8 - 077 498
<br />P.I. C. No ..................
<br />Q(`~ N~BR~A~~
<br />~.i V ~~
<br />Release of 1Viortgage
<br />T12e Note secured by a mortgage executed by ARTHUR D._ ULLSTROM ftND. GcRTRUDE. V; , ULLSTROM,,
<br />. . . .............................. . t0 Tt~ PRUDEN17.4L INSURANCE COMPA.*IY OF A~dERICA, On
<br />the .... t 8th ......day of ....January.... , , 19 .. §Sand recorded in Book .. i 36.......... of
<br />Mortgages an page , , 285. _ _ _ _ ....HALL . . . . .. . . . . .... . . . .County, in the State of Nebraska, has
<br />been fully paid and satisfied, and such mortgage is hereby de`lared fully paid, satisfied and released.
<br />L Wifeess WI>ereaf, a ~~'we Pt~esident of said Tt~ Petmeh~At. INStTR_4NCE COtdf'ANY of Aa¢RtcA, has
<br />her~tttto signed his ttattm and hereunto off xed the corporate seal of said Company in Las Angeles,
<br />25th ...............day of ....NOVEMBER................. , 19 .74
<br />Califtxnia, this ............ .
<br />By ...... ... ........... r,~----
<br />~~n ~ ent.
<br />A C. 8rannigan ,/'~
<br />_ i/ ~ _
<br />.~ Q ,
<br />ern" f.;'>7, !~- ;! - Il ~ tiF
<br />_ ,..
<br />Su,E ~ G.aaanas,~, 1
<br />._
<br />CaN.xls aF i.~ ~~. ~
<br />On this .. _ ..~ettt ......day ai....t~i;Ei~R„ , . , 19 . i9, before me,
<br />flee ~, a Notary Public autharizcd to take ackna~°kdetnents, in sand County and State, persanal-
<br />'~•---• ................A.G..€il~t?:sjs"~~......._.............._...tomeperson-
<br />ally known ated kttavan to rree to be the person v~ho exetvted the fongaing instrument, who being by the
<br />duly swxxze diid say that .flee is a rr'eee Pt~dertt of Tttf PRtm~Ntu:. In~t:ttANCF Cat,~Axx o~ Aaar.Rtc.++, a
<br />uaeder tl~ laws of the State of New Jersey, and that the sPai affixed to the foregoing ittstty-
<br />rtfetu is ilee otxp~orate seal of saki Comp3;ty, and that sak'I instrument ~+•as signed and sealed in behalf of
<br />sau# cry by atulxttity of its 8c-arti of I~reaots, and said..... _ ...':`. `...::~ .:.:.:.......... .
<br />s . . . . .. . . . . ... . ..... . ... . .......... . acknawled~d said instrument to be the free act and deed
<br />a#'~ ~.
<br />iat Tt~sr Ws3Z, I lfav+e Into ~ my hand aad affixed my official seal at my office in the
<br />~y ttl' I.et~ ~ tles ~y sied yee~ first above wr[tts~r-.
<br />..,~ j~~~~" '.•"' ' ' . ~:. 7tiaia3~ FuMrc oJCalflornra. .
<br />c>~,,,~,, sra,~
<br />1-~A A- ~
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