<br />8Q~"" . ~~~ SECOi`IDMORTGAGE
<br />TSiis Mortgage is entered intn_ between D(%7 H. BITCIQJII? atul D~i'~ K. SLTCEQ~R, Husband and
<br />r ~;f~ {herein "Mortgagor"j and
<br />THE OVEF2LAtVD NATICR~AI. Hl1NK ~ GRtt[+ID ISI,AI~ID, Grand Island: Nebraska (herein "Mortgagee").
<br />- - _ - -, Mortgagor is indebted is Mortgagee s the principal snm of ~ 9, 000, 00 , evidenced by Mortgagor's note-
<br />. - ~~ January 4, 19$0 rein "Note"] providing far payments of principal and interest, with the balance of the
<br />- _ ._
<br />indebtedness, if not soarer pa+d, due sad payable on. February 4 , 1982 _
<br />lbsecure the payment of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of all other sums, with interest,
<br />advanced Sy Mortgagee to protect the security of this Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of
<br />the Mortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby moY~gage and convey to Mortgagee the following described
<br />@roperty to®ted in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />Int Eleve~i (11) , Jack Voss Hnrse :tub Ord, Hai l County. Nebraska
<br />21oDetbrr with ~! 6urldmgs, improvements, tuttaes, streets, a0eys, passsgewaps, easements, rights, irivileges and
<br />Eonttd thereon or in anywise perSaining drereto, and the tents, issues and profits, reveffioos and remainders
<br />iheeao$ indtrdmg, but cot licated to, beams and coding eyuiprment and such personal property that is attaches to the
<br />~ so as #a masfstnte a ftzisze; all of whidr, indudbsg replacements and addrtitx~s thereto, is hereby dedared
<br />tn'he a pars of the real estate secured by the i'xa of Mis Mortgage and all of the foregoing being refemd to herein as the
<br />~,-
<br />f+artlser-eo~ts and ogees, with . as follows:
<br />1. ~ 2b pap floe ~ and the iateresr. thereon as provided in this ;slorigaga and-the No6e.
<br />t title. is the owner ~ the PTOpertp, bas the ~t acrd authority w mort~ge the Pxoixtty, attd
<br />~ the lira seated Lmeb7 s a fgst and prior 3ien on the Property, except as racy otherwise be set forth herein..
<br />fl 'lbe Ptopcstp ig saDjeci to a ' w.herEin
<br />s tae 3iantggeq aaetadad at $omt . Prye of tare ittortg~e 8acrurk of Cotmtp,
<br />i~hodra. vet is a fren prior to tAe ~ creaud herebp_
<br />tither perQ liras ffi enaunhearues:
<br />i 'Co pay when dam ati tans. apecnd asaeasments and all otter against the Property
<br />and, writlra demaatd ti9 ~, to add to die payments rM+rired tuukr the Nate secured iterebp, such amount as
<br />rap>re as 'dfloeat Ln eoahie #~ Lo gap sash lama, agents or other charges as they become due.
<br />#. 1b beep the iralaoaewe~ aunt or hereafter tooted on the ~ estate described herein insured
<br />__._ . _....,._ .. ~9 ~ wad cede ot6dc twaaads s llaet~ee way regtare, in amounts and with companies atxeptable to the
<br />and with loos papabM Lo the tioetgsgee. I$ cam of 1ffis wader such po&eies the Idnrtgagee is authorized to
<br />aijiart, sari ,uaenpasw~, ~ ha dbcaesioa, all elai>ms thereunder at its ~ option, suthoriaed w eitheraPPtY the
<br />! to the.> at floe PanpdRy ar xpcw the tedneas seeattad hereby, but papmend hereunder slra}1 con-
<br />iishe ae~illaea~ssnaaedl~9aaepaidstatA,
<br />3, II itirtaar.Fige Tisaa ~ ~a~. ~dmg asyfiriag rondiaed in para>~aphs 3 and 4 hereof to the
<br />!s r p~ to tsa lwlpayapre ~ ttse tiros nf,payiag the monthly iarsWiments of pri~pal and interest,
<br />°-~ od 93ai taopll{, tntAas~rq. lartaard inoa mums, and groaad tent: (it arty) which Bray attain a
<br />pdad4~ orer e3gc ;1i~at~a. ~$ as:aaal4a~R $ws time to #ime by fife Vie. 7be amounts ra paid shdi he
<br />litjd by tie tratt~e sll~aAet ialeairat sad applied tq ties payaaent of the iteme in respect ta which sudr amounts were
<br />dals~d,: ~ as. ~X as Yn~dei ae ptedpd as adt6tianal aaa+dty for the indebfsdneas secured by this
<br />lferip~r:lin:ti~aiiioNnetp~e tiarauegnat~ahy dalidaacp between the aeiml lases, asreasmeats, iasursnee
<br />~, paq~a sad pnnnd aea~ sd the druid lr aithln itt' days sfiwi demand is made upon Aortgagor regtrestiag
<br />,, ,
<br />ti tip, ]~ ~d ~laR. 'Aa ptc4ip . aartote or reindd any buildings or improvements now or
<br />irt>~ as 1!R PesP#'i~rt ~.~pep-fife P!'~ Sid and -epalx, without waste, and tree from maehanir's or
<br />d4s~iast rsat any ~ the berrp~ po male; suffer of ps~tasy ntdance to ertist, riot to dimin-
<br />1i4: ae Ste a~iw a[ ZSOp~y n9 snYy trt~~ to act; sad Eo comely with ~i mKiuiremenia of law with
<br />aapec~t #a#he #~rs~.. ' `
<br />