<br />~;
<br />4L ESTA~~E ~ Wtth Taz Clause} (Revised 1962) Th Huftm Gen.r.l soralr House L cots Neb
<br />I KN©~V ALL MEN BY THESE PRESES.TTS: That Ruben E. Meier and Joyce A. Meier, husbar
<br />~ and wife?
<br />~ of Ha1~ County, and State of Nebraska , in consideration of the sum of
<br />FORTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100------------------------°----------- naLL~ss
<br />i in hand paid, da hemby SELL ana co:.~~~ nnta Charles W. Winter and Lenore A. Winter,
<br />~iusband & wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common,
<br />of H811 County, State of Nebraska the foltoaz~ing desczsbed premises situated
<br />i in Ha11 County, and State of Nebraska . to-aril:
<br />A tract of land in the Southeast Quarter (SE's) of Section Eleven (11),
<br />'Township Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows:
<br />Co:~iencing at the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter (SEA)
<br />of said Section and proceeding in a northerly direction along and upon
<br />the center line of said Section a distance of 353.1 feet, thence pro-
<br />ceeding in an easterly direction on a line parallel to the southerly
<br />section line of said Section a distance o£ 208.7 feet, thence proceeding
<br />iii a scxitherly direction upon a Tine parallel to the center line of
<br />said Section a distance of 353.1 feet to the southerly line of said
<br />Section, thence proceeding in a westerly direction along and upon the
<br />southerly section line of said Section a distance of 208.7 feet to the
<br />point of beginning_
<br />', The inieaticxa being To <x,a~€y ?>zrt~hr an a't±~:dute tilia~ in t~ simple. includinx all iha rigF.ts n# hamettead and da»er.
<br />', TY3 H:~1 £ AND 'iY] H(tLl] 13te pn~:issacs ah;>le r3escrit.~. with all the appurtenance.. then•unua Fa3unging, unto the said
<br />'. martgagitts? and m hi, lxr or ilx•er In°nr. and ac.-igrvc f,ux ce z. prra:dea aiwars. and these prrsa~nL3 aze upon the express
<br />cv~ndifaun iha! at the .aid taortgagor{s+, hts, her ar their heirs, eaa~vtors, admini,:rstors or a-:vigzv shall pay ar cause to be
<br />', ~ to the sai3 mar#<-ageeiz(. h=s. Fsez cz t sir hciss. a:ecutars administrators ar a~igaa the principal sum of 345,000. OO
<br />pan'alate as faIl~s. to aciY:
<br />Zn equal monthly instailments of ~40fl.00 each on an amortization b?pis.
<br />
<br />wish inter?~'t acezatdvag ip the terar sad e#feCt of the inang~agors written pnrmissot2 nflte bearing even date wish these pres-ents
<br />aaa ,all pa}~ all is:e. xnd as-~'~rnenis Iriia~d span mid real estate, anri all other taxe~n, lea-ies and a,~~s,...ent_~ 7etizd upoet thta
<br />~'e or thF xt{~e ~hith t3xas martrago i> giar'ss to sh:vre, before the samr hearonazs: delinquent, and keep the buildiagc on
<br />said yrr rises aasurcd fir sh:- wm of a ~1~?O~.OO los-o, if any, pa1•aMe to the ~f r~rLganee, then thesz presents
<br />to be •'oid, cNlx'rvi3se tc+ he and rc~maia in full forirr.
<br />.T'S' iS Fl.'-1?':S1.E:i Ar_usEP :?' T'~s Lt *_~ ~ >*z~~aacr Vii? fad t~ F'ay ~h lases or pn~+cum ss?~-h ina~ranir. t1~
<br />sad mart;ragee may pa>• a~xh taxes and procure each isrwranre; and the >um srr ~la,anrcci, with interest at per
<br />+arst sluTB bz repaid by said amrtgagor, and the mcu~tgage slaai3 stand as setvrin~ far the same, (?a That a failure so pap any
<br />~at solid mcmcy. either prtacipd az intezeC. srhon the same lane trmw duo. or a failurn fo comply with any of the foregoing
<br />fiats. shah txausr t#ae aba3r znam oaf mnney laerria secured Ya bearome dur std ocdkru`ble at once at the option of the
<br />~~ a
<br />titfa }4[~ day ad JiYir.i.~t~ i$ 00
<br />• ~ ~j ~ _ ..i2rs,t1_1_...__.__.__.__...___...__
<br />_~~~GG~ier
<br />..7 ._ .._.._ ..
<br />sTAne ~__.__21E~ ____.....___.-._---• Cmtn2y trf.___ Hall_____-- ----___--.:
<br />~, a nratary public gitar~d far said :vanty~ P~anaily earrae Ruben E. Meier and Joyce
<br />A. bier, husband and w3.fe,
<br />l~suasa !o sae eta be tine deatinl persons oz pexyaas s~ha signed the foregoing instrument and artsnowledged the ezecu[icm
<br />t~tes+esd 4a t~ 1Si4 lxs• ~ their *Kdautatry asx and vteed.
<br />19
<br />.._._._.... ~ _.._..__....... _._._.._......, _ J ~
<br />-,
<br />_..___.. __ ............... ..-. -.._.Notary Public.
<br />Entered oo nutaezical index and fiMd far rcxard
<br />in the Register of_ Peede (]ffaae of said County the
<br />..-r..~ ot.~:....:„_.,_._......:w__...._,~„ i4 __......, sd.,a_.__._._.__,._._e'dods and...__._......_....__.....atinutea .........._...._._.M.,
<br />tea Asaia.~ ____:._~.___...oL..._._.___.__.__..,.._._._at page.----.--------.._-_--._..._....
<br />.e.._ ................--_..._---.-...._....__....,.-..._......__.fieg. of beds
<br />
<br />