52--REAy ESE g~OR ~AGg-{{Rr~ ~ C>~j xne Holtman Qenerni SaDD1y Honse, Linwln, Nsbr.
<br />husband and wile, as joint tenants and not as tenants in co;wion,
<br />o} Hall County, and State of Nebraska in consideration of the sum of
<br />THREE TROUSAND AND NOJ100--------------------------------------------------- DOLLARS
<br />ix Ttaxd bold, do hereby SELL sad CtJNYEY unto THE STATE 34P7Fi OF CAIRO, A NEBRASKA BANKING
<br />of Ha1I County, State of Nebraska the foltouang described premises situated
<br />~ H~3 County, axd State of Nebraska , to-mat:
<br />A tract of land more particulars described as follows: Commencing at iron pin
<br />toasted on the Southeast corner of Section Thirty (301ir. Township Twelve (12) North,
<br />-Range i`2n (10) West oa' the 6th P.M_, running thence in a southerly direction on the
<br />st side of Sr?ction Thirty-one (31) in sai3 Township 'l~:elve (12? North, Range Ten (20)
<br />West of the 6th P.b4., for s distance of five hundred foriy-one (541) feet to the center
<br />of the mainline cf the Chicago, Arlington & Quincy Railroad Company, running through
<br />said Section, thence in a northwesterly direction slang the center of said mainline for
<br />a distance oi' Twenty One Hundred Farty-faun (2144) reef thence running at an angle to
<br />the left and in a southwesterly 3irection for distance o<" One Hundred Fifty (150) feet to
<br />the Sauth side of :`.hicago Burlin3ton an3 QQuincy Railroad' Campanv ri_eht-af-way to an iron
<br />pin ttr piece of iron (this being the point of beginning in dzscribinb this tract: Thence
<br />running a'rom said place of beginning in a Northwesterly direction and on she South line
<br />of said O. B. & y',. R,R. right-of-way for a distance of One Hundred rift} (150) feet to
<br />a-niece a.~' iron; running thence at an angle ra the 1=i`t ~tirety ly0) degrees and in a
<br />Southstesterly direction for a distance of One Hundred Thirty (130) fezt to a pizae of
<br />iron; thence si an angle of Ninety (90) degrees to the left and in a Southeasterly direction'
<br />far s distance oi' One Hunared Pii'ty (15D) feet (said south line of said tract being
<br />gara11e1 to the south line of the right-ni-vay of said LB&Q Rn) to a piece of iron; running.;
<br />thence at an angle of Ninety (QOl degrees to the left and in s P:ortheasterly direction
<br />for a distance of (lne Hundred Thirty (130) feet to the point of beginning; said tract oz
<br />land shove d=scriL,ed bung laasted in the No?-iheast Quarter {per) of Section Thirty-ane (31}.
<br />in Township ,;refire {12) Nar*..h, Range Ten (10), West oa" the 6th P.M., 3a11 County, Nebraska.
<br />7'ir iictastr+a 9 to cowrey lMrsby as absotstr ti#s >~ fns si+s¢te, iwclsidixg r:7i the ri_gnts of ha>'testsad axd davier.
<br />TD l? 3i''E rllt'l3 Tip HC)LD tis prseeisss abaas descrtt~d, aaita aU fir appurtesaxces taezxanto bsJosgisg,
<br />ssto fir mid aiarttjagss~rj asd to a~: tarn ors titir ieiri asd atsigu farrrrr, prorided aunts, asd rise presorts err
<br />apes tic arprru roaditias tie3 if tar mid >rartga,)aar{r), its fur or tirir ieirs, trecutatr,-adutiraistmtors or auigss
<br />slut ~ ratt:_ to ~ l tr t~ said ~#'s,i, ~. isr ~ 3irn pirus, rrt. mss, ~s ~ actigsr; fir
<br />srais ~ ~ 3~31~0. ~ ~' as ~ to ~:
<br />Sn ~nth?y instalments :-ith final pativzsent- due on or befare t~f /~i I~iQ~. -
<br />> iatrrra# at:s to tlrs tsuar asd sffae# +rl tin rwrtgagarr eer~uttx pronxissory Hots bearixg sriee dais oath floss
<br />psirsaetr aai ..~lydt }~rp adt taws and ucusssrsstr d s}a~s said rsat estats, asd all atier tsars, le[ASS asd auaasmsatt
<br />lasiad apes tiffs aurrtys~r as tis saur ai;ta tkir ~94tts it yiass to sersre, bcfors tae sasES brcwsss detgxgsrst, asd
<br />~s as rai .prrsssasstaarad far tkr scar of ~ lass; if asy, paya6ts to tis said
<br />firs tkrse pr:sests to bs >eai~ atisrmiu to tee sad rsssant is frU fwrr.
<br />/T !S FURTHER sit3-REED ~a) Tist if Yis mid wortgagar sltail fait to poy such tares ar procrrrs sluff ix-
<br />~>tsrrsc+r t~ ,mid a~ga~s ~ pay sack tasxs asd prassra ~ttt+rlt isaxraacs; asd thr sa+s so adrascsd, uAti ixtersst
<br />at_ 13 ~ t 6,r rs~sid blr said mar, sad t~t5r ~ siafl stud as sssarity for tis stars.
<br />(a} T9bot a ~7+rs m !sY asy srf .mid Bey, shier priseipal or itrtsras3, ruhss tis seeps barotwss des, ar a fdilars to
<br />~9 aoitdt ,ate erf the ~sgapay sastta; s1k~i raiare tie a+itrLt saxt of nwney herrix sresrsd to beca+ara dun asd
<br />at avert alt ttls optics ~ tis t
<br />t~ 1$th - t~q +rj 3u1~ ry79 ~ _ ~~ ~s
<br />lsof ...._- a
<br />3 ~ __._ ..........
<br />__... _- .. ..... .,c.. ._.
<br />Darlene M. Roti
<br />