<br />MORTf>AGELOANNQ. ~ Z3,676
<br />tWOwALLMENBYTHESEeRESENTS:That William J, Tfiiemann, a single person
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or morn, in caasadetation of the sum of
<br />Fifty-two Thousand and No/100---------------------- -----------------------------~ttARs
<br />laamd to said m~~tgagor by Tltr FquitaMe Snddiag au,t Loan Association of Grand tslattd, Nebraita, Mortgagee, upon 5~D shoes of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No, L 77 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foitowing
<br />descrrbed rea3 estate, sittuted in Hall Coun~y3 ~ebr6zst^.a:
<br />bopetAer tvuh ~ the ttsxemnts, heteditartunts amt apptxtettantxs tfuru¢to rae)crttgiag, i»cludicg attached float coverings. all window sccaens,
<br />>aiodow~ shades, h§ads, sxatat wirdctsrs, aw>sgs, heating, sit maditioning, and plumbing and wales egtdpment and aurssoties tlretrto, pumps, stoves,
<br />tefrigaatws, utd othea to¢nres and etluipmeat ttow or hereaftu atL~dred to or used in cronne,--lion with aid real estate.
<br />1-ed ttdtesrx the snd sew lus agrexd sill does btreby agtrx that the rnartygx stsaH and will pay al! razes and asss~teet: leviert at
<br />asaeseld upon slid preatises and tatty this rtrtutgage and the hood seared t'xreby beirxe ttu arm shaft bernma delinquent; to fiutsish approved
<br />imsrwnoe tspua the bum as said pttmises situated rn the sum of S rJ~ ,OLIO, DD payable m said ASSOCIATION sad to deliver io said
<br />#SSY3CiA.77ON ilu polities far sad imtaanoe; and cox to cotnatit or ptrnit atv vraaye .ur cx about said premivES;
<br />to rase ~ defaah in the pufamtacce of any of the terms and crotsdrtt4-sts of this monpge m ifu bead secured hereby, the mortgagee shalt,
<br />m dta~cf, he entitled na ittsmtdatte po~ssiats of the trn>rtg>ged prcmiscs and the moatgagtx tterrhy as~tis. ttamfeTS and sets over to the
<br />~ the teats, revwttes and istc~e to be de8vai from the vartysaed promises dwug such time u :Ise sttortgage indebtedness shall retrain
<br />avtp:d; and the tnorsygee sheg have the power to al,paint say sgevi a ageutx it may desire kit the purpose o3 repaitirtd said presnsca and tetttittg
<br />tLe tint and txvHevziog sii~ mss, ta~rnues sad io.;eate; sad x may pay out of said iaatme ail ezperues of repairing said ptetaises aed
<br />owamiesiees sad r.vpraaes iacvrred as reatistg acrd mataging the satin oral H oofiectutg rcatals therefrom; the balances temaiaing, if any, to he
<br />appied toaard the discharge of sad ffiatgaEr hx}ehtetiness: these righti of the mnrtgagee umy be azaraxd at say tisae dtrrittg the ezisuatx of ssseh
<br />defatda, irrtespeetive d' auy tetttporaty waiva,~'the yme_
<br />The: Fresaru, however. are upon the Camdition. That ii the sans YAor:g~tx shat reps; rant ban an :u hefo~rc the rmturity of said shales by
<br />peys®i; pay raostthty to sift ASSLyCLATIQN of tix sum specsfxd rn the 8t:wd art3iae+ hereby as interest sad priarlpa) sn said lam, as os before
<br />~e Tvvaastiet.h day .~ saeh std every' month, ctrl! sari kan iF fully p»d; pay alt taxes and assesstasctsu ieviat agaiau rrb premier ~ad+na thrt Monpge
<br />aed the Botvd setaued therziry, bA_rnr detbgmecs; furnish approved ms+trattce up ~ the btsrMiags tlKSam its the ram ~ S ~~ a ~. ~} payable
<br />to aid ASSt3CiATlQA: rrpa_v to said AS'SOCIAIIf}ti upon 3raan:3 di mcmey by n pnid far ,fit taxes, at~ats sad iasaranoe vpittt interest at
<br />riot' r> Legal rate thereon frsm date of payraenF ah of which Mostgayaar ixteby alters io pay; per>git m waste oa said pverniaes; icFCp ctrl txtmply
<br />rs''a ~ ~ s~vearst; sad ~ .,; the t~ for S rj;=,tn~"'jA . VlJ~lrii day gitvta bn~ the said 11fat[pgor is end ASSOCIATION, sad mmtply
<br />v~ ai ~Z its ~ the Cmmrtteirtn and $y'-Laws t i aid A.SSDCI.ATION; thin time presents stag become nuII sad +vwl, athenrise they
<br />~ ++4e® ar fry fixes aced racy br E~ at th;: e>p>nis of the yid A.gSt)CI 1,r3Ci?v otter farturr far thazc rtvmths to tnilte arty of said
<br />l or be tluae tsit~ttss in aarrars m ttsdting said tr,oothty paynxnts, or m ;teeg sad tartnpiy with tle agaaettrnes and canditioats of said Goad;
<br />set agrt>er io 9ste a rerceiver ttpptaintei fonhwitb in stv~ hncrkmnx gruoeoditse,s.
<br />u taxes is aey charges` ~ oame~tship of rite n:a1 estate mivregagd hetia, by sale or etthetw~ae, rhea cite eatite it+debtsdneat ~Y
<br />secaetd ~. a the opcioa of The Equaabk $ and Loot Asso<-attan of t,raad Islam, Nebtaata,beanme imanavliate3y due sad payable without
<br />frttlwar aatice, atsd dte a>gotpat seveeentag lest valet aid Isaed, rind say wlver hoed fm any ariditiurnl advamcs made theretmder, shall, from the
<br />daee of z of laid .tfaiar, 6rar istx~ert at t~ raazmtmm isgt3 rate, sad tha raartgagc may tuna be ftmi~sed to satisfy the stooeutt due cot aid
<br />koed,aed avay atbm hoed fix addiiioaal advattrss, tageti+er wiih aD ~ paad br and The L'.yubabk 1 sad Lean Aasoeiatitm o! Graced lahmd,
<br />Iihsadta ~ -'-~ >~~:'t~lt rsteusiare ~atg+rs, vnh u~+terzas ttrrrcan. from date of paymr<mt a[ rise rnazire,tut
<br />~~.
<br />As m t'bc Road senued herby, shier 1}as raartggtt reaaias b etTect t!u mortgagx say 9ereaiter advwcx tnlditiarnd sts~ to the
<br />m$ers yid flood, theh arts cx straie~tra m sttetsss, which stem sSa$ bt wx.lua tke ~wriiy of th» cock*tgage tau ame as the faints argittaity
<br />~ theaeby. the trIIal amomss of pta,citat cox to extned u ~- tiax ilrc ortgtaa; arrauat of this a origtge.
<br />lleand tJm ]$~ day of ,IdtltLtly .4. D.. 14 $-
<br />'til + -_
<br />111'1111111 -_,
<br />- "~~~~ sa. Lln the 1$ih tfay of January 39 BD ,before tin,
<br />she wrkrai~at, a Notary eublz b and far said Cotarry, paraoaalty came
<br />1i{114ana d• TAia~taal, d singte p~T3Dt1 w~, 15 parrrtatlytcnownto
<br />- itiaise$widvtia+ndpenao +~ ~_ ~ - abrrveiastrumentrntaortygrer and fie Xa,
<br />artooNfadltad tha aid imtrrgaaet to 6a 11i S .~
<br />>'y lrta ~.
<br />MyC.xt~aapher~}- f~'°j~ ~`3 c*~'!:~:~~~ ,~ 't ;-~~°'``~t _.
<br />LL ,~ ._ _-___._t..._ ~- --
<br />__ :1 ,t~ Natiry Puliltc -.
<br />