<br />$o- ~~~~
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN Na. 1. 23 , 677
<br />tatow AI3. MEN By THESE exlrsENTS: Thac Stephen J _ Newl on and Kathleen Newl on , each i n his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, wlrether one or more, in consideration of the sum of
<br />Thirty-one Thousand and No/100-------------------------------------------_ _____ ~~~
<br />kneed to aid mortgagor by Tire Equitable: ftut7ding atx€ L:nrt Asxxiatx o of Grsnd Island, Nebraska, Mortgages, open 310 shares of stock of
<br />aid ASSOCIATION, Certifecaie No. L 23,677 , do hereby gran[, convey and tteortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the fonowing
<br />desaibecl real estate, situated in Hall County, Tichraska:
<br />m6e~+ with ad the eanezaeuts, hereditamentt sod aggartertances thereunto belortgine, utcltdittg atta.~ed floor wterirtgs, au wiadnw stacetu,
<br />wiatbw ~, blade, d ltm windows, avnittgs, heating, air aurditioaiaa,and giumbirtg ud water cggiptneat and accessories theR[o,pttmpa, stoMes,
<br />xfrigtmams, asdl ocher fixtures and Est tww or heruiza attso'red to nr used in rnnnection with said real estate.
<br />And wfsmeas the said savor ba sat dos hereby agree that the- tmrigagar suit sell wifi pap all rues and assessmeata kried ~
<br />aaeaed opus aid premiss sell epee this eoorEgaEe and thr hood secured thereby before the same shag become delinquent; to traniah appaosecl
<br />isacr. epos tie btu atr said premises sit,med in the sum of p 31 , L'00.00 payable to raid ASSOCIATION and to deliver to sdd
<br />ASSr~A7f(UI tie poiide: for said insmaoce; a~ mu b armmit ctr permit say wade an or abort said premises;
<br />ie rate oC defadt ®ihe periorruaae of asy of the tams sell auditions of this mortgage or the bond waned hereby, the tie shaII,
<br />as deafod, he taaitled to ix®ediate posxaim of the ruort~d paemscs and il±e mortgagor trereby amgns, Lnns'ets and sots ove to the
<br />~ tie ;mss tet®aea and iermrae tar be derised B,sm the m~rttsged paemiaes during such time as the merge iadebtedaem stmt re~a®
<br />artpo~ std the asea~ee Situ ate the pcw,n to:ppiitet any agem or agarrs it may dean for the pwpue of repnirirr6 said premuns sad rmt~,~
<br />tEti stale std oaYetaitt(<she ~. tewsues and ioepae, and it cosy Pay curt of mid iarome aIl ezpenss of rcpastog Said past®aes and atoemty
<br />aoeitainas attd metered d rnaiigg and anttat~ng the artre and of m8easg rental ihaefrom; the balance reaautiag, ff fay, to 6e
<br />at~~p~iiepdd acwrar2 tie 3achatge of sod mortgage iedebtedsesa: three rights of rte mortgagee may be ezerciaed at any rime dum>6 the taist®x of lath
<br />dda~, ineapacsitae of any +?' wanes ai the samr.
<br />Ties Paasceu, brxe:er, are arp<m tie Canditiaa.,That rf the mid Alortgagor shall rtpay raid loan on m before the maturity of Said sham by
<br />paysemf; pay monthly to mid ASSOClATtt~ ~' the sum specified is the Buud secsral hereby as intend sad ptindgal ~r ssid laser, ear a btd'raie
<br />tke TYroeticshAaY ai each sad esery moath,uat3 silt ltnu ~ fully Paid; part' all razes sad svuemaeats ktiied ageless still premises sad m tits
<br />and tfr Road secured theeeby, beou defetgrenty; famish agta~ innarmoe t~ thr there is tie sus u# S 3 : ,000.00 payable
<br />to ~ ASSOC3AtSQN; repay ro std ASSOCi#730!a upo' drntand a9 eucmy by it Paid far ctrdt tastx, asmm~ass sell iasz~arrx with iatetcst at
<br />1kr sa:i~ Iegai rm thereor+ from dstr of pmt sit ar! whzh kfcatgsgra hereby agrees to pray; permit m wadt oa aid Pte; ~P ten
<br />-sear aB else ttgteraprats and aeadiiioas of the $aud fay S 3I ,0013.031a~ dsy grin byy t#a ~i Martg~3r to seat ASSOCIATION, aai
<br />a9Rh ~ tie se~mtaui of ffie Cnadit:nioa sell Byaaws of said ASSOLYA75ON; then there preseau shag beaule auII amt sold, a~etwae thry
<br />ahd a ~ fmar. sell ma}' be teaedwA at the a}stitm ~ the sd ASSQCiATEON after failure far three axtaths to mike auy ~ mid
<br />pay~e~s a be three mnotla ~ arrears ffi makieg and enonthh paytaeots, or m keep and comply with the agrerrrents and conditions of sod Bond;
<br />~d iYw~gtn epees io hoe a resorts appainted forthwith ut srr:h foreckisme laoaee:d¢rgs_
<br />K tinxs say its of the rte edate taortgaaai iereia, by sdc or othertest, thra the cerise remtiaing ~ hueby
<br />scared shat, rat sir uptim ad" i'he f~itabte ~ sad Loan Asvoc~tirm of Grard Island, Nebraska., bxnme immadately due and payable without
<br />fatttim lafioe., sell tie aartmtt , due render sad toad, sad any other bond for any adduicunl advarres made tbemmdes, shalt. frwa tie
<br />dtfe d ~«++! ad srd aptioa,bev iatratd H tM m~trm kgt! sate, and t6ia martgsge xafy tMm he foreckned m atisf'y the atoamt due as sod
<br />hered,aasd sap u$tn hood ~ additiood adsloxs,xgetMr with aIt afar Iraed by aid The Equitable Bto7tliag sad loan Aaociatim of Gtaad Istrmd,
<br />*edrtar3a #x ia~asrx, xascs sad aste:acateau, sell abstraumg ezieveoon drapes, wirb iatrrcd thes+xrn, frc~ date of Peytaerrt at the tm7om~a
<br />~ tie,
<br />As paaeidad m rise fdaad aeeurod hcvrby, t~aiie rhis taorsgttgr remaers ~ efled t!s arortgtgee scot' 6eresfter adsaone additiocnl arms to the
<br />at~rt of said Imo, licit assts saettsams i$ a?tt7ea, ash arm sell be w~ the axutity of ti's mort~e the same as the fnads otiAaf9y
<br />atcped thaaiy, the total asoact eel' ptieadpal deW ace to rzes+ed zt sly time Lire origimd uooult of this mnatgtge.
<br />j6'~l day n# dnudry AR.,19 $0
<br />~L'
<br />~~~ ~~dfn
<br />~~~ ~ ts. Oatiffi I8th day of January t9 BO .beforeta,
<br />_ the amdmageed., a Notary Public m sad for aid County, geraonally rime
<br />Si;ZII J_ tl~ftrt Catlh~een McMltxt, each in his and her own right and as s ou a off n~
<br />~ r are
<br />i'e tl lee ti~a i4er_ i_ 4~i~». ~ 5 arse tffiaod to the abase iastrumeat >6 monggor s and they swr+ilY
<br />adramalaijed the ~" ''' Y zo 3Ik~;',~ i T .ektatkary au sell dead.
<br />7s~ttaMtaal Sad Hre date afateaod. ,/
<br />~~~ Of 1Y Z,'u<fi•,
<br />