<br />$0-- OCr~~fi,2 MORTGAGE
<br />THIS MGRTGAGE is made this.......17th.. .. .. da of ...... , Sanuarg ............. .
<br />..... ..
<br />19~ . ,between thaMortgagor, Owen, Flampler, sad. Patricia. D... _ ampler, .husband, and .wife, each in
<br />li$. ~~~~~ t ht and, as ,spouselherein "l3orrower"), and the Mortgagce, Home Federal
<br />Sac-ings ao~nssociat~, a corporation organized and eaisting wader the laws of The United States of
<br />Amerit~, whose address is 221 Sonth Locust Street, Grand Island, Nebraska !herein "Lender"}.
<br />Was, Harrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of ..THIRTY .QNB. T1iQtISAATA. T5it1 .B[lNDRAD
<br />.Jt,~1. G1Q/.300t*=-~~--------r=-----rrrr-r---BoUars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Iiortawer's note
<br />damd, _ . , Jaau$ry, 17,,, 1980 _ _ , , _ (~re~ "Note'"), providing for monthly installments of principal and interest,
<br />with the balance o~ the indebtedness, if sot sooner paid, due and payable on... , .February ,1, . 2f304 ...... .
<br />To SECURE to Lender (a) the repaymen*. of the indebted~tess evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />plymeot a~f all other snnm, with interest thereon, advanced in accordatrcz herewith to protect the security of this
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agrcements of Borrower herein contained, and (b3 the repayment
<br />of say future advances, w:W interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein
<br />°FnNte Advarxrs"), Hormwer does hereby mortgage: grant and rnnvey to bender the following described property
<br />kxated in the t:,cmnty of............ Bali ...................... . ... State of Nebraska:
<br />Lot Three {3), in Block Sigltt ($), in Went Park liddition to the City of
<br />Graced Islavtd, Hall Gouatg, Nebraska,
<br />> ltaa tide ad~as s#, , ..... _ .. _ _ l13fl 1•Ittrrttt i#rater Graced Is laxtd _ . , ,
<br />tssaeg ta+art
<br />..ItaEi 681 ......fbrat~a'~zy~).
<br />~y a,r ~QgFd
<br />t wisy aH dta aoct+ +or ~r erectod on ttpc propr:ry, and all easements, rights,
<br />Wit, , od sad l~ sad profits, water. water righg, and crater stock, sad all
<br />(aoo~ at b' 'o ate ptvptsRg, al4 ssf +-bicdt, fadtrdli~ rayaermeau and additions thereto, shall be
<br />-tabu apd a'pnst of ~e ~+~pOxtlr ctn~evvd ~y Mbaxtgsgc and all of the fotegaiug, together with said
<br />(aIr t'Tto ~ if-tom ~ ~ oo a lapte~uid) are hcmirt tamed to as the "Prupcrty".
<br />~ggstta~,pgi titer H is ~ aei.atl d rite eattde hereby etmveyed and bas the tight to mortgage,
<br />a>~ aaaieg ~, tftrt the Ptq~rtys , aced that Burrower will warrant and detend
<br />t tBfa ~ ~e perfiq~w. a~ aad.dt, str~ to say ~iarations, eas~teatw or restrictions
<br />ls~ a adta~ied ~ ~ sap tie iasuranx poiiey ituttriag Lender's interest in the Property.
<br />~ifaMa~-SJ7S-AM~11i1116 giTiRMli R
<br />