<br />
<br />- MORIGAGELLtANNO. L 23,674^
<br />p~OWALLIdENBYTHESEPRFS£.W-fS:'Rest Carl 6. Lewis and 4icki L. Lewis, each in his and her
<br />orfn right, and as spouse of each oiher
<br />tdottgt~or, whether oae or rose, in owtsidemtion of [be sum of
<br />Twenty Thousand and NoliOO----------°---~-------------------°----------------- DOLLARS
<br />;ate to sad r by'fite P~rinsbir Btuldrog and Law Assoaation oC grand Island. Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 200 shatu of stock of
<br />said A$SOCIA'l1pN, Certiriatz Na. L 23,674 , do hereby grant, convey and nwrte,,ag unto the said R_SSOCIATiON the foDowiog
<br />dea¢rted rtai estate, sittated in tla8 toanty, Nebraska:
<br />wits a8 the tearraeitts, hveditattcau adl appurtzrnaaY thercnnta bekwgvrg, iaclydinh attached fkrw caverags, aU window aeaems,
<br />>~ $sades. blade, staea rm3ows, atvnrags, hgrirq+„ air fie- *r+g, and phmrbmg sad wester cquipmeat a~ atxeaa[iex thetem,pttmpa,stoves,
<br />ar~igm>~trs, attd othex itunra tad estaipmnt ra,w at hereafter atrarhed to or treed in corrtrcr'tion widr laid teal estate.
<br />ltad •si~ the sad tsevng~oz hss ameisi a~ does hereby agree that tare roortgagrrr shah and wt7i pay ail taxes std amts levied ar
<br />aaeaed ttpra aid ptet~ and upon this toottgape std the boa3 sz.'tned '~rclry before the same :3 sII beaaae delmgora4 to firrnislt apptated
<br />ia~ ~a the btu tin raid premses situated in the strm of S 20 , 000.00 psy-abk [o mid ASSOCIAI7G?N and to deliser m aid
<br />ASSOClAIIOdi toe policies far aid itianancx; std nor to commit or permit wy warie on or about said premises;
<br />!a ase ed" tiefanlt is the pettarnraflce of am of ibe tatttt and oanditions of this rmrigagc rx iht bond secured lxreby, the tmA~ee a}ait,
<br />m drs®d, ?.e entitled to imtnra#iate po>ses>ma pf i'i>t utrxtd pteraises, std the m[utgagor hereb} assiprs, traastets std refs tttst to the
<br />tanrepgae aH rite reat>, rewa,+tc sad ,aixrmt to b~ deriserl from tht roortgaed premirn dmitig such tithe as fire mortgage irtdebtetbteat sha8>t>affi
<br />tsprd: sad the siaB baw• the pnw~ ri) appouti any spent or t~:ttts it tray desce for tht parpaae ~' tspairie~ ad ptrmtses a~ 7eati0g
<br />tht ae rind the sewK. rettatcs sad , aEd rt ®y pay out of aid ~ ail ezpencs of tepsirittg a®3 premises and tteasaty
<br />en~mioas and eaprmet i~ ra reattigs and > the taint std ai wllatitg teach thetefrnm: the bsianoc tag, iC say, to 6e
<br />appLed utaaeA tic diaraage of saHd ttmrt{Qpe ; xhe: tigbts of the tttvttagee tiny be e:ztased at any rim drniog the eteisteaa d'rtodt
<br />defaslt, itset{teetive of say t~orary waiver ai the atne.
<br />46xse 14sacatt, howewa, tar opaar the Caadixioa,'1Zrat if the said 13arigsgor shall repay said law rut a befWe the taatarSty of raid shares by
<br />payarest: pry irtttRthiy to sa,d ASSOCI_~110N of the aa® spersfcd a thr .$tusd scarred herehy u ittietest std psindpal m said Iota, tw ar 6efine
<br />the 1'tt~h day of races ~md eWeTV taaetA,rartil said loss is fu@y paid; pay s'J tales and asaxsmenu fetid agsimst sac premtses sad tra Chit lirxtgtge
<br />sad the Bated remind tarar~. hctiore ddatltteacy; tar»idt :pla+oved itmsmte ttpm she boiMiag therewa ®the stmt of S 2D ,000.00 paY+~
<br />m sad AS'SO[.1A11ffit; relay to sad ASSXdC'fA770N upon t3emaad aR money by n pad f« salt rases, saesaaeat: and imattaace withattetsst at
<br />the ~® kpa! rate ilcteon frun data of paymeat a8 ~ whidi b3ort~u hes'ehy apses to pay; permit m waste unsaid prte~;keep and armply
<br />s~ aS the s~ eiias °.~ tt~~' F^: S 20 ,000.O~a ~ y given by tx aed ~cutp~tx to said AS~QC1AItON, and mptQ1Y
<br />wt#Sa~$taeea~tsn~tsc3~theitt6tr~nsna$i'-13wst~'s~ASSOL7,'t37CL*:: thcA tls-se psxxsts shad be~ae naH and asid,at§etsvsc they
<br />slsalt ~ m ftsH tome star! ray be amrskaed at the option ~ tffi sad ASSUC1A7lQN sfter fsaure for three months to tttake say of aid
<br />ptrysr~s a be three tsetatis m ar,eus is soaking aid trtomhly paytrsents, w to keep and mtnpdy with the agxmwts std moditioos of raid Bond.;
<br />atd> apses w hart a rover appointed forthwith in Bach foreckisrtrr ptatrcedirrgs.
<br />'# rive is say let ownorsap at the tai coot taoct~.aed Berea, by sa^ w athe:wist, then the eotite temaeam& icdoesa hvdry
<br />rtsaood shin., st tic aptioa ot76e Ealatatik Baii3igl; sad Lrran Aaonatioa oi"Grarid ls}swd_Nehttska,breome imacdately due sad payable withtrtd
<br />ftanhv tratiee, aed tie dm tinder sad woad., sad say other band fat wy additimal adsaturs trade tbctsaeder, ahf[B, ftitm the
<br />dt~ of ---_ said option, hear interest at the aaxaattm lefai rat-.,sad this rrrrxtta~e rtray rhea be tarec3med to ratify the ataotmt due as raid
<br />hoadawd soy solos baud fw sditiootl advances, tagxiet sritb all stmt pad by said The Fquitr[bk Buadasg std Lima Amciatioa otG~and itlaod,
<br />3ielisa>la fey imecmnc, taxes oral tints, std erdeanan druyes., Bath m:eseri thaeao, Gtutt date of paytmnt at the tnasiffittm
<br />~ ~-
<br />As }traritlod a tic Bond stewed ha[eby, while this rrmtfsp rerttains ea zi7ect the taartBtgx may hereafter advanm arldition$ mina to the
<br />~s of Sid Hood„ the assi~ rxr sorxxsbaas. ie inteaerx. w3ricfi st¢as slap tx within the sectariry of this mortgage the same as the ftttrda orjgiaaQy
<br />svaed fiasby, the surd atarwni of ptir,c>pal rkbt hat to etweed at any time thr tniginal amosurt et tint rt,rvtgtae.
<br />~tpedthit l~tti o~~ January A_rs-,lv 80
<br />~,~ ~~~
<br />~~ ~~~_
<br />Vicki L. Leans
<br />~Al~~r6$ftA' s aath;ac 14th d+S'+d ,3dnudry 19 &0 ,bdoreae,
<br />Cii~N7v flF tlleLL
<br />the rsndvaigned, a Notuy F't~lidc is sad tar hid Cotmiy, perso,~ny tame
<br />Carl S. Lewis and Yicki L. Lewis, each in his and her orln right, and as spouse of each
<br />who ~ ~ peaoaally kmwn W
<br />Ala Idaatiw<al p5tsoo $ wbrs ~ ~ tdFiaed to the shave ~ t as tttatgagor S and they setenliy
<br />adsaovlMYlld~ae add itrs4aeaattt as be kiiei r vdontary act std dwd.
<br />1MlSt~Sat6'l~adsadNt>atidsedtiedtteafazeaid. %~ /~
<br />ify ~Coatvaaioa rs~m /`~__ ' / i' - - - i $ / ~ // ~
<br />tstsaa as
<br />AGFNERJiI tiG?a?:'~5'ata ai Nebraska
<br />JAMES lv. OLSON
<br />tt Mr Carom. Exp. Nav. 12,1983
<br />