<br />_ ~__,~ ~~_v_-T _,__ _ _____.._____. __ __ __. _ - -. _ _.. _....
<br />53 A RE..AyaL ,,E6~ST~~A pTpyaE~,~MORTGAGE-With Tax Clause (Revised 1962) Huffman and Felton 8 Wolf Walton. Ne 684b1 ~ W
<br />~r -a'C'Yt7fi'~t , ..
<br />ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Gary Graham and Margaret Graham
<br />(Mortgagor )
<br />o[ Hall County, and State of Nebraska , in consideration of the sum of
<br />Fifty Thousand and no1100 ------------------------------------------°-----------~LLARS
<br />in hand paid. do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto Commercial National Bank & Trust Co.
<br />(Mortgagee )
<br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska the following described premises
<br />$g18~ in Hall County, and State of Nebraska to-rvit: Lot Six (6) , Blo
<br />One (1), Farmington Second Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Itr the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracted to be trans-
<br />ferred from the undersaid for any reason or by any method whatsoever, the entire prin-
<br />cipal sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable at the election of
<br />the holder hereof. Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of title as abo
<br />stated in one instance shall not constitute a waiver cf the right to exercise the same
<br />the Brent of any subsequent ;ransfer.
<br />The intention beinE m eomry hereby an absolsste title in fee simple including all the rights n# homestead and dower.
<br />TO HATE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with all the appvrteaa~es themunto belonging unto the
<br />said mortgagee sad to its heirs and assign, forever, provided always, and these Presents are upon the expreae
<br />toadiLioa Z}eat d the aforesaid mortgagor their heirs, a:ecuUo:s, adminisirators or assigns shell pap ar Basso to 6e
<br />paid fa the said martgagec lts heirs. ~a++~+"~ adminisiratnra or =~~• the sam of Fifty Thousand and
<br />~/i00 -- _~__________~~~~_~______~~_~~---Hollers,
<br />ftinCsfeemss~xxxit
<br />X}~C~
<br />kith iatemaA therees payable sll aecardiag to the tenor and effect oI
<br />aontais paamia•osT aetet~ ar notes of said Gary Graham and Margaret Graham dated 11/'1074 of
<br />as stick note or notes may be from tine to time modified, renewed or extended in writing,
<br />sad shall pay alt tales sad aesee®dtta levied upon r®id real estate, and ail other lazes,
<br />tecies asd esae®enta Ieroied upon this mortSage ru the axle whidr tha mortsase is 5iven Lo enure, L~Sore the sans hecaoees
<br />dr.t, a-tt }eep the bn'Idiags oa said p~isea inaureE# fan the sum of 3 SD,OOfl,00 loss. it any, peyatrie to
<br />the said axx~apee, ih® Llaeae p~+esants b he void, othex+vise ~ be and tennis in futl force.
<br />fT L'S FIJRTTf£R AGREED {f) Tlsat if the said marFiasor shall fail to pay such tun or Procure such ;,+m.*a+r+P, the
<br />acid ur.`a 1~3 s~ ~~ ~' P~~ sorb :--..-.vx; asd ~e sass sc a'*.~~a', s~ith ia~t at 12.5 Par r,.~at
<br />s1uu~ lre paid Icy acid aauYgstsar. and this shall shad as seturiiy far the same. {2) 'f7rat a failure !b pay any d eat
<br />~. ~ or is'42~t xStea the same bee~ea due, or a failure to cotnPlY with any of the foresoiag asre~aents,
<br />case thlr srSole wm of teaeey herein aeeuta+d to heoame drte sad toileetidte at oaoa at tea option of the mortgagee,
<br />Slp+ed t~s 15ttt day ad November . 19 7
<br />Gary Graham
<br />*targaret Gr
<br />#iT'A'ISl ~,__ ____._~_-. C'omty +rt_--.__,_~.__._.----'.---.__.:
<br />iiaisne alt a rlstar7 pdrtie far said aoast9, parsmts€br tame ~'Y Grai~.am and Aargaret Graham
<br />tess+n to sis is he the i peatos ar pecans rrho tisaed the foreaaatK in~xtrment and acknowledged the tuecution
<br />t6saast >en ~ Iq, lrr ear 3hair reE:aWUrp sat sad deed
<br />Novemlaez 16, _ 19. 7~__
<br />c+eRai ~ 9~--1~.....,~`'sr.[~u.sa.~_ Natarr Public.
<br />,w 1R----- --
<br />.a..n.e...u
<br />FATS ~. - - - - ' ~ Entered as autaerital iadez a~ sled far record
<br />'' is rho Resister of Desch thTirn of said County the
<br />....._..#q aL.._._._....._~..._......•.-•.•.. 39.-.•-•.. at..._..-<._.._.__._.__r'dxk aud.------._.__...._..minutee -._-...._-_..._.M~,
<br />aed trscadad is Bmk. ___-____..._......d_.._. _..__.wk f~sao•._.__.___.-._.___._.._...-.._
<br />_..... Flex. of Deeds
<br />- _ ..............Deputy
<br />