'ibis lttortgage is entered into between ALAN R. ANDERSON axtcl Ai~Btl W. ArIDERSON, E3usband
<br />aAti ~73fe --_ (herein "Mortgagor"j and
<br />7~ t~ADID NftTlCiriAL BANEt C>F' GRAND ISLAPID, .Grand- Island, Nebraska (herein "Mortgagee"j.
<br />_ Mortgagor is iadebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of $ 50, 000.00 ,evidenced by Mortgagor's note
<br />dated:: J~~'"~' ~',- 1984- {herein "Note"j providing for payments of principal and interest, with the balance of ttre
<br />rdebta if not sooeet paid, d~-and paynbie en Jant]a2V 1 , 2009 ,
<br />'lbaeceurthepaymeatof the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of all other sums, with interest,
<br />advar~ed'dy Mortgagee to p~cotect the security of this Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of
<br />We ~ retrained ~e~a, Mortgagor does hereby. mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the following -described
<br />pru~erty tooted r Aa.12 County, Nebraska:
<br />Isar 7Welee {12) in Block 7Lu {2j , 8rentwoai Suix3ivisior. in the City of
<br />Grain Island. 1?a71 O~IUrtY, Nebxas)ca
<br />3b~ther wiffi sag b iwpaosem~it, fatures. streets. alleys, passageways,, easements, ruts, Privilege and
<br />ipoHed or ~'snywise pertainitr:s thereto, and the rears, issuae and pro5ts, revers;orrs and rerpaiadeta
<br />t irrt~d6r~, tar pot timi6ed to, he+atbag and oootiat equiament and sorb persomil property that is attached to the
<br />sA i t0 oae a tLetpre; stt of which. ladurling repirtam~ts and add;tioas thereto. is hereby dedared
<br />iq ba * Mint ~ ~ test axatad b5' are ireg of ih's and all of the foregoing beiryt referred to teereia as the
<br />''-
<br />3YAargr~s~luetier aaa~ sad ~. fitb llort~ee, as follows:
<br />L To i~ tie sad the iateeest thersm ss g^a~ided in this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />t 71tia. lWartpssr 3a tie owasr et thr Troperty. bas the risit sad aotkority m mortpse sic Property, sad
<br />wseeapr gait tis tisq catsgeQ ~y is a fiSR sad prier };en ap the Property, except as may others be set f~Rb herein.
<br />_ i7 lie n aaiseot to a 7iartdstle shmeia
<br />Y Zia ~ aeoea#ad Y tt4si . FM[e of the Baeaeds of t'Appty,
<br />n1itM k a Brut ~ t$ tie ~+ rreeted trer~y.
<br />Ll fMtsra~sr t~s or~_
<br />X ~ tR1RlIC CJtAE>T7T EE ASS.
<br />~. 31.eR Awrr~arrMS, Ta per wtrea drx rA rases, i atseastpents sad aU otbee epacgme sginst the Ropsrty
<br />aed, .a~aw .etas iawapd iy tMt~atPr*. m a8d w the pap ~c r:~tirad usider the Note secured hereby, arch amatmt ac
<br />a.4 6a sallio.~t tp wstiie tie to t~ ~ tams, aarssnrepu ~ ether stages u ttxy become sue.
<br />. +<. 1Y+ tMaer a-e stpansef.sMS io. or tsrraail3er toeaaed on the x:»t estaae dracribed herein insured
<br />31-8Q sari adr sties iassnlr as mp etgrrs, ie sad with rnzopsoies arxeptable w the
<br />~ ~ igw r~ to tie Aiae~tp~r tat ~ ~i teas pater sod,, poliaas Uu ~ is aatho:mea to
<br />' srriatlt tom/ saisltwraeMe~, it #a AMrcsatias. all clamor tierer®dts at itf ade aptian, authorized to ether apgtq the
<br />tip r; mre aek~ppp at' ttis or ~ are iadeitedaess serasxd hereby, twr payments bereander start rnn-
<br />1Msa "a0lt~e areraaana~dttsaigame piNi;A~.
<br />_ _ #, ~ l.4itessll YselLarr rsa 3~aa~oe mY~iaL contarred in pazr~dphs 3 tad 4 haraoi w #fie
<br />~ sa ; ~ at ttrt t;~e of t~rtt ~ aasrrcthty izats of petngpai sad interest,
<br />~ tiFe 3arF~tf ~ tgaArtd Mmes prsrpipma, sad wand rests {t[ say} which rray attain a
<br />t ~ atN as.,eeeea~lakA±e sutlra~tad team tis~e W time by re. Marfipgaa. 'the amopnrs so paid shah be
<br />`t+l`~1M ~w w~lirnw; 7pai[wt is lira t at ate iieus ~ reapset to which stnounra were
<br />- . ~'~M Ir~lila ~i ti! ~ 1iP~ipelrn ~a piiid~zd its ~ aeearlt9 hK the iadebtedaess sccared by tLis
<br />i~~i~/ii~csYa# lt4"t+~!' Lira~iriot etaoy dsfkime! bstwess the a~td rases, aaaesaeents, raazaaea
<br />l~uilll4eialif ~arwM rots art lir deft"iwrtawrt wahie XQ days suer daaarrtd # sleds npaa 3ktttpgor raeptcesgn{
<br />~prteait Ilp ts~t
<br />~. ~~M*+ seer. '~"l~PaT ~ atarpee pe ssbr~d-npy Iwkdingea ~;mpe+o+emrarta oow or
<br />~- ~ f'i ~ ltnP iMe Pae~prfey to lnaad ao~l4ap and saprk, witisaxt wtaNe, and Tres trom mechanic`s or
<br />+i~A~.rae4+g~e~ to tir ~nEi~-oaias::r ar grarseit +wy naua to exbt, nar w dimtn~
<br />ti }R »I~Ik # iaililllM.~ fb* 1sf +My ss~ pt onieNho tp mtt trr r ~ sti tequtrements at Isw with
<br />ta~„*„~,~~y
<br />