<br />~~~~~ MORTGAGE
<br />11tis Mortgage is ebtemtl Into between }3odnev I}. LeibeZ't and b4ic2?~lle R. Leibert R'I~-1S
<br />(herein "Mortgagor") and
<br />_ The Overland National Bank of Grand Island (herein "Mortgagee").
<br />M~Bagce is indebted to Mortgagee in the griarSpd sum of $ "5 ~~' ~ ,evidenced by Mortgagor's note
<br />fisted _ 1 15s$p (herein "Note"} providing for payments of principal and interest, vrith the balance of the
<br />indebtedness, if sot soaaer paid, due and payable on_ 7-14-8Q .
<br />Tbsecare the payment of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of fit other sums, with interest,
<br />advanced by Mortgagee to protect the security of this hortgage, and ibe performance of the covenants and agreements of
<br />the Mortgsgor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the follovring described
<br />ptopedy tor~ted to F~l l -County. Nebraska:
<br />Ir~t Nine (9}, F~gency BS' The Green Subdivision, Aall County, Nebraska
<br />Tagetiser tvit6 aII buSdmgs, impmvements, tiztures. streets, alleys, passagoewyys, easemenu, rights, privileges sad
<br />tosatad thereon a in anywise perttiaint ttlMet0. sad the tents, issues sad pm5ts, inversions and xemaitfdars
<br />iadadrag, Iest >mt ttmited to, hce~g sad eadiat egnigtcaai sad such personal pra+petty that ffi atta~d to the
<br />iaapsase~ena m as ~ et>estigtte a lhtture: art of trhich, infludietg replacements sad additions theinto, ~ heinby deflated
<br />is ie a pat a< tie nit estate stecused try the ices of this Mortgage and dl of the fore;oisg being inferred to herein as the
<br />..~'~7'-
<br />further convesrants and agrees, with Iriottpgee, as follows:
<br />L Yayaeai 3b pa@p tie indet~edness and the interest theceon as provided is this Mortgage and the Note_
<br />Z 2'rtie, is the owarr m the l4opeeiy, has t!w rigit attd au~ority ~ ~ RoPerty. ~d
<br />yr tin the ties taeatec3 iereby is a ftrd and prior lcen aw the }hoperty, extrpt as nvy otherwise be set forth herein.
<br />C1 'ILe y is subiert to a wheinin
<br />i tiw liosyMee, tsgns8ed at Bnah , ~ of the Rseade of
<br />lska, wttie`i )lariEp~e s a ties pdoa to tin ties ereatast tveteby.
<br />~1 il~ev psx or ssa~aanoes:
<br />3. '!`rsaeR Aaraaee~la. 7b pap stem fine all taus. acveasaroats and art Mher flu<ges agaisst ~ ~riY
<br />ahd. wd~en dsmaad hq , to add to tie pyments regnired wader the None secfxed hereby, sutdt amount as
<br />aarg i§s tit to aeahte the 1' to pry such taxes, rssessmen# or other charges as tltep become due.
<br />'S. ioaetarrae. 'ins bxp the imptttvemests mrw ce hereatte; loeatrd oa the red estate described herein insured
<br />daseaoe ley Ike and saoi etht: lraeards a ~y require, in amounes amt with companies acceptable to the
<br />gleaglpy aofl ~ 3era pt;+w#le La tie ;_ la case ref loss umtw such poiiaea the Mortgagee is authoriu6 to
<br />~. aeibr2 aei ms4aasiae, ie ~s tl. aQ claBaea thesean~ at its sole option, atttbosizedtoeitbarapply~he
<br />peaaaei tis ;~ d ~ itagaaRy +ar sport lie ~ arKSrred hereby, tart pwtnents Eaeteuntber shall eoa-
<br />sittas tsnt~ the ~ sassed head9 ass !~ to d~-
<br />'iaa~~as~~ssr ~a 'Tae 3tnd lgaRmre+e. t~~t3n1 u3'~+Y ~^ntaiaed to par~hs 3 ono ~ bareaf Eo #ha
<br />ail~apa -+-+.w.~+= tlN1! peg t0 tin litoee at th! tiawe Lsf psytng tlSL' mottiNy itlata}lrnaltta 4f pltnatpd Fns IntaraGt,
<br />rtf #ie 1'~ . i k~3wnee , and gtearad mints (if ~yI whtr$ may attain a
<br />per' tae gilt alorgpMe.,at as aid Qom tiaoe to tkre by the ~. The smaunta ao paid shad be
<br />'i? tUe' a~IltpK ieltRat sad appiad u' ttu payti~ut of the hems is respect to which sues amounts were
<br />~S tatlale !~ tar IRtietpilpe i sae pledpr' x ad~tlOnd aeartity fan the io~istednecs rmeuind by this
<br />~ta1/~le-1fai~pteiltA~' w7~is filte tatbggt at ash' daQL~CY 14rtw~eea fire aotad taxes, aaaerntaats, ltuurance
<br />~~ tralpti ~ ilia _ ie~up~r teit~ tiq _ttiYs .doer de±ttesd a atade tlpm iAortpjgnr requtsttng
<br />#. Dltlttk,~atad tbs. 3b ppomptiy agp~i, rsetass ce rriaYd uy tatBditt~ ar improvements now or
<br />3 as t1~4,1'fesiptd~r; ~ itr'4 NrF 1?iop~ i, loud aneditios toed rspdr, without wuta, and free froth mechanic's or
<br />i~ektMl~itat ellpatiseC~ ~ te'.9s ~ laeraerf; ntrt to make, saffer ar parmtt any nukanee w exist, has w ditain-
<br />alt ttld illtlttll qss ~' I+'Y-sal" set ae omdndne ba act: and to comply with af! tequiretnetits of taw with
<br />1ae/paeā¢ ire ~ '.
<br />