8Q- SS ~ . .
<br />The grantor DA-LY REALTY & INSURANCE, INC.
<br />a corporatiou organized snd existing under and by virtue of the la~cs of the State of Nebraska
<br />ir. consideration of FORTY-THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/i00 043, 500.00)
<br />reeeir-ed from grantee, d«•s grant, bargain, sell, Conley- and oonfirm ul:to ORVTLLE H. PEDERSEN
<br />and ELMIRA M. PEDERSEN, husband and wife
<br />as joint tenantc n•ith right of sut~•ivorship, and not as tenants in common, the falle~riug described real
<br />praperty in ................~all_...._................................. Counfy, Nebraska:
<br />Lat Five {5), in Fairacres Subdivision, Located on part of tL+e
<br />Sauthxest Quarter (SY~) of Section Three (3), in Toxrship Eleven
<br />{??) North, Range Nine {9} Vest of the bth P.M „ in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />jpJ A~N~2 4 1980
<br />To bare and tr. hoi+i title aht=ce 3escribed pren~i.es together tcish all tenements, hereditaments s:ld
<br />a}~purtzn3nres therset.a bet+~nging unto the grantees an3 to t}?eir assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the
<br />s',rr~ iror of #he>? forever.
<br />.ind gs•antor fur itself and its sueezssars does hrlY6~ corenani ts-ith the granters and n-ith their
<br />a~i,l,s and pith ii?e heir. and rssigns of the 8112`tivur !~f them that grantor is httcfully~ seised of said
<br />l,rrlsi,es; t.haisthzy ore free front encumbrance eZCapt for easements and restrictions
<br />of record
<br />that grznit,r has giro3 right and la~rful authorit~• to conreq the same: and >hat grhntitr warrants and
<br />vcA? defend the tit3e to sai3 pminises against t2te la~-ful claims of all persons wltotusoecer.
<br />IL is stle intension of all partizs hzreta that in the erznt ai the death of either of the grautees,
<br />t.hz entirt far simple tit3e to thz real estate shall rest in the snrt~iring grantee.
<br />an wit-ucss ~~,f, ~•mntar has he~nnto enuse~t i,~ cari.a.a.e seal to ~. ;ffiaed and these pttisents
<br />sig€+hd by ita flresidrnt.
<br />Dated ~.,,t ~ ~ ~~ t ~ 't,
<br />- is t. •.
<br />.~ a t „~ J
<br />k
<br />~° '
<br />Da-Ly RP~ ~ Ins e>oce, Inc.
<br />_.: ~ A
<br />~ -
<br />'- _ _ _ _.~., ~... ..,:,~:~ .4.f'e:_"... Prestdeat
<br />•`ti_.,~ - ~udoi#~~J date
<br />( i
<br />.,..; ~ ,~
<br />... ebraalYa ._....--••--..._.., t:~,emtS• of _._.....-..H81.1 .................._..............:
<br />3TA3'E CtI' .,.... _..~..._.....
<br />$lefere me, a notary public ga~lified for said eauut,•, personally came
<br />RUDOLF F. PLATE, President of
<br />D~-L7f REALTY' do INSURANCE, ZPiC. , n corporation,
<br />knoa$ tt! rae to ~ the President and itieatiral peraau ullc signed the foregoing instrument, and ackuox•-
<br />lerlged the el:r~uiioa thsa+aof 1.p he hie volnatary act and deed as such officer and the ~ oluntarv a~~t and
<br />deed of acid eorpontioa and tLat it8 ssrporate seal u-sa t3izreto affixed by its authnrity-
<br />?Aitrerts >acy Lead arul noiaslal seal an ...~..,...:~»~ ...................... ..., 19....~~......
<br />~Q........... .
<br />iw~xi.~ ..,.:4!!-......,._~,.......tGldi.Gir~%..r.......... Notar~• Public.
<br />M~ x ~,y~ Mq eoramisaion exE~irea ..~.-._ .. +7.~._.. i!~ .7~
<br />