80--~ ~2'~F
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<br />1CNOWALLMENBYIHESEI'RESENTS:Thxt Subject to L# 23,653
<br />Roger W. Luft and .Donna R. Luft, each in his and her
<br />own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mottsagor, whether one or mare, in coasideratioa of the aim o€
<br />Fourteen Thousand and No/100----------------------------------------------- ootyARs
<br />based to .aid stswGgagor by the E4uitsble SuiMing and Lawn Asmciation of Grand isatid, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 14(1 shares of rtodt aF
<br />said ASSOCIATION, CeRifsatc No. L 23,678 , do hereby gtant, catrvey and morteage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />dmvtted real estate, 5truted m }Sall Cormty, Neb:aslca:
<br />iN HALL C0i1~'1TY, NEBRASKA
<br />Subject to prior mortgage to the mortgagee herein, in the principal amount of Fifty-
<br />Six Thousand {56,000.00) dated December 11, 1979,
<br />wiW ~ the tau, heedita,acnu and apputenm-es ti~ercunto balw>gmg• inc{uding attar3ted t7oor coteratgs, alt wiudwr seems,
<br />tradow shades, LSds. storm wintlt~s, awnings, heu~g, ag rs,nd+ti,anri pitattbinb std waisregttipasat and ac~socies Wewto,ptta~s,stoves, '.
<br />. sad Dabs iitttrtns and rgmpmeat row ar hereafter artrw;hed m or reed is «wt.~ction with aid real estate.
<br />And arhrleas rise said tsnr[gagar has agreed and does hereby ;Epee that ttx ttttxtgagor shall and wet pry ag crates and asaeameau kried tx
<br />sassed mpoe said pse~s imd ttpoo tits tnottgage and :bs btaai secured t~he~e~~y~ ~~berore ttte ame spas he~t,,e aelitx~ent; m tmnish apptwed .
<br />irs~aaaoe s?nn tie buildag ao said premises sitmtsd rr ~ihr stns at s 14 , ODfl. i)0 psyabk to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to sad
<br />ASs(fL1AlHiti the polities tar aid ists~; and not da commit a pcracit any waste oa w alrsm said prsmhees;
<br />Sa tar of dt~ s ffic pufrrnmaee of atry of the terms and coadrcitvts of this ar the bond s.+Rtred hereby, the tmrtBagee shalt,
<br />m 8emnd, ie ratBied m iaaaeditse poaenaan mf the premises and alit ttsortaasor hereby a:~t- e. traod'srs aed lets oxs to the ~.
<br />> ~ the tmu, axes and ieLtisae to be dewed from the premmses daittg such titm as the mortgage ~debtednea stall tmmaia
<br />ta4aid; sad Ye sit71 line the power m appmt any agar ar ageas it tray dese, for the purprae of tepatrigi aid pmtsi+es snd tmtiag
<br />tie arse asrd a+iarsiag the mars, rnseanes and irrmmr, amd g may pay oa of acid iooome a4 eapenaes of aid prgdex sad tsrsxtaa:y
<br />oo®aioas atrt e~maes aermed in reatea6 reel ash *s+r tame sad of reatsls thesefmm; the talaocr Sf'
<br />toward ttr cd said tttortgape : Nrae righu ~ the mortgagee tafg be easrraed u 1Q ~Y, to tx
<br />~. aro~odtise of any tempaary arm d'the aa®e_ say tuts dttmg tAe acislsom of sateh
<br />Tbaar1°4eseats, hrnsever, arc ugm tie CamTitizm, Tint d xIr acid MartgapOr shah tspty Rid Soap ao or before the matatiry d aid dtares by
<br />paymesa.• pay to said ASA71(~i of tE,e sam sper~ied m the Stood teamed herd,y as attdert tad ptl .m said lmn, on or trfaxe
<br />t~ 1ti~utietidny of cads and ~Y asnth, ttrttd said loan a tvgy lam: WY all taxes acrd assemnacts levied agates seed pteasises and w this Sdtstpg
<br />and file Bond aeoeed t3secly. before ddmgtseacy; ftsaish apprared isstuacr rrpoo the btsiid~s Werwcm is tt;e mm d S 14, ~. I?0 payable
<br />maid Ai~IL7A!l~7: ~3' to s~ ASSOt IATM~ d ~ t by £~ s~ t:xu, arts sad i vr~t tersest at
<br />tie tsgotaaaas'~ sne t farm 3rtc al'payaaem ~ of v+._ a Yi+u#pgrx tmtr3` ads m pay, prr,s~ ao waam at aid preas~;keep and o~Ey
<br />tabs ~ the tpeemms sad sand"Hitas of the SWnd acct s 1 ~!, 000. ~i>ma dap peen Dy the aid Itorygsdtsr m aid ASSOpAT7{Xi, sad mttsQly
<br />a~ sit the ragdsamt4 ai the C.aaslsteioa sad ByS.awra of said A55OCSATION; rhea these prepeats shall become nub asd vtud, otherwise tarry
<br />tdri trtaaia r< isa torte sad shay be fusedasd at fir aiaiast of ttn aid ASSOCt.AT!(TA afar firlwe for three moatha to tttake atry of raid
<br />;r'ewtFS a !ie Weee aaraeis ~ arms 9a aat~g said tarmihly paymmes, or to terp sad z'~Y atth the ageements sad tssoditiooa of aid Btrtd;
<br />ad ldmtaagor t~aes to htne a teceave appciiated fuWwieh a sari [mcajr'Ktre prooeadioXs.
<br />tf ties is say eiargms d the red ertae aaatgagd heseaa, by ask m athervras, tbm the eat[cx remiahrg itsdebaedoea hereby
<br />erased stet, a the aieiea of 2tr E~aisie).mad t,oaa Aattpstitm +oiGrand la#ad,Ae~brasta, tsootne iotety dune and pryabie wdtLout
<br />£afies tsatisr. anti tie aatoeet aa~ dae trades sad reread, and wry arts hoed for any add~mat adsasaces made therermder, tiaiJ, fiom the
<br />date of eaat9ae of tread aptina: try ism+m al the ktpd use, and t3sa mn gptg moY Wee be taredosed m satisfy the amouua dre oa aid
<br />tsond,aed niv attic head ~r addeioe~ adratrcea. a.r s,dh s~ mrm p~ by ,ad T*s I,g,: _ .. > ~d Sass Assarstioa of Grsd Sst~.
<br />'lieiearea for isyesaaa, tats asd aaamads, sad a '. with iatsrert therean, from date of payment sa the srasiamsm
<br />~-
<br />As frsoeitd is fir dktad tatwed haeb.r, while taus tstortgag+e sCma~ts m efYxt t!r rnorty~tge mty hereafter adva¢ee addktnettl sums to the j
<br />sseaimex ~ std!laad,theiz asejpis a sus is . „ ~ ~ See wit}rtm the seaeity of taus tt> the tame as the ftm~ origieaEty
<br />soared tbtaelsy, air aaisi aetmmel mf praaegtd de~M star m esaeed a! any time she uEesa2 sttsouat of this tttortgag.
<br />ut6 21 d,Yat January A, n.,tvBfl
<br />iR~a M. ~4Sr L 3
<br />~~ ~ at. t). ~: 21st my ~ January l*a80 . bdeae tta,
<br />the ~dar'4~d, a try pailiic to a,d far taut Coaaty, pesmrally ume
<br />!d. !af# aa-A R. l~irf'L, in h+s acrd her Dina right, a+-s $~euse~~~'s~.rsw
<br />1..:~ ,
<br />s aerate ~e ~ , s aF~ trf#hma m the stews imtnmrat as tmay~ar s tad they sevetauy
<br />.dksowiaq~it qts `ro`ot: ~ : eat »d dad.
<br />+ai&}~tgtd tae ~ .
<br />w -- _-_
<br />