<br />BY
<br />'ftIISDEEDismadeby..P~. ~-,Richardson
<br />......................................................as
<br />Personal Representative of the Estate of .Mary, -Helen, - a/k/a. Mayme- Lee
<br />Deceased, Grantor ivvhether one or more}, to ..F+11 z~~et~. ~fax~.~e ,T,,ee_, ,Marguerite .Frances. Lee_ , . , . ,
<br />and Helen Bernice Sabatte,
<br />Grantee (whether one or morel.
<br />WHEREAS. tfre test wilt of - - - - - . -Marx - Helen- Iree , . c-i/.~~d. ~ay7Re..Ir@~ ...... . . ... . ... . .Deceased.
<br />was duty admitted trs ps'obabe m the County Couri ofi .................Castel ..... - ...... - . - ..County. Nebraska;
<br />VYIiFAN15, ts`rarsmr rsw dtAy appoipoed Perrorssl Rapnsasntativr of rNd estate and is rsow tyafitled and actirq fn aald capachy;
<br />and
<br />WHEREAS, the Grantee is determined to 6e the person entittMi to distribution of the hereinafter-descrit~l real property, anal
<br />Grantor "a authorized to distribute the same to Grantee;
<br />liUW, THERffORE, Granter conveys, ass;ilpts, transfers and releases to Grantee the fotlowingdescribad real property:
<br />An undivided 1l3 interest each in: the Northeast Quarter of the
<br />Southeast Quarter (N£~S£~), and the West Half of the Southeast
<br />Quarter C'W~S£) of Section Three C3), Township Twelve (12) North,
<br />Range Twelve LI2), West of the Eth P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />~~~~ Nt'SRl~S~ ~G ~
<br />~A~~~~~ ^ .pan 2w is~o
<br />y. SY
<br />~~~ Desripticnl .~ s
<br />E vssdt aA testernnsu, lseraditarrsents and appurtmanrxs thereto belangirsg, but suh}ect to easements and restrietiotu of teoord.
<br />Eatr~d...January. 1S ,, 3,80.. - - ... ,
<br />£staffi of ..21s3z'.Y . ~i~.leA, . F313~ l a .... ,Deceased
<br />Mayme Lee,
<br />Signxssre of ~'a! f3spraaarttstiya
<br />} ~
<br />.~({~ .~~r~...... ...............)
<br />tln - - . , _a~s'e3ltldTy. ~.~ a , ~9 $~ _ ........., before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, duty consmissloned and
<br />wed tar and 9 irs said cassrsri and stain. psxsasrsatly appeared .. , ~ ... G,..Bi t=~13;:C~1 sera , ......... . .. . .. . . . .
<br />~t'aeaanwl As~seaaeettasw ot'tha E3,pnoo#, _~;~t _~~?,2I~,..?~k~i3. ?'~r'%yfae _i~~~„ . . ....... . ... . ...Deceased. to
<br />erg ~ bsta~ Idesstieti pa;taes rs~io esas~tstad tfia toreponsg tared of nistri6uasxs arrd adcaowlydgad the sart+e to be... _ ..... .
<br />. , . , , , : ... < vgi~nan ear anR# tkedl_
<br />tea a ~e ~ Public
<br />taCLErvxm-lo.3w OEEp OF DISTRIBUTION BY
<br />~..2-76 ~QVtti9i~%tvet>ra~aCaneinuias>~~anca~,tncorp~ssstce PAGE i of (PAGES
<br />