<br />Additidnat Provisions
<br />Dabta Warrants and Covenants: (7) That except for the security interest granted hereby Debtor is, or to the extent that this agreement
<br />states that the Collateral is to #te acquired after xtte date hereof, will be, the owner of the Collateral tree from any adverse lien, security
<br />interest or encumbrance; and that Debtor wilt defend the Collateral against ail claims and demands of all persons at any time claiming
<br />itre same or any interest therein, (Z) That no financing statement covering the Collateral or any proceeds thereof is on file in any public
<br />office and that at the request of Secured Party, Debtor will join with Secured Perry in executing one or chore financing statements pursu-
<br />ant to Ne NebrasKBUniE.prm`Cdnmercial Cods in form satisfactory to Secured Party and will pay the cost of filing such financing state-
<br />ment, this security agreement and any continuation or termination statement, in ail public offices wherever filing is deemed by Secured
<br />Party to be necessary or desirable; and if the Collateral is attached to real estate prior ro the perfection of the security telecast granted
<br />hereby or if the Collateral includes crops a oil, gas or minerals to be exVacted or timber to be cut. Debtor will, on demarxf of Secured
<br />Parry, furnish Secured Parry with a disclaimer or disclaimers m' subordination agreement signed by ail persons having an interest in the
<br />real estate, disclaiming or subordinating any interest in the Collatarai which is prior io the interest of Secured Party. (31 Not to sell,
<br />transfer or dispose ofi the Collateral, nor take the same or attempt to take the store from the county where kept as above stated, without
<br />the prior written consent of the Secured Party. (41 To pay all taxes artd assessments of every nature which may Lr: levied or assessed
<br />against the Collateral. 151 Not to permit or allow ary adverse lien, security interest or encumbrance whatsoever upon the Collateral, and
<br />rot q pennii the same ;o be attached a replevined. (61 That the Collates! is in good ccxxfition, and that he will at his own expanse,
<br />keep tits Sarre in good coedition and from time to time, forthwith, replace and repair al: such parts of the CoI laterau as rtx?y be broken,
<br />worn out ar did wltfwut aitawing any 1 ion io f>e creased upon the Caliaterat nrt account of such replacement ar repairs, and that the
<br />Sect;ted Parry may examine and inspect the Collateral at any time. wherever located. ISl Tha[ he wiii at his own expense keep the Col-
<br />latarai insured in a carrpany satisfattory ;o Secured Parry agains4 loss, as appropriate, M theft, srollision, fire and extended coverage,
<br />with lass payable to Secured parry as its interest may appear, and will txt demand deliver said policies of insurance er harnisn praof of
<br />sr~t insurance to Secured Party, {E1 At its option Secured Parry may procure Such insurance, discharge taxes, liens or security interests
<br />a other encturrbraatces at any lime levied ar placed on the Collateral and may pay for the repair of any damage ar injury to or for the
<br />preservation arkf maintenance of me Collateral. Debtor agrees to reimfwrse Secured Parry on demand for any payment or expense ir:currad
<br />b'Y Secura~am, pursuant to the foregoing authnri zaiion, UnIil such reimbursement, the artrarni of any such payment, with interest at the
<br />rate of $o per annum from date of payment until reimbursement, shall be added to (fie indebtedness owed by Debtor and shall be secure[:
<br />try this agraersraraL (91 That he wit( eat use the Collates( in Violation of any applicable statute, regal ati On Of ordinance end if any of the
<br />Cal lateraS is motor e~etticles the same wil{ clot to rerted, used in rental service ear in any speed or endurance contest, (101 Debtor will
<br />pay Berated Parry any and alt costs and ex;tenses incurred in recotrering twssessian of the Collateral and incurred in enforcing this
<br />security agreactertt, and the same shall tae secured by (iris security agreement,
<br />Unti! Defatai Debtor may have possession of the Collateral and use it in say law#ul manner not inconsistent with this agreemem and not
<br />utconsistatt with any policy of insurance ;hereon, and upon default Secured Parry shall have the invnadiate right to the possession of
<br />tlta tai#atarat-
<br />DWCar 9tat1 8e to De#au#t ,+nder (tars ant capon ttte happening of any of the fioilowirtg events or conditions: {4) default do the pay-
<br />~rt or perfratmarete of any obligation, covenant or l iabillry rontained or referred m herein or in any note evidencing the same: 121 any
<br />warranty, TEQreSCfriatim oc Statenaersi made ar furnished to Seczasd pally by or on behalf of Debtor proves to have been false in any rna•
<br />lanai carpool ttdterr made m fumisitad: (3f atry event which results in the acceleration of tare tn82urfry of the indebtedness of Debmr io
<br />ethers ands any tide'+trx'e. agreenrt+nt w uidurskirg; (d1 lass, theft, damage, destruction sale or encumbrance to ar of any of the Coin
<br />lateral. ar ttte making of any levy, seizure ar attactyrtertt thereof ar therm; {51 deem, dissolution, tem:ination of existences, insolvency,
<br />btsiatess faiisse, apps+nasiani of a receiver of a+ry part of ttte prttperry of, assignment far the benefit ai creditors bY. or me emunence-
<br />ment of airy Ia'or`aading under arty taartknaptcy or insolvency laws by or against Oebmr w arty guarantor or surety for Debtor.
<br />(!Pert liiuU: Default and at any time ifsareafier, ar if it deans itself insecure, Scarred Party rney declare alt Obligaticvts su-cearud hera4y
<br />irr>rnediateiy due acrd payable artd shall have Vte remat#ias of a securetl patty untfer Ma Netxaska Unitorm Comrneruial Cuter, Secures,
<br />Party .rnaty require #3co'rtor m assemble tite Cailatarai and dciivar or make it avaiiat»e to Secured Party at s place to tae designated by
<br />Sectxe~cf Party which }s reesartably cMVeniemt to bop( parties, Unless me Caliater: is perishable ar tftrealens to decline speedily ir,
<br />va#ue ar is tsfi a type custmteriiy salq an a retbgnitxd market. Secured Part}• will gite Dabmr reasanatale twtice of the time and plane of
<br />any putrl is sale tttareaF ar of aaa (tore after which any pri~.-ate sale ar any atrter intended disposition tirereaf is to be made, The requir~-
<br />-!tarns txf +sasxtnabfe native sitaril ba rttet if sa>ikr ((slice ,s matted, postage prepaid, to the address of Debtor shown ai me beginning of
<br />L1fS agr'eanfant at leas; five ds,,•5 bBfttre the tithe of itt2 sale or tlispasition.
<br />rte uariver~ Sty Secued PTttt' of any default shalt operate as a waiver of sty opts default or of the same default on a fuztne ac;casron.
<br />3'he taking ctf tilts security +~•eanartt ptali mR waive ar impair any omen sacuriiy said Secured Party may haw , r ne.t3aYtar acGurro ta:
<br />kite a•.m~rrttant of tf~ ~ i:.w~,.~a~ ~ y..~l ~~ ~ aryy `t adr~itiana# sttuniry waive rx impair this sscur;ty agroament;
<br />'.x.Y said `.arm-~'3 P;?,rfy aw~#' swat to arty 5eai8rty it rrt8'y hav@ rn m8 ;rdef it may clear(( proper. and rlotwiF715tandirtg arvy collatarai s9Can
<br />illy, Sectaretl Party resit retain its r ruts of arwff against DeMar..
<br />Alt ri•.yttts of Sacued Party irereurtoa sftall irttsfe m The taerretit al its str.:cessors artd assigns; acrd ail promises and duties o? Dahiw
<br />a#ai6 blind ltis ftdt'&. axeCaaUrS ar a^iminisaators or his tar its Rtccasst?rS ar assigns, if there ba ra~irar man nrte Dehtot, then liapilities
<br />hereunder strap »m faint mud seaeral_
<br />ltxis agr4arrrarst shall ttatxarrre effer:tiva wren ii is srgrted try Datxar_
<br />
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