<br />
<br />That the Mortgagor will pap the indebtedness as. heminbefore prrnided.
<br />That the Mortgagor-isthe owner of said property in fee simple and has gocx3 right and lawful auiharity to sell an<!
<br />catn•ey the same and that the setae#s-free-and clear of any lien or encumbrance; and that Viarigagnr will ++~arrant earl defend the
<br />title to said premises against- the ~risims _ of stl Fer;;vits wisiansnet•er- -
<br />Ta pay itrimediatel}° when due and }Sayable all t+i acre] taxes, special taws, specie! assessments, water charges, sewer sen'-
<br />ice chatges, and other taxes and rharges against said pn,I:,`rty-, and all taxer !e.~i<•d ,>n zh«• drM ~.~vurr hrrcF}'. and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon request, with the origiaal et duplicate receipU thprrfor. The \fiutgagar agrees that Eh<-re shall be added to
<br />each trx nthiy payment n`quind hereunder or under the evidence of ciehi sea-ured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />fa be at$icient to enable the Mortgagee t<r pay, as ihry bm,mr due, alt tares, assessments, mica similar charges upon the prem-
<br />ises subject thereto; any deftriene ter,.-ease- of the insuiTieien~~~ c,f such additional payrct.~nts shad he forthwith depmit: ~l by tha+
<br />tlorigagt s~ ,+'iti, lice ~3ur,gxE-*er u}:~a +'e;r:an3 eu i:>te ~ert.s:;ee. arty ne;*auit un.ier this paragral,h :hail !>e :ir~`me:l a r3.•fault in
<br />payment of taxes, assev meats, nr similar cha: gee rrquinri hereunder.
<br />Tta` .Lfartgagar agree. Shat there she?l alu~ h added t., each n:onthty payment of principal and intreest required hc~re~
<br />under an amoant estimated by cha' Flortgagre to t.e >ctT,t+~ien*, t:, , nahi«• the ~ta,rtga~ee t:a pay. as it hernmes due. the ins.urann•
<br />premium as any irf:urana~` p<~,E3c+~ ,irtier-m3 to the \ieet:;agec~. _1np drfiaeney he-causo eu the incutHc ieney of each addiUOaa! 1w1-
<br />mrnts she'! t+e f,arzhw'i!3: dep:xsitr.3 h. the !4loritingc,r u~th the ti,~ri gagee uix~n demand h~- '.he \fortgngee Any defaul# under :his
<br />pAragraph shall ~ae deeme;i a drfaui: in ihr payment of in~urancr premiums- If the p<,3ici' nr policies drpnsitec3 arc .curb at tn,me~
<br />sorters yr s7i rsk pxQia ;:`-+. and :be 'r{x«iia are insuf`.icirr.: t„ I=ap t1;,, ant:re prcnram. ,hc• 3lortgar-e,~ mar apply the d~;x,.-r in
<br />pay preTiums an asks required trv 6e inured toy thrc mortgage.
<br />Pavmrrs made by 2!rr \i.:rE a,,;..r and<•r the ah.,+«• 3rs,r phs mar- at the opt3nr. of the ASorrgagec, he hrdd t,y it and
<br />rcxn'vinglyd ,.-Eth athYr ... .1 iu::~ds ~ at ~_ , .r-J- _.-. a:.- .,< nC :.ch van.- .an„ ..rti', ,- rd. .arh t,_ „n,. a.« -, r.~h:-
<br />e
<br />~
<br />+
<br />pkgeci ss :r,:urih- ear th
<br />; r•I-arc: F;x7anc.
<br />.•f
<br />ih.= m:~rt~ar .: r htrdnes
<br />Tct 'ant Ute. dz'3 - ,,.. .~1i a:ntat P. fire The ! „a'h. .. ;~ti~ \i:,ri3 Sa'r d.: ctn. th.~ itlr xst ', Itlc^.. a;3gr ..-.r; glad': }lc~3lriec Hnd
<br />r
<br />F
<br />at ~P.'-li :rn :la\'~ !aa'(..rt` ihE
<br />renel+'al t}1Pri r, dPllti.^riYl
<br />^ e `Yt;,••. , a^•- .+-:r}: i,;'.3:1'i«':- ~L rl ilk drat:l~~ ~ _Y :3.^.,3 tt}1x`r IR:t1 ra}:lr
<br />~
<br />?tacard, casaraltis5, alai cur,tingerc3r as the lSartgaga-e
<br />ma~- n•quim, i.^, sn amount equal to the indebtedness secured by this
<br />\fat';e*-ase. acs,: in tsxnpar:ir-s aicrpahlr t:, the \4i=r t;::t;:.•,~ ...... ..... :.3+nh1:• ~1: u.r in f!;, ~lr :,! ana3 in i,~rm arcs }riahia• to khr \iar:ga-
<br />~. In -m` rat are prv'uy rv ,. .aa. r.c -, - .~ e-+i,., rwsrr~n, t" gut:rr n ~. ~.. r 1 r -
<br />;
<br />[
<br />{
<br />improvemens>, pay the yremium ttxerel ~r, and .-:rh ~aml~,..+~. , t+
<br />.,m.` imn.<s31ai Y1-.: .iux• and }?rYahle with
<br />ir~trrrst at the
<br />rate .~•t
<br />forttz in said natr untd patd and shat] tw~ .,.-cv.=~d 1+ :h„ -n,~rs;; at;+- 1=aliu,~e• .:n the part of the iiorigagor So furnish a:h renewals
<br />as are herein tequinYi ur failuee to i'-sS auc sum. aroma-tea ~ h.~r.•umtrr shal3. at the option of the dart;alter, c',=nstlluie :! drfau7t
<br />under the r?rrm of this martgagr. The ,irliaNr~ .'f emu. n ;=,.i;_ori >hall --, the event of default. acr>;n Cute an asStgnment of the un-
<br />earned premium- -
<br />Any arms merles-3 n~ th.~ \i~•rt~aerx` i•: :ea::,n o~ ., - r damage in.u: ti against rra~- t+e rrtaina~i by the \Suttr;agx
<br />•
<br />az;3 ap,-rlie>d ta~ard the I*a~mert .:i t}:r .ia•}E: ?n--ra lr. x-.~...rra
<br />~. -,t :!:r ct.tion a,f iha- 41:jnzagri•, such sae.•r:< ritlerr wha,lly .lr i^.
<br />~
<br />part may t+e paid aver tc~ the Siortga.l-r t,. ia~ ~..>.ri i„ ~
<br />y+.;ar -.,-.. .-„]ilia - .. .a, hui<d-t u~ buildings tr, .heir Ix}aY'..~r far say
<br />z, >r
<br />Daher Purpose ar abte.-t sati>iacfnn t.~ the ±ii,~r~gaaeY +1.-.-.,. -.,.,artl~~ the ':.e.. ,.n ih.- m,~.rigaare ft.r the fv71 ama,v nt =r;3red here
<br />b_y farfom -cax3r payment e+'er teak place.
<br />ao prnnpily repair. mare ~., rrirarSd and hv:tdir.};s nr ;mpr.,~rm.=.-,zs now ..r ha-reat;e::en the premisa~s which maa• !.e-
<br />Yamr damttga~d ur aectroied; to ]:cep said prrmi~•s m ,;lx,d enndi cia.n ar,3 reFi-vie and frc • in:rn and mechania•'> tier nr other ]ion or
<br />Claim of lien not exprnssly auho; dirwtrd io the lien her. rsi. nn. to su!frr a,r permit any e:nSsW.isi use .~f a,r and n~±ianrr to exist an
<br />raid preaprriy rear to tsrrmi[ waste cm sal-3 premises.- nw t,~ do any nthrr act wfien•b>- ihr pmnerty he.rchy cnm~e>ed shall txcome
<br />less saahia`tde, tior to diminish ar imyair its value by ary act ur .~missi<ln t:. art ;.. rumple ++ith at3 rrquin-ments uQ law- with respect
<br />to ihr mortgagt`d Rmmisea and the ace ti,erraf
<br />That slaanlrl xtxr nr~=ws rr am part thYn•<af tw~• tskrn <rr datra3e3 by reas:En u: an. public :mprn.:•ment or randemnation
<br />g,,-t#ceeding. a; un3rr she rafht of eminent demair.. c.: i.-s an± ether manner, Lhr \Sortgager shall 1>? entit3~3 to ail campen~t;atu.
<br />aasaids„ and any attic-r payznrnt ~-+r iw?irf t3u•rrfor. ar>d cha31 be entitled, ai it +~ptinn, io t~+mmer±ce. appc+ar in and pt•auecute in it
<br />€ravrt xtame anc action a=- pn-xe•ed :nt;- .~r ia, make any r~+mnrz><~s:isY air .et i3:^rnrr-t in n;rnrction w-iih w~ taking :sr damage .ail such
<br />ca~seaaa4icm. awardZ damages. right of actiz:a and prx>teaxis are hereby assigned to ilxe Mortgagee, who may. after deducting
<br />ittea+e[t+aaa all its ezpcetses, arlease any triotteys sm irceivt3 l+y it or aFF15" the same cot am' irtdeMedrtess st+svmt hereby. The Mort-
<br />t agaea m eaatxite such iuztMr asaignnarnis of any cvnfrnsaAssn, awan;s, damages, and rights of action and proceeds as the
<br />~ ~~ ~
<br />'t`hat in rase of faifurr tea perform any :d the n aenant_s treirin, t fhe Marigager [nay da an [tic Mnrtgagar ~ t+rhalt a rrvthintt ~'~
<br />atx eoeertanmtt; tfsnt the Maartgapee may aitm do any art it may dorm n:`essan' u, prati-<t the ]ten thereof, that the !a1orT{,agor will '
<br />sc Dplom demand Stay moseys paid or disl aatard by the MMga.gee far any rrt the atone purF~'*srs. and such moneys together with
<br />iaAeaed tisete>an st itkte rate ptw~tded in said nc+tt• ahrJl tatrrtne sn much 3iklitiona! indehtedna>exs hereby sartrmd and may 6e in-
<br /><A
<br />cfudetl :a spy deett°e Imxxloeiag this nsurtgage anti br paid avt of the renLC ar pnxvtxla cd sale of said preenittes if imt otliersiae
<br />paid: that it shall mt be ohiigatnry u}xut the Martgagzr ta, r[pvim late: the validity of any lien. erteumhrances. ar claim in ad- ,Z!~~_.,;
<br />snpa9+s at: aitaur autMriaed, hui zicthinK lMrPap tx~ntained shalt M usatstrued as: requiring the Mortgagee to advattce am
<br />raoawrys #sr;sty tasdi pur*tase ai# #e do rmy aat t~rnuiides: aesd tile[ Martgagee chat! rust incur any iaetwrsal lialxlify because of any-
<br />thing iR asa3 do rxr oatiY 3a iio hetx`anilrr. _ _ _
<br />Sa Cite ttt~rt4 of Cite dedratl by Mart;ittia.~ un tlrr payt~rt at any ins[ta]lment. as *e¢uirca3 by the 2tiote secured hereby-. or
<br />in the perIuaateter of the ohligaticn u This mottga.t~ ar in tSx= irate tatcumd ttmmby, the !+fartgagce shall be entitled to detlarr the
<br />~# aeY7uxd y due and payable ~ritlua:t naticx acrd zhr Alartgagee shall be entitled at iLs option, without notice, either by itse3l
<br />pr-1ty >! cepniver to he apptyiatpi try She eautt themot sad without regard fa the adequacy o[ arty security for the iridebtednrss se-
<br />ttats3 ; m enter t~xap and- faire Foa§csevmi ~` ti e tix+rigased premises, acid to collect acid rernive the rents, issues and profits
<br />theseo(, aatd apply the ~, tree coos of oFeration an.l raiii~ctian. apart [tie indebtedness secured Sty this mortgage; said mots,
<br />lessee sad pettif~taeircE Aerobe asasrted m the 2Ac+s2ga8~ne i° farther security far itte payment of ail indebtedness serums tterxilty.
<br />`ibe MwtgarLer Mali ha;e the power to appoint attp agen! nr agrnis it may desire far the pu rpase of repairing said prem-
<br />ia~ tpg t~ce a~~ ~leCt~, the r+at43c_ trcenues artd itrnme, artd it ma4• Tray uui cd svd intgmr all expenses incurred in rrnt-
<br />i~ asd taapagipg the tattiAe srtd d +collcictittg the recitals li~•mlromi. The balance remaining, it anY. shall he at?plied toward the
<br />t d the meg#plgq ~. This aaai#nmeat is !o terminate atul became null and void upon mleesr of this irtartFasr.
<br />
<br />