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<br />~~-~~ ~aRTG~~E <br />i <br />r <br />~~~ I~~eittlYr~. !11aac and Eaccutcd this ~4__-- nay of ~~~, ~a~• _ A. U. .~~'jS~_._ <br />~~ M'and bttarrn ,Tnhn Mrf affcr~ & H IPnP MCC`Rffar~r (Nnahanri T. AtifP) ,_ __ <br />!~ __ 3215 E. Grec~nry St , Grand 'island .Nebr. _ yxiny ofine fir:, parr, <br />~i and y.' A w. F ..1. ~- i.., _ <br />~~ X460 SQ 120. St ^~tt+~hai~uebr 68801 -~ rt~•nrrnG.«,naparr. <br />L: ITNF.SSETFI,:'«at:,7c said ~r,}eF:'"-f:st pan, for and in rnnsiduation of EIEVen Tt1.4US dI1C~ FOCIr FUT1dTed <br />y~Twentp FOllr & N011OO- -• - - - - - - -. -----^-"-°'-~^---' UOLL<1RS,paidbyBaiapaneofrhe <br />sectmd par.. the texipt whereof is huetrt- a::knoaledged, has grafted, bargained, sold and conveycd~.~~b7y these preseo[s, does gtart, barg¢in, cell and com•ec, <br />~! umo ssi3 parry ofrhe second part, the iailowzag desetii+e3 real property situate in the County oC-II>~L_ and Snte ni Nebraska, to-wie: <br />~? _.- __ - <br />' Lot 35 in Sass 2nd Sub Division, located in Section 14, <br />jj owns ip or Range , West o e in >~aZT <br />.-.- , . <br />t <br />- - --' <br />ff <br />lye, ihv cssh all the taxateats, lteteditamenn and appunrnancex ro the s¢me belmgittg, and ill the est¢te, titk, down, ripttt of homes[ead, claims am'! deman3s <br />~{ic ahatmerer of the said patty ti the firs pan of, in tff to said ptrmirrs or any Snrt, thereof; and sai3 party of the first pan das hereby vrmant, that said party aF <br />~J tine 5tst part is lawGsHy srisCd ofs¢id premised, that said premises aze trtt Corm :atvmtxancc - <br />j~ p~re~pnt Fi rci- Bar7Qral of t.i n~nin ~,s.r ~e arty ofthe fie n.~t will,a~r:asst ~ddefend t}u essle top <br />1'; <br />j said premises rtgcmt ih iaaiul tlaian and demads rSdt ppt+ms storeaac•ttt <br />{ <br />1'A0~3UFa AI. W X25, and ilydG presmrx arc upon xhsc cooditims: <br />' Y'l~REti, said pcty with fins pat tia esnvttad and delisctai to the said party of th sarood part _.., a <br />Faa~cx-nte 3!!L the principal amount of ~S; ~ ~r ' Ht n r d etlenty Right <br />~ 791140- - -Sollars due and payable at the rate of interest herein <br />stated, <br />m r .. .... .. . . ... . <br />, • - -~ <br />and waarsews, xlr pate of th fun pat has to ~ the buiSrbsrgs, u sny, upm nerd pranixet, iastrred in some`cnmpanp ~ campstties apppred by aid pan <br />dth st¢md part, far th sum as ka thaaE ~- IS«1RS and <br />dt3r>Aa to said part; d the sacaod part the pdits• ar paliciu mr¢atssmg a clue with the loa pr;+hh to aid patY d t sernmi pan, ut assigns, and ha agreed to <br />pap ill rues and aaaeaamesa a<ttntt said premised hwiarc the same, bs law, tsectme deliaqum[, sad hn ageed [tat ri said pam• of rh f rya part don not pmside <br />sn +c.t amuravtt, ar fah to pry a{t rases as aforesaid, then sad parzy dihe second part, m haWer heteot; maq pay such iosurauce and tam, .v other oFthem, and all <br />aaaarmn w pa*i br avd party dth saaod pmt stall hear iatrrG: m the rate drrtac pa ant per aoaum fraa ine due dparraeait, std this martp~ge shalt nand a <br />aetsstr tteaefm, fed dnd rrm may h sdde9 ro the want d th mmpi ge dart, anti th same tes'emted a a pa¢t rtcteaL Hos', dtlx said party d the first part . <br />-.. aiu7: aeeli axd irallr pay a ~:me to be paid th said sumof maney is savd raze-__- samtmoed, Leith itaerest rhtrewr actor&rg to th tt~r sad etfai chid ade..... <br />aed sAtb hnep and hwid+ags imaged a afaaas"., and shall Slap ail tans and arsasmema paad, and shah daSS Sttep, and per xm a!t th usher cosmanrs and <br />apet~mn tvein T~.•^^a tam these ptssars ro fx ~ snd wd. Hut if sad sum dmoery tr aey par: thermf, a mre inraat thcrroe, is rrol paid tabor the <br />pane s this, v a{s~d std; tsr[ he lept tsuuted as afasvud, a if tlr tam ad amra4+ieats ayriast aanl prmriscs are npt paid u or htFore the time the <br />tame henme Syr Susd}mqaenr a raid parts dth firs pan shah fail to #eep and arry cosertaari herein aontaiaed, the hnidcr hermfstsatl hen Ilse op- <br />rim m dnclm`e eh tclak admix mr and payatk a any ulna after auct ~w defimdt, and tor; mainuie m attim at ins ar exryitp 7o rarn•er the <br />sarase;asd ffie aaamestameat dsueh an:an shall h th only rwtitx dth etrertite of said oration sa'?rsued. <br />r12GR I'i' SS F1tR7'lfFR TpQYfLlEp !!Ts'I! AGSM, Tha ire asd sha;< and trill pay a!i run Ievsed upm this tatstpge sv th debts vred d <br />thereby, agerier sritt aaq ewer ores a aaaamean wtich may h krred under the Lass af2sidvaka, ajaaW Lhe sad Manga}re or thelegalhudcrofthesad <br />piiaa-apal ma__. an acamrm dots usdehaedaead.. <br />1+f0Y3LE Tt? GQ3QS1'AdESt I. ilo'rK)T saPa t'.ua paper halve mu read n .. tau arc ttaitSnl so s ~ oa tSns pspcr. 3. Yai amp prepay th unpaid <br />lrahma a ~• tame a~hnsn prsalic sad mw h earakd ro rernsx s ror,,..H ni urtcatrd ~arecs. m acavdamY wilt Iax- <br />,~ ~~~ ~i W2 r~ceuma sn ~ - Our M;d `ctFie due ahosx utincn. <br />caler~ N <br />__.__ _ . <br />~- s <br />t-, . ,. <br />'.: ~ <br />--,.~~-~~~ r"''-`9 ~~--=~ --- -- --------- r <br />srlre~F~-r~etisa~s. t _ <br />} K oa ttix _ 25 _--- a.y _Daece~er .-----~ n._._~2Z2 - <br />dcrdre mr. a \mnn F*whiu m and for the vui County pra-,unally wor=e the atx,~e npme,t .___-.__. i <br />}~ <br />1tfl~ PI~~3~~i'1-i~i <br />o^no. Pcrsu>vity krman to nr ~f <br />*~~^^'~.;,~ Loh the i3cmrcil petsna- _.. srhaae men saw ----- -- aflicdcd ra rM:ba,sK m t -.ats <br />iAltiar - -- <br />Sixit ;~ a~a_... ~i1 -.--xt=rS.- aelnoskdie3 ukl antra rm co he .-.....~aluntart <br />t <br />._ ••"• •: an and abed- _ 11 <br />T,S3'NESSmy hand and Nasrid Scil th day d. ,- !? <br />----.___~___1______ --- __ <br />!lac ary 7~~ <br />s <br />#i}• rntaae.amn gar dye _._._- ~~ _ day ssi ._.__s~_._._.-_ __ .~ U 198Q. ;~ <br />~_ <br />S+asm <br />