REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE ~oew Fie 2C8-RR (6ev. 2-»)
<br />8V°"' ~~ ~t~. January 18, 1980
<br />David B. Booth (also known as David-$radley Booth), a single man
<br />Hortgagars,
<br />of Hall ceurty, Nebraska !n a~nsideratlon of
<br />the evsnce ct the grinclpsl s>y>i recited in the nD*_2 reralnaf tP,^ described, races, :. Cf ;vhlrh !s sc}cnowledyed, hereby
<br />i~crigag=_ and conxey to
<br />THE FEDERAL LANG BANK OF 0!!ANA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, pouglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Fa rat Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 681OO,
<br />?5artgagee ;s;;b.;e^t to e__, 3as, s::7 a1r.Prs1 r±g':ts Drones OY :2rt1PS ^*-.*,e^ *har, *1Drt.gagnrs' ~x!st ing easements o1
<br />r2cari; resen s*_, ces in ,'~..<e~ ~._„_a _._3ta,>. 'ents; e;;d the rights et the pLbl1.^- la all h!3h~eys), thefo2loNing-
<br />dPSrr2bed :root ests¢P :_ Hall ,. qty. Nebraska
<br />Lot Eleven (11), I~adowlark Estates Subdivision, in Hall
<br />County, Nebraska
<br />SEC. iWP. RG.
<br />ts~-steer x?tU ~2'_ ~ _? ~1~•. tit1P, ,n~ -: re~! - thz ^,ar:AaBOr St3 s_,a nrc;,er[y, s t
<br />+'•_ '` 1 1.1.1 t;g 812 LYU_2d1taS,
<br />.t~c"*s~emet~?s., S~xi.=z s.,- c -. Lc~s __a't~^ a~ a ?a :1.:Y ~ a ~ ~~ ~s2 e~ t. neat, tlxtses cr
<br />a.,.l.les urfla *c s:L'r.y Zast,~tis, ~.i_ -.e.__[~.~..:ra, vss'-a-, _!}.,,amz~,~.^e P..h...s..~a. ten __aCl~. ar a*Ger serv-
<br />it.~s, a9d iwe ?13r<''S^irgs L"w~t'."^., :"/-j C~9i~i-"')~1_=_t.zjv.' l;:: i:iW2d b'r :c Si7"s 'i la: ^-2c~ I::C:li~1Ylc. ~".• DCL ~1".CitEtj LD,
<br />RiS^."irS, S e2Sr iV2ndbb'7:., 3..0^^1 b-n - ~il_ 3. 5:. iT"t - _P 9r 1`i2r ?iJPr CaE eritigs a d- ~'^ b.2dS, axn ln$3
<br />aLL k'PS, -etr-5e-9..~rf, a9:.E°!P. _ - •-_ _1~2-~, .y~~.:l:.___, _he~.l: ~^.'~ ':_9~ Pv.11r+-=P_L. Sil C.' 1Q11 CP
<br />see deri>~~ be s ,~s^t ,• •*e _s-a wU:~ er -~~j-s!cei 13- __...:U`zd there _ _. a_.d 3ae;ne=_+ s xrt iDti Df
<br />tIle iTS ?::s a.he .z~ei here _ ~.,.e, ~2sr-^;bad- -
<br /> ts~= Se • ._.. .,_ _... ~.. _ ,- ..-.._ - ~.._ ..` ~v2u ->_, _ ..osea.:- -,a ~,e_ ~-r., -
<br />- -. _ .. -t~ab~r~ :artgag=2. in
<br />ttre price-lpa; sa, e* SZXTy-CFTii£ ~"90USA2~ NINE H13NDi2ED A21L1 NOi l0U - - - - - - - - - - -
<br />>-,a=,~,
<br />FRgafile ja. '-rstsl`_,aYent:. x:5 th iacerr-st. t_.w Jinx. tc t?~e tasm_ o* ss: ± n_ _-, the la« Sa>-cs2l:sen*. ha+_ag due snd Re0-
<br />at,1.a mi :he fir=. aaa r_ Febxuarv. 2O1t~ - - ,
<br />YSSa'? aDte.t .._._ ~.,:jvepan;•P sht`~. be u;! ± agars the ,->,yyment- o.* said
<br />~e i?aa't.Kr- egret - ^. ~, ? au e- .ed by *1.tirt¢9.~,ee, c~ as ;3 ~..s- _m_ nt dst - e,:~ltlnn ty t'.3P s;ims .required
<br />itI t~ s,Dwe-dzs<^rl~. I__x..axe~-y -..~t,. atn*; 2ys>? to theTaa~,....: 12taRC1n2., by' ,eKO. tg5g,re :^PCUireC tr acw:imllste,
<br />snd Tz~Y Lie i$.~:."aa:it ext-~' ,~ t .re t- a -a_s, :ns ;ranc2 c to St n2 tscrtds3eQ green: ses, slid
<br />zufie real estate t.4lc'.. 3.~ s..:;_ _.^Yre,,.s ~ _*,.e ~..'a.--~ ,,.i_,. - jsy= trz d~.,e Ca~eS thereof. In
<br />tiic 8Ragt ihdt '_3F S 9e6 ae `r• -.S;a g,,.~ . :,a :. t ~.~ , ,~ e-.2 S~iP- - e _., r f,> na
<br />L ?:: a^ 2
<br />15>$~Lgagcrs rei'~. rep,:ast,a ,,~ s_' x+ 1 ,a_ s SD tz ~ye ~a ^ e - ~,- t„s rece t d h_. e.'Dr
<br />s.:1._1_ ._.. m-.^ ,~_."'°~., :.n"..-. ..u.~ ~_..__ a..~.u ,_..c .. r s.r +~..~i_.~ ~v 7±~r-.~-_ s-„ t_.P ,.ay;r,Pnt Cr
<br />aEl~ 3L Etc'-imm_. tiet°s, ~" ~Se~?:..* .~ _
<br />w
<br />~s ~ 1s s!it3sr:t cz. L!= ,^,a•ti51_-1:^-> c' = r;,_cw ~.;t q,-m a si? a^ta amer:es[c_;! t?terci` ter su1~P'-e:rentni
<br />titrreto. gore ;~2^flt^seds :? its l,r.~ s€. t~+'ed _^erety t+? `- •.' clad "or t?1P ;^,+osPS s, -...,Sad 1n the ±mreR_a_~ers ~ apgt 1-
<br />.atittFj ter sz'1~ lbsa and a;u-.nar1°AG ~ s-1? Ar:. -
<br />3a+ c:ul aYS,h ~;* ::2i~^ r~ela} ~. -: = - e ~ are ?22 oxi~ - ~. „' _ -.,. zed . a - n r - v T'Y5t they
<br />aelil ,~3mu the >.ii?g ab'sirst s:. ~'2al:saa..s +e:~xcsc~.-e. , s::~9 L.`.at s-sld ,~-..f,2. _ r~ . : e2 fr ~ d. :>..cPS: thst
<br />t 'Kiss 7LEcD El? 1`142 1~Si'OV.ErtCi".SS, `-SI2-L: t° ,prII3 IIr n'.-eP_321*E? 3t-CL':.:~ 91`J ...~3fv^ :.9S~S~_" r~B?',r"]r rS
<br />rtLr9t F' 9>ai c~1f}'6'3 ~.1 rE:..°.~''Gi vn 3:: ^2~:~_ _. ~C1m~*5 ~_3~. .., S°_l~ ri?!GS~__. 3P,~ _.._.. 3.~ rt ee Nlt .L`.:. N0;'t'3SJ,ffr±
<br />3a rr._l~.
<br />(3i ;'#iat LBEg atlJ2 ,say a4taa dun e,i, i.asns, i;et.s, iaGR'ntenis. or as.=.asamer!ts +~:1^s ;ray Pe Isret~~??y sssessel :tgalns.
<br />- Id~a*t'CY hernia mtR't,R. - -
<br />-#>) ?hri t vk11 1$aY»~C arn~ Ru7y it[s',13'e ~ ~.Y:11:11ti~,it ::r Uther S;s„r c:>~isz t •..r :,•, r ^t;; rt, R,Yy A~areafter be Place^_
<br />EC3 d ~-laeatnitie aa17£tast.E~ of fbe '9orc8*+8~, guvhlas;iran:e gn 1 y sisals beM+mFCr a wEtt; a rsir?gaga rlsttse
<br />R9ffi tom! seen lea La pa yaEvaEtle to t~ 2br7~+ea_ SAY sum& rt~alvaE may 3e .YSed r fDr recunsLru tl csr,
<br />ad' ir13A +9A71GS'Qy9d la®¢~vaq~.*U; aT, 11 ttut s;; m'ED11ed, may, aL thbe oDtc[a of the tSartgagez [~ 3PPl: e:i in N3yn~nt ,°.
<br />t~.Y Ise4laRtte3. a~.ssa•~ ffi^'rawltF:ised, 8,8•ed ky thin a~*t:+,~t@.
<br />~~~ -'?'ML. 1•,fl t~f £Yl?PE ?:.1X?.'^-~2~r'r....s r,,, . ^C~„ 'r .i= u•~' .;~ .?is - .. _.s Y zs1- :' - ..;
<br />ice. 5~191;tY? it~l lutit ~ idte Ybrtpa~se W t~reoiitsa this ..t?t~a er aaty s St Sr ~tni t,e "10 ga~xre may 08 ~„
<br />i 'J~--".Y daSL 1~ •Cl.:da it is s~,11;Qte9 ice! ~^ots,.C 2ix-!°2~tFS or x14n, tnelu.._n$ ra,r3e6tti ,.1.'n area *uUY,r (-. -
<br />-;usscar43zt6A.: !!a2'3e nay- 17iCB' ernaa eCsd ads*atr:~a payment r;:r *v:ntrs~ t fees. aft r Yev "e es {rx~^est
<br />~~CeC 1,blta_` try Atw3, fltastt, tssy~emea~, an-a ot31e•+' emu, ..
<br />i
<br />