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11'IORTGAGE V~~rl/ ~~t-;; y~+ <br />{ Nebraska) V ViyE,i~t~rr{? <br />THIS INDENTURE, ntatle t}zis 11}th dap of December t9 79 <br />I 1 <br />~'• <br />between Ttnaer Grain Co., Inc., a Corporation and Ttuzrer Grain Company,, a <br />t.;r~;ted FartaershiP -------------------°°--------------°--------------------- <br />of the Count}' of Hall and titate of \ehruka, lslrtc ++i the tint part, and <br />the 1IETROPOLITA\ LIFE I\~LR:>\CE Ct}4IPA\1', a corlxtrttion of the ~tatc of \et~• Fork, tt•ith its <br />ptineipat of}'im located at I \Sadison Avenue, \et~ Fork. \. Y., peen of the second part, <br />WYTNESSETH: That the aid party of dze firsrlaart, in cousidrr:uinn of the cunt ut------------- <br />----------OH& MILLION FC}IIR HIIIIDRSD FIFPY T>~IISAND----------------.Dollars <br />t~1,ll$O,000.00. in hard paid, the receipt ~chrrroi is herrhr ael:notclyd~rd, fines heretic grant, bargain, <br />sei}, com-ey, anct cont3rnt to the aid pam~ of the second 1><1rt and it; asgns, the ollotring-drscriixd real estate. <br />in the Cennty/a~$yg~an, Hall and P811ey and ~tatr ni :~ehnska, to tz•it: <br />Real Estate as described on 15zhibit A attached hereto. <br />The Hate secured by this Mortgage is fhrther secured by a Financing Statement and <br />SaanritZr.Agxeemeat o£ even date herewith, covering personal property as described <br />iII Said l~inaacing Statement and SBGi]rl.ty Agreement. <br />it is agreed that all irrigation pampa, electric motors, engines, pipes, <br />spr3nklera and all other irrigation egnipaent and grain storage and grain handling <br />tatilitit~ located on the described property cc~sected now or hereafter <br />platsad ar installed on said premieea together with all Hater and xatering rights <br />of every kind sad tiesrr.:ption shall be construed as af£ized to and a Hart a£ the <br />real estate hereinabove described and snb3ect to all o£ the provisions o£ this <br />Bortgage_ <br />Ye also atgrse that in the evae!t the mortgaged premises, ar any portion therec£, <br />or etgq interest therein, are Bald or aomeyed ar become sub3ect to as agxement <br />to sail ar otmrsy prior to the ties this loan shall have been paid in fall, thrat <br />the aatira indabtedinaea shall becot~ inaadiataly due sad payable at the optiaat of the <br />>*ortgsgss. • gals, aasigsmsat or transfer in arty manner vbatsoevtar of 149b or <br />apse tsf tl» capital atoet of the mortgagor corporation shall be eQnivalent to a sale <br />or aoam~ya}nae o£ the security ar am interest therein, and in that event teortgagee <br />tlisal.l have the option to accelerate the debt, declare the entire loan balance <br />dus, and enfaxre oollectioa a£ same, including £areclaeure of the t~rtga$e lion. <br />35R altall, prior to loos disbursase~i#, fhmiah tv3.danom eatiafsntaxy to <br />~~ Lit'e Io+lt Gos~tat~ the isaafct~ on tame and com3it3ons satisfaoi~ors <br />#o IIr~apaiiisn I.iYe 10~~~ b:Y flat appropriate Federal, State, County, <br />~d~mal ax Lord snt~ritiee, oS all ]ioeases, apptsovala or pe~ita asoasan? is <br />aameectim vi'ih tlft apastst3~ of ihia seaority and leatlltl oo~neJ thsreoY for the parpeq <br />t+GSr ebielt sash pro~eot ens as+sated {isolntating tbs issnaaos by ate Federal., $tste, Ctxmty,+ <br />2Y! HAVE AND TO IiOL3a the same. with the appurirtutncrs thereto larlongng or in an}•xisr ap}srr- <br />tairuttg, indttdirtg an}- right ui huusrstead and rtrrs cnntistgenz rig}tt ur r-.fate t}trrriaz, unto the said 1><~ns oI the <br />sartatd prat'!, and its ass?gxas 3cretrr; zhe intention heistg to .-,.unrt eat _thW}htte litlr in ier to the said pretni;r:. <br />Aad'the aait3 va<..~. ref the nr,t part herrhr ct»•rsaatr*_-, t}rat. thrr arc #au"i;tll: xifcd of the sail premises and <br />}',ace gtx-d right t;, xuzirs the -.anx; riser the 4aid ptrmi.,e. are leer :,n~I e,rar r,i all incmnhrancr and that <br />titer >,s~i axrra-tt and dritn3 ti:e ;3tne againt t}x• iaaiiul c1aints ut all }+ersons uhontscre. rr. <br />i>ROVI$1?,D, H37WEVER, That iI rite mid ;urrt}• of the first pan she}t yes, or c;rt:se to be paid. to the <br />a~'sti }rarty of the socuttii psatt, or iu a,sign>, rise sw» oi ----------------..--_^__________~°_^_-__ <br />I~iII.LIf~ PC3YiR SAD FIFTI T>~ilSAliD----_-----,-..-..Dollar., <br />in igsTa3sitrnts, fist fnsal isitrtaimetat due...~tl~ ..k~ .~_. ... -. <br />teiiit%ttsems thermos, in iaK'(tti rtwnry of the L'ttited `irate.. with r~rhzuagr on the l it}' of tiro fork, tthich <br />staalA lte Itgal Ee~tirr for ~ }7a}'nteiti at ail delfts uni dnca, public and prirate, at the time ~i pa: nzent. acconling <br />!o list tabor t<trd td!ecx ~ tI~ I'rom;~stsrs Nate execttteti by t}se said }after}' of the iir,t paart, treeing date <br />b~, scai ,!ball ~ ail siq~ttiar tits etrvenanrs hrretn eontaitm~ ;then she ratatr tterrb} hrantrd ,izali <br />trams sad t}~ 9lor3gage shall i~ne null atxi vttid< and he rrleascd at the e;;i,rn,r of the :aid }:ttrt+ of the <br />first part- <br />mgrii eCC I+oeal afiiee allen~e ~si.sdio#ion involves emii.ranssntal. protsotioa aT aq <br />std lteaosse, eowitais a2' p~#'fia}, slid confines to meisitain ooaplianae with all lsxs <br />sad- sttHe3~-tigo~. <br />'$ <br />