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~~~ ~~ <br />31-02-0350 <br />1V~ORTGAGE <br />This Form is used in connec- <br />tion with mortgages insured <br />under the one- to four-family <br />provisions of the National <br />Housing Act. <br />THIS MORTGAGE; made and executed this 22nd day of January ,A.D. <br />19 8D ,by andbetwxn Joel A; Pearson.a single person and M. Jeannette Wessels. a single person <br />of the County of Hall ,and Statc of Nebreska, party of the first par[, hereinafter called <br />theMottgagor,aad Mortgage Plus incorporated , <br />a corporationorganizedandexistittgunderthelawsof the united States of America <br />party of +Le setxlrtd-part, hereinafter cslltd tht Mortgagee, <br />tL fTNESSE3'H: Thai the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty Thousand Three Hundred <br />Fifty attd ODf 1DOths-----~------_-----------__-Dollars (S 30 , 350.00 ). Paid by the Mort- <br />gagre, the. receipt of which is hereby aclatowledged, has Granted and Sokl and by these presents does Grant. Bar- <br />gtda, SeU, Convey and Coafgm unto the Mortgagee. its successors and assigns, forever, the following-described <br />teal estate, sittratai in the County of Hall ,and State <br />of Nebraska, m wN: <br />the Bast Half of Iat Tett (1D) and the West Hal£ o£ Lot Eleven (11) both in Block "B" <br />of First Addition to Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />also kaara as: 40d W. 12th: iibad River, NE 68883 <br />sf sAe SixtA . coesaitang is sll ~i~tY pxn}perty acm according to Govera- <br />art:usrttmY: <br />'1?l) HASfE AND TO HOLD ~ premises above descnbed, vrith al! the appsvtenaaees tAeretitito bekutging sad <br />~ ~6, sad fattmes sad eRnt slow or Aereafict attticitrd to w uacd in coanectian with said teal estatc <br />saes tie , sad ~ ills its sad asstgus, #orever- The Mortgagor rePtruatz tts, sad twvesaals with. the Murtga- <br />~,~ ~e )iart,6aseir Ass gt+ud rye stt ~ sad coatimy said his,-s: that t'hcy at+e ftec ft~ u~braace; mid that the <br />~ rea,tame ~ defeeQ dte same agaenst tier hwful c3a®s M all petsttms wAomsoever; and the said Mortgagor here- <br />sil tig~sof A~estetad, sad all a tights., e8tha is law ~ m e~psty. anti afi other+t interests of the <br />~+e!t~ac ht 3sii ~ ffie ~• tl~. itftcatioa testa c~aveY ~'sbY ~ lids, ~ fee s~y~, iacleti= <br />iti~al{ t~taat Aaase~aad, sad taaltw tiffs sad irmrests as afxe~, <br />~f}lf~{iF,f! Af_WA7PS, sad time }ueseaRc ors sxagtmd sad delivered apes the fo6aav~ atnditims, to wit: <br />3Ae~art~prttes~Payx+HirAiartga~r.urctndar,LSieptilsumos itti.rty iltousand Titree Hundred <br />tsaad ~ Rl+etratt ~ t~ $sa3. - ~~ 30,35D~Opcentumt i1~S ). % anwtat~ <br />tAr maid aaoipantd- The satd test sis~ be payable at tAc oila ref 1lo~gage Plt~e incorporated <br />~ Btt43atgctil, iblora~o , or at strdt ottser place as the holler of <br />Rweaoo&mwyidgpaMeetasit~.inmaa~y' of ~2tz~ee Ha;ttdred and 77J1UOths----....----__~ <br />1lntltrs ~ 300.77 1. wtnnxndtag oa t6e first day of <br />,19t30 . ~d oo tAe first day of each month thereafm until the Principa! and ia- <br />sae t'mi~ fap~d, eft tttait the final payaustf of prii sad itsttrest, if am saxwr paid, shall be due arM <br />imt~ie ua the gtst dap d , 2fl3.t3 : at! accorditts to the terms of a certain promis- <br />sscy anEe ale dace ~snr~ bysAr ~d iMotrgagor- <br />Tin lAart~€ai$adear asp ae#he ses~y of ~ idartg~e. agrees: <br />1. '>[)Nl iae aipi pap d>e , as Arrapbdore ptarvided- Priv>~e is reserved to Pay the debt in whole, or in an <br />araeiat ~i to aaa gar acr~c taap~i~- paw m the principal titat ~e nrzt its as tLe aot~t. on the first day of anY month <br />ptia ~ » l4osidad: ar-ara: T#mt wtgtra atgiae d as arleaticat t4 ex€rcise stirdt privilclpe is gluts a< least thirty (30) <br />#~atirF~- <br />2- TAaR, ~@ fip~w' +a'~. and is a sir, tag pay~ttr of paial sad intvest paYatrle under the terms of the <br />ttasa axts+sdAttteby,tiial~fat~gr tw$1 ptY sa ~e ifattpRaC oa rlte first day each ~tth tme31 the said uotc is futlY Paid. the <br />` fiftalaa: <br />raj Ataaa~t t ro pca>rL1re ~e isaloar Aereof .dth funds to pay the ttwtt mort~c lttsitan« premium if this <br />aai dst.awtaaeeaaad ,atte A>ra:ed, ~ a tnaatAly tfiarps far iYar of a marrg;ge Tnasranee Pro <br />} if'4hnyaeaitdd°by-~ ~'sflioaamgsad tTrban 2)ntidoptticnt, ps follows: <br />;~ ~' aadao.#oafi, ~ti aid nets of aseat~a sad itttzntment are insurtid or arc mitputrcd utuier the pro- <br />s3siamtttf' rho l~tl~otpi :iiwsla6g Act, an aeaotmt wtTtcicatt zo accumulate in the hands of the holder one <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />t~Yia~nOpieistpi _ <br />