<br />m
<br />~~- fl~tG
<br />Lender's writtzn agreement or applicable law. Borrower shad pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />n.anntr provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Ixnder pursuant [n this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become addirional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured lay this Mortgage. Unless Hormxrr and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall liar interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the race payable from tine to time nn outstandin¢ principal under the Note unless ea}mreni of -
<br />inttrest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shag bear interest at the highest rate
<br />petm~sible under applicable law. Nathing captained in this paragraph ?shall requite Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any act;oa hereutt~r.
<br />8. Ias@ectioa. Lender may make or cause to be made reaserahfe entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />than Lender shall Bice Bnrrtiwzr ntuice prior to env such insprri;nn spzc;fying reasnnabie cause therefor related to Lender's -
<br />intetrst in the Property,
<br />9. Ceademaation. The proceeds of any award nr claim for damages, direct or constquentiaL in rnnnec[ion with any
<br />condemnation or ocher faking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the es•ent of s fatal taking of the Pmpem•. the proreeds shall lie applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with t:ae excess- if anti paid to Harrower. In the ,vent of a eartiat taking of tfie Pmpem•, tiniest Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to thr sums sect+red by this ]sortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as s equal to that proportion wh;ch the amount of the sum: secured h}• this \fertgage immediately prier to the date of -
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Pmpem immediarzlp prior to the datz of taking, with the balance of the ptnceeds
<br />paid to Borrower,
<br />If die 1?rotxr2y is abandoned by Horroucc or if. after notice by Lender to Bormxrr that the condemnor offer to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Bnrraw,er fa;ls to respond to Lender within }p da75 afar the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender is au[horiacd to rntlect and apply the proceeds, ai Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the -
<br />Pis:pem ar m the sums secured !tv this Mnttgage.
<br />Unless I-ender and Borttawer c~Frety-ist agrez ;n writing- env such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />nr pastpexx tfu due date of the monthly itsstaltments rrfrrmd ;n ;n psragraphc 1 sod ? hereof er change the amount of
<br />sxh installments..
<br />2!. Bonotssr !Vef At>teased. Extension of the time for pavmrnt or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />~~m`aixgage glanced by Letaier fo app stk.-erssor in inerrtst of &~irnurr shall not operate In release, in any mantrer,
<br />the halalntc of [he artganat Borman and Borroxrr's succ>ssnrs in interest Lender shall not tie inquired m commence
<br />pacxetdengs agar such successor ar refuse to t~tend time for paymem or nihetx•ise modify amnrtizatinn of the swat
<br />sectusd by ibis Mattgage by reason of am• demand made lay the otig;nal Borrower and Bnnowers successors in interest. -
<br />Ii- llrwieuatsce iw Leader ?got a wirer. Any farttiarance by Lender in exercising env ri¢ht or remedy hereundzr, or
<br />othasvisr affotrled by applicable law- shaP. xmt air a waiver of nr pmlude the exercise of env such right ar remedy.
<br />T'fte procurement of inturaticr ar ilx pa_vmeni of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall net lx a waiver of Lender's
<br />tight to atxtatrait the maturity of the indebtedness srctred by ih;s Mortgsge. -
<br />>Z Cao~rve. All remedies provided in ibis Mortgage are distinct girl cumulative to any ocher right or
<br />nefnsdy under this Mortgage or ztforded br law nr tga;tc. and mac he exerc;sed concurrenfly. independtnth' or successively.
<br />1a. Stttt~ers sad Alas 3ee•d; 3obu sad Sesrtral I,iala'Sty; Captions, The covenants and agreements heroin
<br />aLm3airied slssll bind, and the rights hertertider shall ;pure to, tfie iespzct;.r sv••czscors and assigtu cf Lender and Hormurr,
<br />stfbjax fo ilu provisions of paragraph 17 lutrof_ A31 covenants and agreements of Harrower shall be joint std strerat.
<br />'I~ie captious and headings of the paragraphs of this Ma;xgagz am for ranvtnience once and am not to tie used to
<br />iat+e~}utt or de~e zhe prrnos hereof.
<br />ii. 111,aaice. Faxpt far any notiae nxyuired tinder applicable law to l+e givzn in atioiher matinee. tal any twtics to
<br />Botrowu ptnvidtd for in this Mortgage slsall lie g;sen by mailing such entice by cettifted mail addressed to liorrourr at
<br />die Pxrtprrty Addt~ ar at si,cli other address as Bom~+xrr tray drsignatt by native io i_tnder as proiided }terein, and
<br />A:S aaS notice to Leridtr shall Se giasii lie xrti6nt mail. mute receipt rtquesttd, to Ixnder's address stated hersin ar to
<br />latch oLhea address as ?-ender may desayaatc by puttee to Barrourr as prniided hrrtan. Any notix gmv;ded for in this
<br />Mostyage stall lie deemed to have been giv,cn io Harrower ar I.ttidtr xhec gives in the trtanrrer designated hrttiti. -
<br />1& lhdtvs Lmr. Ssverahi'g~. Ibis form of mortgage combirtrs uniform covena:^ic for national
<br />use sod nrm-uti~t~nt co~xnann nidi limited varoaticros by ±uriscfeuion to catutitutr a unifami security instrument onvering
<br />real ptop+t~v. 71iss Mortgage shall lie gairmed by iht lau• of ttiz jurisdicrinn in which tbt Property is located. In the
<br />eseai that say praa;sian ~ 3auss of this Mortgage ar the Ntwr rnnliicu with applicable law-, such ronttict shall not affect
<br />other prciris~ies of iltis Mrrtgage ar ihr Note x~}ti.-h can bt givest eiTcct xithnui the canfl;ctine nroi°ition, and to this
<br />ssd rite fsnvmans of the Marigtigr and the Note are dex,Iared to lie scveral~e,
<br />X iaas~trvt Ce*y. Boriaurr sltali !x furnished a conFormcd copy of the Nate and of dais Aiongage at the time
<br />of e+rere,*axe m afrer rernrdatiwi lictro£
<br />73- Ttr>mwt~er of !bt l4+tilttai3;1\stimp[iad tf alt nr any part of tlx I'ropcrty or sn interest therein is sold or transferred
<br />by 8etrvwtt- wAhnut Linden's prior written canscnt, rxltkting {al flee creation of s lien ar encumbrartct subnid;nate to
<br />ihiT Mrs fbl the sxeation of a pu.irhase mettle security interest `or fiousehald appliances, (cl a iransicr by devise,
<br />tftspmt or'hy nicraiton of )ax' upon tlu death of a ~;nt trrinnt ar td+ the grant of any leasehold inrertxi of throe years or less
<br />tfot as ixptian to ptimhatx, Lender may, at Lttider's i~i;M. d~lare ail the stems secured by this Mortgagz to br
<br />ttaraedia~IY wluc and payable- I.erider shalt beer waived such option to aL•rtlerate ;f, prier tr. the :ale or transfer. Lender
<br />atsd Zlfe psrsati Ln whcxa the Pm+ptny is to be said ar xrarstzrtrd teach agreement in writing chat t?te credit of such person
<br />is taCl4fil9iN5' to LttRtCr end Thai the inicrrst payahk ran thz stmx srcurtd b}- ibis \Cortgagr shall be at such rate as Lander
<br />staall >- ff I-tnd~v Itas waived the opt~i to acoeieraic prnz;ded in this paragraph 17. and if Bnrrawer's succtsscu in
<br />iaLQrst ass ttaKxi[aed a svtitisa assumption agretuxnt accelgal in writing by 1,ender, Lxndrr shall release Harrower foam all
<br />uadet this Mortgage and die 28ote.
<br />1f Ltwrkr ea>rrta~ such optima la acctivare, Lcndtr slaail mail Harrawtr puttee of aeceltratian in aa:ardance w;th
<br />parLt~xpa 3d liettaL Such tiatuie slssll provkle a period of rx~t less rhea 3tt daps from the dale the tiaiice is mailed within
<br />t ~~' ~Y r~3' ~ r+ttns daclar~l dirt. If Hnmaarr fails to pay such sums pr;er to the expiration of such period,
<br />Leader may. isadxnH ftuther mziae ar demand on Hcurowtr, ;nvalt any remedies permittzd by paragraph 1 fi hereof.
<br />Theta-i3t~urgttt CoveNS,ttrs. Barrmver aixl Lerdcr farther trovtnent and agree ~ iellews:
<br />~ 8rttpi as prartier hs paag.apm iT aereor, open Borrower's breach of say covtaaat or
<br />~ rn>'arr;rets !te pay ssaea doe say sues szramd !ry tta~ .3f
<br />Lstsier t~ eta ataodfa6ra ti41R alai watliee to Bssaowsr m o~~,
<br />pls trdKaa ti~apdmd tla tame twat hesareie tat a tifits. aiaa leas ~ ~ pm'~l+aPb 19 lisrtai speclfyifig: t I) the fbrsacA;
<br />days from the dues tae entire Ili taailed to Borrower,
<br />ig' tfhiei.fladt lY~raeli arsafi lYa ttfesd; stud tic tlur faBare to twee ssfca Isreach oa or beftirc tae date speri6ed Ia the iiatirs
<br />~rlr>~I.a~eixaBa.•sitlrc•a..ts+acasadlrry Litt foreclo>mr~s by i~hd proceealge sad tale ar Lae Ptoprrty.
<br />1~ astks Basrataq af. cis rust fo :eiasttas >ffter aci~[aliwi and far rigat to assert la tae roralosbre
<br />! +# a tp~taAt sr ~ sties br 9enotw m aeesleatioa and fareabsbrc. if the brsacb
<br />- ~9~-E~Ite~attlat~tia3pp~ted-~-cis abort, t~sdet a1 Leader's option m>ty dtrlarc aL of tae sass secured 6y
<br />Ntif hs hip atgei4tkl,I' dtst tMtd.psgtsllia tRlgistft fartitwv demand sad may fatrcclese by judiria! proetedt~. Lender
<br />fitii ie ssAlYai is ceiedt its fast p~treee~teg ftB es of Eoreciwtue, fit= ant sot 16aitsd to, costs of tiotamenury
<br />a+tiistat. aiatms6 ated ititle tom:
<br />- lE!-. ~ _t4 BaiiteMtatd Nat+vAastanding Leti~r's a^.telzratiau of the slims secured by this Mortgage,
<br />Ha[io+aer shall beers the t~L.ta Bast any ptouxtliags 1%SBiiii ley Lender to enforce this Mortgage disrantinued at an} time
<br />
<br />