<br />
<br />kOR'fGAGE _
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. ~ Z3,bJ5
<br />KNOW ALL MEN &Y THESE PRESENTS:That Milc D. Martin and Mildred G. Martin, each in his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse ofi each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether oru or more, in consideruion of the sum of
<br />Thirty-nine Thousand and Nof100--------°------------ ------------------------- DOLLARs
<br />Ieaared to a's2 nort~r by The Egtritable Btd3dit~ and l..nn Association of C.tand island, Nebraska, Mortgpgee, upon 390 shares of stack of
<br />said ASSOCIATIOI, Certificate Nu. L 23,b75 , da hereby grant, convey and tortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the folloeug
<br />desalted teat estaPe, sitimted in Hall County, xehraska:
<br />oath alt the tenestrats, herta3etainrats and app>$Yrnxttrrs thereunto heNaeging, includiiig attached float coverings, ill vrendow saeeu,
<br />wioda>r abodes, bids. storm vriadows, awriinCS, h"'+~„ ae rnadaioaing,and pturrsbiog slid waterequipment and acas>=via thcreto.ptnups,stt>~
<br />t~atats, smd other farrres amrt now as herat~r attached to ar used ra room.-tmn with sand real esuta_
<br />Jtad rthtagt ~e aid mortga¢iv has sgroed and does hereby ~K ;hat the mortgagor shall and wr7! pay afl taus std aaasmsats levied oz
<br />aa®d spmi aid psemnes aid t>pon rho morggatr ~d the botrd seavrrd ihereb.~ before the same shalt baome tkliaqumt; to fntnith sppaored
<br />iaaeawoe a}ttoa the balda~ oe said psexmaes situated in tine lam of s 39 , ODD. ~i0 payable to sjrid ASSOCIATION and m deiira to acid
<br />J-SSOCAAll{Il~l the prstida far aid iasusaa¢; anti rwt to uvomii or permit any waste an ~ about said premises;
<br />is ease trf defadt is 1St paf'ormanee ~ say of the tetms aosi ctmtitioas of rhea mortgage or the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />~ d:aed, tae entitled to it~ednte passesflon of the mortgaged premiss ain2 the srartga~x hereby saigri:, tratts{ers std sets aver n. We
<br />warilgigee al the trots. ieveaaa and aaamre io be itt.ed from the mo[tpged p¢mius during suit tirEU as the t>ratigade iadehtedaas sha8 resoam
<br />grid; sad [Le matgagoe than have the power ro appoait my riot ca agtmts # troy arane for the propose of rapeitiag acid pmmiaes and eartmg
<br />the sae sad oaaaaig the tuts. zev~aes sad inCatme, sad it may paF out of said iewaae aU arpeasa of zepairiag .aid pemrifa std naoeany
<br />teaaahidoas sad expeeses is teal.ag aed tcxoaeim~ the tsaae and of~ vHectiag rentals tbtaefrom: the ha4aCC naaa~„ if ate, to be
<br />tmrsd the dice oaf said meatgape iadehte~s.; Ibex n~tu a2' the may 6e eaestved at say Lisle during the 4i~mes of aach
<br />- irtetpeAire rd~ar ;a<vpavey vaaiser ad' the same- -
<br />These Pseaesrts_however, are apoa the Ciarditiaa, !lux if rite said Dkxtgagnr shad repay said loan as ,.. be_roro tt~ maitaity of sic( shares by
<br />paysaeeet; pn moatidy m said ASSOL'IASIOt4 tT the arms speeillcd in the 8oud scouted lrexe6y as interes and principal oa said boa, on ~ he3eae
<br />the 7 daI" of eda asd erarv inoaUr.umfl said boa s fa@y paid; pay .d! Lola std assesaaents levied agiast said ptemaes and as this Itiortgag
<br />sad the 71eod sealed tirmeby, before delspamcy: fnrrtsdi appoved iata~ aipcm the btaldirgs theraro b the stns of S 39 , OOO.OO pay+bk
<br />m aid JiS'SUIClA77(8d_ mnn to said ASSOC[#77ON akin denmmd afl ntca~y hs it mid flu str~ t-a`~. as~es!ts aed sr~.Fs ~
<br />the taatc~as bgid rate tlteeeme frRin aL afl tii'vrhxh !!n'€gsgat 4teelir agars to pvay:;+ett~ tas a3@e cm aid ;tcep edeatty+ly
<br />milli ~ the agataares sad o~drtram of the Bmd flu i 3g,p(}p #,~this daY gtxn by the said 1/artgagm ra aid ASSOCIAATtON, and aon~y
<br />a~ aU'ffie dtheCrasctituiicm aed Byd.awsuf said ASS4C3AT1Q3v'; rhea tlveae peetatts shall bey std! nd raid, txherxiaa thiel•
<br />SdE teaaia ~ fall Ltrm sad sm}' br furacioaed ~ the option of the said ASSOCIATION sfter fadure far thix atantAs to stake say of said
<br />payataas at fie throe aos~s ~ ataars in mrdtigg said tmnthly pr,'nrats ~~- 'o lr+~+rp sad cv9>}dy wifh tlx agteviaeiits sad wed-tioas of sae2 Boat-
<br />aed razes m have a r•rtas~ ap}+o~mtatt foniirith is ttr3r frutryaaatre p:uatedettgs.
<br />tf Rllae u say e3aiase is araacaabip of the teal estate ~'~EpFd hetrei, by ode w othaitavte, that the carat tee iadabtodnaa hne6gr
<br />amaaed that, a the aptim a! The facer l and I.oe Aaocitt;aa of Grmd ldaod,Nebra>ita,bemme imosadoteiy ire sad payable oithhorq.
<br />ft~ aet3oe, sad ~e a doe rodeo slid bawd, sad aey other btsad far airy atldiCioml advaaas mask tbawadce,slufl, fiatm the
<br />dNS of emai~ at said rspfaon. bete muaaa p ~ legal rate, acd rhis nth map thm be ftrtedmed to tatitfy the satawl dye m acid
<br />ha~d.aad aa} othd btttad let adddtiaod advsnms, tags aalh all tattas gnd by said The E.}uitalt}e sad Lire Atattc~itan ~ Gtaai Island.,
<br />J~kTntaria far insasaoue, taus asd aaaeatneatr„ aittl ahsYtacsi>'g ratenaon cfiuges, with mteiest thrreoa, from daft of payeaenr at tIx iwa~rm
<br />~~
<br />r1s ptareded ~ the !toad sotaaed ha~sly, while the; rarwtg>~ reanaias is t#fect the tnorrgaga may hereafter advaaoe additioaai auae to the
<br />rmimz of aidl~ flss aa~sts m suers is ititcrrrst, vrfnt~t limn shaD 1# vriiliin the secataty of this trrortgape the same at the ftmds off'
<br />seaasi 311eaehy, the aotal aiaa>mt of pe+mcyal debt rot w ei[axd at say isae du original emaunt of ibis mortgage.
<br />Usaad thin ~ ~~ day of January A. D., t5 $0
<br />~~ aI. fI. tlaa 11t,-1 rlty pf January 19 80 ,before me,
<br />_ the spa~eai~.: Natuy P~cfn artd Loy said cwmty. petsanaAy tams
<br />Nino t3, iiarti~ aa6 !lii+~red ~. ~alrtifl, each ill his and her opln righ#~ gild as spouse f each
<br />Oi~T ; irho are kaawa w
<br />. -sea ltiLl ~a 3dmer~_peeaaa S a6armara g at'e agfhaed to thaabove itisiruuamt as nottgl~t 5 cad they seveally
<br />t;e and imttaanast m he tltlei T rtakagmy set sad deed
<br />its ny hmt sad l 9c~ tLe date afineaid. . -.
<br />_ ~.-' ~ ?
<br />sEltftitt aaltat x~' ~;.'""` „s„st,rta 1 ~ : '
<br />tasasaa JOY ff_ BPsEZi£4' ' i Notary trey
<br />