i
<br />3a t*.sa sbave-~eacrlbed~ F"omiasz.~ rr?T.>. a m, e~yui; to *_hz- smeunt ~!rGer-*_ine~ py the ?iart~;..~ee re:,lired tc acc.snwlaLe, ~ -
<br />and ~ ~e lasursnEe prEm:i ur_s ;.ni,^ias~ i;d .roar ?zaa2.,a:~d ina^.arar.e °everlne' Zn_e morL3a3ed pr~m!ses and
<br />Lhe reap estst.e tazas st., x.ss>_s_:r.;falsLLue L ga"?d nrani£a ?ays i t.c ih? Sue dstes thar£ef. In 1
<br />tuae avept. t1raL the sums ac ^rsrer for :De n+{}^n ~ -t~ =~ r ur .S?>, a~. e,smanLS sre 1asu771c2en*, r*:e
<br />?~GT'tpTa&.'rS N113, '1Fnn r mast, pay s;;ch Sri .. __:_. ~. ,r, ~r _ the 1£ ate .ts?. A?? soars re^eived tharefer
<br />shall be appl3ad on Cite ;slot-ipai Da13'7'Ce u:c;'_ ~.;ch t:^•.-a ss tLey sr° xlt,*,3raNn b}• tloetgsgze *.ar t!he payeer~*.. at
<br />sa1:d u^amit~s, texas, or asag.°,...a=ait~.., ,
<br />4Ala- ,.@.„' 1° Si3v'~°C.i *r _1 k,.
<br />ire NLn. ate PrnDei?ds .,.'~t~ 1'~ir, cur ~ ,ere_,; N_1= t.z u._d .nr '.isa r'.v ...s='~ _,~£_.,:e1 ,.. _:;E *y,r*zazors+ ap11-
<br />aation 'ar said lasnn sod autw :criz?t ._. .: a1" A,^t_ _
<br />14e ikrrtgag~-s, sod eacYs ^f L3xve, f~er?lt}~ Na.: t1^.x, .*.~ey ie a£ _nN,^,e *Y? f~nr _=tl r~£s .~rcperty: tfisc t.lte}•
<br />Fill dalass9 the t2tla agains€~ ail v3aisst~s*_s afLy3SGS~.vcr, ..at ssld ; - n=e is an a_ areumhrancas; r_.haL
<br />the} ill 1caeP al? Lire 1aR0Vamrut.s. SYxLUres, and a^.,,est~.,anc£s ac. ::pl~ia^a' .'~~,c+; r?;•a1r ~ard pe*.x.tt r!c ~~ts of
<br />'ie5,.i$: 1~d ?35E,~ iFiii rcii~vni Vc ai:. tin t~ 3T ^.~a' 2.2.f ... Sail ~i?71i- - .... "t.. S C_"'?a Fi *_2:e YG`tpd,.^B£,
<br />av" n3:~- -
<br />S3i ?9at N};.1 Psg ~ ;lZe s13 tea=e, liens, ;1;;._;n2ats, pr as>?:-s+sznts ++hi cD m_ay Da :>Nfuiip assessed x3si;.st
<br />f~a ;~ off;:, Y~:^e.n ..'"au.
<br />(41 That tba9 •iZi iastt-~a sod keep inst4~ed Duildlrgs p ^tiser itepr true-ants r;ow ~'~ or Nlri eh ma}' herea7ter ba placz'_' .
<br />as sa14 yriemises La rise satlsYacti~ of Lae ltsrtgagae, such insu.^snce po_SCy s1axS1 be endarsad Nith a mortgage clause
<br />><3Lh Ltle i~A3a t31a2'97mdei' to be .PfiyabSa to tea Nertgsgee. ull° 'usas recPlvc'.d may De used to pay for recanstruct li~+n
<br />~bi LbR 8RSt7°I7~ed 3s~ovaeteaYS: or, if apt so appl`ed, >a§Y, at the ppti pn n7 LLe t*ort3a3ea, be sppilad In payment cf
<br />41;y 3.L~ShLet@se+.s~, ma3ui'ed..or uxsdaLS~d, sz`tu'ad Dy this tnartgaga.
<br />t~l ~L !as Life event the yClrtgagae Is s party Lo any ilri-5titw sffertieg the security or the Slat. pf its mort-
<br />a S1m3t3C11~-~' sWii bg ?.hN 2iar"Lgagae *p Sas~lase t~L= mprt~tege or as4s suit ih Nhicif i-he tton,3saee msy De namaC
<br />-C ~3t`-t~- i'~?a#tv°~L 39 s~iaA--fit -1s ab2i~tad'to-~'tsL~:L its rights or 11_n, incl;tding eon?emrtstlon and DsnkryPt?'y ~ ,
<br />-S:s+t i~ur sass&~aad afilastD Pe,*ltesa*_ YDr atstrae*_ fops. attorney fee3 (eac apt tc the
<br />asst pt~iblLed,by ai, casts, ezprmses, and other charges.
<br />~.H
<br />
<br />