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r <br />F-189265 <br />so-~ <br />THE EQUTTABtE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES <br />TH[S MORTGAGE, dared as of the.....__Z&t..-......_day of ..__.___lleeembeY....._._... , 197.9...., between Wayne P. <br />Thesenvitz and Gloria J. Thesenvitz, husband and wife, <br />whose post offxr address is.___ __Woad..RiQez.,..NebSa&ka.. b8883. .... _..... ...._. <br />hereinafter called `:Alartgagor," and THE EQUITABLE i.IFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY Or THE UNITED STATES, a New York <br />Corporation, hating its principal office and post office address ai 1285 Ayenur of the Americas. New fork, New York ] 0019, herein- <br />afrer called ':Nortgrget ": <br />1VHEREAS. tine Mortgagor is justly indebted to the MortGagce in the sum of - . One., HuAdled Sixty Ot;e. Thgtt&a~id,_ ., <br />........... <br />and_i~ll0© .---___ --.._Dollars i,~......161rQQQ..QO._ .. _ with interest, all as set forth in his cc°rtsin promissory Wore <br />i•'tiote"j of even date herewith matttring. _.. ~~~g~y..1.. __.._, ......_ _. _.......,~ 200D <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THIS it10RTGAGE R'1TNESSETH, that, to secure the payment of the principal of and interest an thr Notr <br />and the performance of the covenants therein and herein contained, and in consideration of the pretrrises, the Siortargor by them <br />prsents does grant, bargain, sell, convey. transfer, assign, mortgage, pledge, warrant and confirm unto the l~iartgaget all the property <br />"lire .t.'rrrrq.rgecl l3operty"; hereinafter described, to-[sits <br />1. The following described real property iocattd in thr Counn~ of ..... 8a11--- - ~ -. - ._ _ ~. - - - . <br />Start of . _.__ _NabZ'aska_. _.___-....___... _.. io- it: <br />Z4>.e So~xth Half of the Southeast Quarter (S'~SE'~), the North <br />Ralf of the S~theast Quarter (N'~SE'~) and Lots Five (5) and <br />- iyiX -tai) -lice Lam tvoruaea~t Quarter lit<vE4l f 8a. a. lice - cc.:t_;van acsaac <br />{9), Township Nine {9) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the <br />'~,h P.M., Hali County, Nebraska. <br />3bfault by the ^nrtgagor tatule~ any other instztmtent securing the debt hereby <br />sacssrad shall constitute a default ttndez this instrt~t. <br />L. The I+doatgs~'s inttrtst as lessor in all Masts iinrluding but not limited to, ail, gas and mintral ]rocs` aaw or htreafttr afftct~ <br />lag tikt abcxe.dtsr.rrbe-d rral property or any part tlttrraf. <br />3Y3CiE.7"fiiR S-t1TH tart rents. issues, and prefits thrreul, resrrtink_ ltorsxvtr. !,unless atlrrrwist praridtd herein nr in a sepant_ <br />instraanent of nxnti, vats the )diorigagtar tlrc right, pricer to any deiault in thr paymrg2 oT the Noit or in performance of any <br />sgrt~emrat lrrreu~ndt:, to crr}lect and retain sarclr renu. issues, and profits as the}~ becomr dot and payable, and together also with all <br />aces] siagaiar ire teettraeats, lrtrrdiumtnu, and appurtraances thurunta bclanging, including irrigation, drainage, and water rights of <br />eaw.xe• ;cad aced description. <br />7T> HAVE AND TO HOLI:r the ssmr unto tlrr Mangsgrt, its su~ctssars arr~ assigns, forever. <br />PRflviD£D, A! WAYS, thu if the Mwtgagtu, biz heirs, rrpresrntatitrs, sue:rswrs ar assigns, shall pay unto the Mortgage[, its <br />mcctsuus tar assrgrrs, thr said sum of motxy mtntiontd in the Notr and the intrust therran at the rimes and place and in the mannrr <br />sptcii'red iq z'ae Nrstt, sad cell nthrr sums that tiro}' ;%comr dur and awing to thr Mottga¢re pursuant to any of the tcrmz, cortnant_i <br />and cans lrtrta'E, and ptrforn: sll zhe conditions and con=cnanu cantaitsrd in this matt ;age ;'.9}er[~age "`,then [here presents and <br />tbt rstatt istteby granted shall erase, drtermiur and be void, atlserwise to remain in fall lorce and rffecc. <br />ANIJ St78J£CT to the covenants and c,7adirnns heminsfcer set forth. <br />F3RS3'= 15re Maassagor Irtrsb}• tarensnts and agrees. to the exunt pertaitud by law, as follows: (a) to pay promptly whtn due <br />aft ~ sad inttrrst and tuber snrns ref moary prtnidtd frx in the and in this Mortgage, or either; {b } co pay cell tases,:ssrss- <br />meatc aasd atlstr cltargec {iaclndiag dash, tarsal, rtsttaoit, or othu water charges, taxes or asscsstrxnuJ imposed by law upon the Mort <br />R~ Pr~tspertF. the Is#xartgsti*ut`s inrcrest rnrrcirc, <r pc,n the Mcnry..,;,c ~,. rl,, ti,~rr: rr,•,~i:l.~d h~,w~eyrr, rhar_iaslsc c,.,.na..f zhw p.= <br />safe ~ nary lay rdaasgiag the laws for clrt taxationrof mrnrtgages or debu secured by mxtg-rgt so as to a{feet this Mortgage, the tntirt <br />;-'~a'a~e~s xe.~vr;sl )t~tp shal}, at the optiu+n of the lV3ort~gee, biome dot and gaysble ~ !ci to keep the Mnrcgagtd Prnptrtp and <br />ens tltnrtoa in gaodcom3itias sadrepau acrd rsoz ca tortoni[ c:r suffer wasxe theuof, and except as a~atlraritcd in an}' schtd- <br />ale aaaerctd lureto sad freaar$g a gsrt laataf, rxithtr to rearrsre nor permit the rrmtwa! of any timber, buildings, oil, gas, minerals, <br />>, t~ocl<. clsy isrttloer, mravel ar top sal wit~tart rht pricer written .consent of the Mortgagee; tdj to maintain and deliver m the <br />t'' pdidn of iasursatx sgrriasa mclr hazards r+n the buildings now or hereafter ][sated on the Mortgaged Property as the <br />msy ie ssadr ~ sad a;aaNtttt5 and with snch loss payable c3austs as shall be satisfstwry to the Mortgagee; <br />aneat~ tirt ~les7~aget is expn:sdy,sndtmiztd to e+ettle nt compprtsariae claims under said gaiicfes and the proceeds shall <br />~e paid to toe who may sppls wrErt +g nay part dsertof on the indebudaess secured hereby nr towards the reconstruction <br />er of xtdd - - ar release aaane to tlae Itt+xtgagtsr; .(e} to pay ace}, lied, claim or charge against the Mongagtd Pr~pc. ry :awhr.-h <br />~t tape t~ ~Ra It+a'esa'~: ta,pay rka demand afi( ~aI expenses, title searches, ur attoaney fens seasonably incurred <br />~ ~ -~1te t+a€a}~ett .l9ots ett ~arerlor or pmtrct tike Ileac of t1st.Mantgagt: ;g) drat in the event ht shall fnil w cam- <br />p!~ nRlds rise 1't'+ at {al t6m~a~i (f) aboac,.thtr lkortgagec may take such acdotr ss is necessary to runedy such failure- and all <br />4s paid 1t~ rice palaaant bmcta ~.r3th- Rnitrest at dte axu hereinafter aroyidad shall constitute a lien upon tlrr Mortgaged <br />l4vape:ti, t~ bt~e~bq this iKntsga,~ sad shaig be imtsedsately due snd repa~yabk to the Aturtgagee; /h t nut to sell the preu:ices <br />ar ptxtiaa t#tara~-~ . z'f tlse ~ is.;-torPau izias, aaY mart rlraa ~"- ~.. of its carparaxr stock sh-nll 6r sold, traded or dis~ <br />ttf to paraaai otlstrtbaa ills pscseat avimers lrrinr cq tize time iht indebttdntss seeurtd hereby shall have been rrdu °d : csclu <br />