<br />10. That the Mortgagor wilt keep the buildings upon said premises in goad repair, and neither commit nor permit waste
<br />upan said land, nor suffer the said premises to ~ used ter aay unlawful purpose.
<br />I I. That if the premises, ar any part thereof, be candemned under the power of eminent damaln, or acquired for a public
<br />use, the damages awarded. the proceeds for the taking af. ar the cansideratian for such acquisition, to the extent eF the full
<br />amount of indebtednes upon this mortgage and the note which it is given to secure remaining unpaid, are herehe assigned by the
<br />Mortgagor to the Mortgagee. and shall be paid farthw•ith to said Mortgagee to be app{led by the latter on xcaunt of the next
<br />maturing installments of such ittdebtedness.
<br />i?. -The Mortgagor further agrees that shou3d chic mortgage and the note secured hereht not he eligible far in-
<br />sursrtceunder the National Hiwvng Act within sixty days from the date hereof (written statement of sny affictr
<br />of the t3epartmtnt of Housitzg acrd Urban i~velapt:tent ar au*,harized agent of [he Secretary of Hauling and Urban
<br />Development dated subsequent to the sixty days time trom the date of this mortgage, declining to insure said
<br />note and this mortgage, being deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibility), the 4fartgagee ar holder of the Hate
<br />may, ai its option, declaze all sums recurred hereby immediately due and payable.
<br />13. That if the Mortgagor faits to make any paymtnG of money wfien the same become due, or fails to conform to and
<br />comply with any of the conditions or agneemtnts contained in this mortgage, or the note which it secures. then the entire princi-
<br />pal sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable. at the election of the ?•fortgagee: and this mortgage may
<br />thcreupan be fareclosed immediately for the whale e( said money, interest, manthly payments, casts, ground rents, taxes and
<br />tfre cost of extetrding the abstract of title from the date of this lean to the time of cammencing such foreclasure suit, and a rea-
<br />sunabk attorney's ftt, all of which shall be included in the decree o! tforeciasure; and the contract embodied in this mortgage
<br />and the mote setvred hereby, shall in all respects be governed, construed and adjudged by the laws of Nebraska, where the
<br />same is made.
<br />:lte covenants hentin contained ,hall bind, alai the berrefits and advantages shall insure to, the respective heirs, executers,
<br />adminisastors, successors and assigns of the parties htreta. 1-'henever used, the singular number shsll include the plural, the
<br />phaal the singular, and the ttse of any gender shall be apptiwbk to all genders.
<br />The foregoing caadittoas, sll and singular, being performed accarding to their natural and legal import, ibis conveyance
<br />shall be void and said premises released at the expense of the M1dortgagar; otherwi,e to be and remain in fu]! farce and effect.
<br />P3 [1'I3'N£S.C WHEREt]F, the Mortgagarf s) ha hrreunto set hand(s) the day and year first
<br />atx+v-t vcriraxt.
<br />ba presence d.
<br />o'`" ~' {SEAL)
<br />ael A. Pearson [$EALI
<br />(SEAL)
<br />n
<br />~> Z11 ~~ ~-~ r I SEAL 1
<br />M. 3eatmette 47esseis
<br />lSEALI
<br />GRO 9~t•tJ6
<br />SS:
<br />~~~ 1
<br />Un Ales ~~ day ai 3aauary A.D. 19 ;~ ,before ate.
<br />a natattcy Pabiia m and fnr saM County, p~•sottally came
<br />~. mss; a s=:~ie parson a$d I+i. Ltranaetfie laitssi:is, a sirtgie pex'st7,n
<br />, pttsanatiY fa me known
<br />tp 5e ~c ida~l Pn'aon s wlwst atswe s are a6ittcd to the above eat! iure-
<br />~ ac , and they have actnawltdged the said imsttutaMt and the
<br />etmswaiaa tlrcrmf as 6e thr~.r vnkuntary act eat! decd, for the puryoses theteia expressed.
<br />St ocsdimoay wMCrcat, I have baemm~ set wy hand and a~xa+ by my clef at Grand Islatad , Nebraska
<br />s dr day atsl dt~ fast above avitlea. „
<br />9
<br />__.." i_ ~ , to { ~~~?~1;~ r!~2,~iP~+~ .l~
<br />r. ` f'<otary J'ubtfc
<br />STA7Etl~IVE8R11S;fA
<br />I~dlarsaaetd ffiia
<br />aR sa~sdt
<br />snsa+Aedi~Haan
<br />!tea alt
<br />d~rd A.D.19
<br />M., aad eaiaed in Numerical Index, and
<br />of Mortgages, an
<br />Refcister of Dads
<br />RHA$t~3M (10~)T)
<br />