<br />80--Od.i~t~~3 EXPANDABLE M O R'~` G A G E
<br />ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS Loan No. _ 822237-7
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Roger D. Ruyle and Crestina T, Ruyle, husband and wife,
<br />(hereinafter called the Mortgzgors) in consideration of the sum of
<br />Forty Four thousand five hundred and fifty dollars aad No/100--------Dollars (3 **44 550 OOSr1
<br />loaned to Mortgagors, do herebyy grant, bargain, ~ 1 and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIbN of ~Jmaha.
<br />Nebraska. (hereinafter relied "Commerc?ai"), its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situated in the County of,
<br />Hall State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />---Lot Twenty Seven (27) in Villa Har Des Subdivision Hall County, Nebraska.---
<br />TO HAVE AHD TO HOLD THE SAME. with the appurtenances thereunto helorging, unto Commercial, its successors and assigns, forever.
<br />Said Mortgagors hereby tovenant with said Commercial, its successors and assigns, that Mortgagors are lawfully seized ¢f said premises, that
<br />iS?ey are #ree from c-mrtumbrances. and that they wilt f¢rcvar warrznt and defend the title t¢ said premises against the lawful claims of all persons
<br />wiramscever.
<br />Provided, aevertheless, These presents are upon the f¢ilawing conditions:
<br />That wtereas the said kbrtgagors as members ¢f Commercial have this date executed a note evidencing such roan and agreeing io repay said
<br />snm of money, wish interest, in paymarrfs as set forth in said rmta and have agreed t¢ abide by the terms of seed note and Charter and By-Laws of
<br />Comlisertial.
<br />;fiat wazreas this mortg2~ shah secure any additional advances, with interest. wt;ith may, at the ¢ption of Commercial, be made by Com-
<br />mertial to tae undersigned Mortgagors nr their successors in title for any purpose, at any time before the re?ease and cancellation of this mortgage,
<br />h+t PROVIDED, HOIYEVER. ai n¢ time shall the aggregate principal amount secured by this mortgage, being the amount due at any time on said
<br />¢riw teat note and any additional adsances made, exceed an amount equal to 110 percent of t-e amount of the origins; note, but in no event shall
<br />said Hate exteed fhe maximum amorm# permitted -v Taw. and PROVIDED. HOk'EVER, that nothing heroin contained shall be considered as limiting
<br />L're am¢rmt that shall 6e secures hereby when adYanead to prefect ttre security ar in accordance with rnvenants contained in the mortgage.
<br />r mr f~tsa'~~ $na' i pij i `av$e i u }R' - SriuS i .may m - WIY dDier l~V tC IUr
<br />additional advances mode until said debt is fully paid with mterest~then these presents shall be void otherxise~, to be and remain in full force and
<br />efthct -ut if default sh-ufd be made:
<br />a± In ~iy -f tfre paymzrrts due on said note, ana any ether n-fe for addrira:ai advances made. as therein agreed to be made for three: months. or
<br />.h? in keoping fl?e imprdvemen s en said premises ,nsured agairsi loss by reason of fire, lightning, and other trazards included in extended
<br />coverage insurance. in an amount rot less rho",. ore wrt~aid balance of said mort~ge loan, in a company or companies acceptable t¢ Com-
<br />rnertial, ~ original ¢f srrch nnlicy x pal,aes to be Reid ~ C¢;nmertial. and with a mortgage tLause attached to said policy or policies,
<br />in fav-r of Ctamrrertia?; or
<br />;t to 7-e paymzni afi taxes and assessment$ ;evied ua~n card premises, nr nn this nor#gage, be#nre they are delinquent; or
<br />d; {f ittere rs eery taange rn the ¢wnersh,D ct the real estate mmTS*agetl herein, yr sale, either duhight or by land contact, or by asst;nmenf of
<br />any inures! itrore¢n dr nt'terwrx;
<br />L,Aen, in arty -# the a3~ve set-fin'!h everts, the w±r~':e !rtdebtedness hereby secures shall, at the option of Cranmercial, immediatety Decdme due and
<br />payatdo xnftrout furtter ndiicx, and the anent :mre under card note and any otlrer Hate for additional advances made shat, #rom the date of the exercise
<br />of sa+tl npiidn, freer idtc'resf at the maximum legal *ate per annum, and Tars arortgage may men be fdreclnsed to satiety the amw;nt d¢e on said note and
<br />any oftter ndth for ~ttitimtai advances. idgethr.K with all sums paid hY t,~rrtmercial far msurance, taxes, assessments and abstract exfensrdn charges,
<br />were trterest thr.+rem Tram a>e date df Payment a2 aro maxrmum legal rate,
<br />PROIfit}ED that in no event, either before err after deiault. shall me int~ost due ,„,der said n-te and this mortgage and any ether Hate for ad~
<br />ditiwra"t adr2nces made exceed the rraxrmum lawhr! mth.~f rak.
<br />PitOViDED, fttrttw;, that rn the evert mat default oars m the rrak,ng of the #aymorts due iris said note. and dr, any omen note fw adoitianai
<br />advances, as therein agreed to ~ iredz a• m koep:ng arZ premises insured, as above prov`r-otl, ~ if default t~ made ;n ft:a payment -f The fixes
<br />or assessments levies c~ lfre txemises a-ar~ desu,rred a ~ $?is m-rtgage, iufore they are tN raw deirnquenL Commercial shaS ae a+rtiittd
<br />fd the immediate p-ssessrdn ai ne promises ahnrR i~scr;teed. togeater wihf all rents. p?dteeds and issues ar+sing ~vt di the premises, and aay
<br />,n ,~ distiy-etinn use ~'re ents sa tar as .t deems necessary #m fie p::rpdse dt making repairs up-n ore premises and tar the payment cf rnsrrranae
<br />piemrums, taxes and assessm~~3 sure premises acrd far rtcessag axprorses inarrotl rn rentrng card ~o~rses arA tait~ti-g rent therefrom, and
<br />w apply same ~ saw add a,n aay nd~s €vrd~strng h;ta~c atl:~ a ~w~r iasHi u1c rr~-tcdness s~r,rw~' is fr:3iy peed: and for such purpdsos,
<br />Ste rrrtdrrsrgrrm! hoes fteretrg soi+, assign. sat aver and Trarrsfor unto Commert,a,' al! df said rants, procoeds and i-ctvnes intruding any fond contract
<br />pt3 one m-t~Re , ; r any dCter rnwmts rf env type whatsrxver Tram sa.a praPtrty th bz applied -n the netos a-ove-desuibed; but said
<br />t;mrunersiarsha;? ra na t'ase -e f{a-ie fur dra #ai tie fi pr,xarro terranis. td s-ikti rents. m to Pmszcute acba~rx td recavtr pnssessron of said premises-
<br />Tae ft~rrtgagors tarMer appnrnti Czmmercra; of thnaaa Notaaske. ttrerr atinrrtey rn tact, giving card s;tomey tower irrevdtabty, eifhe; on its own
<br />dr Mortgagors' names b tako all necessary steps for prrrr~edings .n rmr, ¢r otherwise, to cause saris Premises to be vacated, ±, ca;iect rentals
<br />-r affiror rntYtmeb due, and when writ, to reel ate same. b mate all rnasona-1't repairs and pay taxes out ci seed rents,. pea#its, contract payments or
<br />rncdtaes add in do ail sut4i thrags tiher hY its own otiicers dr hY diner parties duly aamcrued and apD¢rnted -y rt, as its agent for said purpose, and
<br />t- urge ¢r pay a reasonable foe f-r soon services, ail ¢f are annul r tee sane ai suc- times and ui such .,ar+rer and tar such ferns as to their said
<br />atfmney easy seen hest, with foil Per -fi s.bst=.ui;on.
<br />Tho Mdrtgsgrus freraby agirr flat ~f Camcizrtiai eitiwr r^olrmlar:?y nr invor,artari=y becomes ar is r„ode a tar} to any suitor Prxeeding relating
<br />th ~keroinbef-re dest7iitrof real estate, ~ fe TMs mnr•.~ge or saiu` Hake or antes. ottrer -tan a l~!etrrsure mst:-rted try Commertiaf, Mortgagor wrU
<br />rerm-uz~ Cmmcsrcial for ati r~s-nahle t;.sLc incunod by Cnmdrercia; re said s±i*, or pruceedrng- The fAortgag¢rs further agree That .f the hereinbetme
<br />tttscriheC *eai estate or any part thereof do tandemrrad under are -oaer of emirrart d3ma{n,. ¢r rs otherwise acquired for a public use, the damages
<br />aara~i, ;he protez4s t-r fkro takrag, and for the tansrdentirai fi¢r s»ca acquisition f¢ fhe extent of tea felt amarnt of [ho renrarMng unpaid indehtod-
<br />t@55 SxCtlr%1 ify this m3tit~ge, -e, and $rey hereby are. assrgnod to C,~aramerrral and shall -e pa+d fmmwilh to Commertia? i¢ -e applied nn attnun{ of
<br />the #ast raatriringas~ihnta?ts *f s!itar inde-ss.
<br />iYat~ ftt,s ;~ day of Jamuazy f9 Bfl ~--} ~ ~--~
<br />/ /
<br />Al ?NE E~#CE ~ ~~.-~ ~ ~" % -,
<br />Rog ',D, Ruylt
<br />- ji
<br />Crsstina T. Ruyle
<br />STATE G€ NEt#~[A
<br />tiTY Oi f~ALLr ss- _. -- --_-._--
<br />ikt tlas .~~ _ tray ofi -+~~_~ _--.----- , 1~*? _ before me, a notary puhiu n and ter said County, pers¢na'•ly came
<br />A, Rvgrl,e .ttad Cs+sstina T. Ruyie, htasbandand wif®,
<br />th me well kedwa th de tiro Wentidal i++persecu rodr;,se name ?s or na^•ds are aff,xed to the a0ove mortgage as g,ar.fc: or gran?ors a::u rise . i,e
<br />^r`°..~:+;r,'w.:s'.ili1 tfUR~nt ~ N:e 2zecrili~ @retedf, t¢ U>2 their vro;untary act a o.
<br />~M4+ilale~~ii
<br />aad yeas lastabove wnifan. 1 ,
<br />#y cum-m:ss:ari ecp,;Ei mr the _._~r~__.. day ¢t ~".~.~2.~~.-.-.. -- iSuµl' `d 5.~
<br />