<br />~(~-~ 61.$8
<br />bdaRTGAGE
<br />btaerf:aceLOnNNa. L 23,573
<br />R'fOWALLM~dBYTHESEPR£SENT5~7`hat E. Cean.Wolfe and Judith A. Wolfe, each in his and her
<br />own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in oonsidemtion of the sum of
<br />Dne hundred Twenty-five Thousand and Nol100-------------------°------------------ ©OLLAILS
<br />k,ssted to said taortgagor by The Equitable 8w"kung and Loan Asvociation of C.rand I,?ud, Nebraska, Mortggee, upiw ~ 25D shires of stall of
<br />stir' ASSOLiATt~t, Cert~d'inte No_ L 23,673 , do hereby grant, oacvey and mortgaige unto the said A.SSOCIATIaN the fo-owing
<br />desa~ed real estate, sitmted in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />AND
<br />mpetlrr lash aU the tettemtris, $cs-ditarumt: z~i ~garsesmces iherennto bdao~, roclurimg utadKd floor wsstirgs, a9 w~odo. sattsis,
<br />- .irdoar shades. blmdls, storm w hrd~xrs, awl, M:arine,, air woditionieig, aad plumbing and w:tu equilxiaeat s~ acaaories thereto, pnrtips,staWea,
<br />,efsi0xsots, and other fiitotes aad egagrmeor s+aa~ ar ixresfter attaclyd w av used is isonacetion with said real crease.
<br />Aud wham rbe sissd racutgagar has >,gFerd and dues baeby agree that ibc mrntgagut sbatl and wfll pay all cues and asaeartrteats kYied or
<br />accred agar laid pte~s aaa upon this inm:gage and ibt hood snnuet{ it,ereb fore ibe sauce shag beewae delinquent: to furnish appsosed
<br />itasas upon ti,e bum :rn Weill pirmisra ritwtr+d ~ the son, d S 125 ,OOD'. ~D payable to said ~CIA710N and to dekner m said
<br />lLSSa9[7A'31f1!+5 the pokoes for said irut,tantx: and ntu m .+yT,,,., ar permit any wash on of about said ptttnaes:
<br />>ia tar of defarh ~ the perfutms,ce of any of the terms asl om3.etiaru d' this mortgage or the bond setmed bveby, the trortgtBee sha8,
<br />m dew, tr eaRitbed to ia®edote poor of the moAgagod preasiaes and the rtxripagor hereby assiprs, aarufets and acts ores to thr
<br />asostpg<e aE Ibe uses, terrmet asa4 inoame w br dere>e+d ftotu t1t mwtgagrd pr-cones drvisg wds time as the mort~e iudebapdms siu~ rearit
<br />tw~wik and tht rmlgilgoe shd base the pu,.zt to appoiet ary agent or ads g may desee for the purpose of ra}riitts sill pteaaaes std t~
<br />I!r >•e and ooHasai6 the times. sneatae: and iumsne, and it my pry our d said iooaoe d eaperss of teW~B said pttaeeea and treagory
<br />asti~rta sad atpmss iatarsed ~ reutisg and the same artl ~ eoBaK®g rimtab therefrom; the balmoe terrieime, of sty, to be
<br />a~ied an~xd ihr des~arge of sued mnrigage asaebtoaness tbeae righu of rbe a>wrgaget may be atessssa u say titre dmiolg the eaisteeee d arch
<br />idark, ins of say t~»a*s waver o[ Ebr same.
<br />iieee Preamts, btweser, use upon the Condita,u, That if the sa,d ]lartgagur shall te{.ay said ktan oa « before the mttruity d stud ahsres by
<br />PsYs~: pn' Y to sued A_SSflCtA77aN of the stmt aper.6'sd a, the Bond seaaed hereby ss iniaest and prmapsl na said ksw, oa or Before
<br />the 7'wa~ day dasdt sad easy moeth, uan7 said boar is fully paid; pry au toes tad messmenu krec,l tart sad pse:a,ss and m shit Mottytge
<br />lard ae surd secaca ibeseb>•°. be&re ddesvveu.-~ ; imsedt a}gravad i a>pm u,e b,hermn m rbe sum of s 1 F5 >DtJD. QO pmWa
<br />ea said I1S90[1Al'lUMI: repay ~ said itssac~unaN apn,t demand di ~Y by it pad for >~ tam, ane®mu std iawtaooe with ~t a
<br />the ~wiataaei Igpd ~ thcn>oa tram due trf paymexa aB ~ a-hicb liostgapcv be,~e6y apfeKS to pay; pets3it m s>ge as said ptemifes:laep ad ots~ty
<br />eiah a9 tle.o. ad t,uotliriam e~ the Band ~ S 125 , Di30. D0:6$ day gises by the sari to rand iLS4af.YAI'lOlri, and
<br />sits idl the sugasetuetus of the Conrtitutioe and By~is>t of ,7trd ASSaCL~11~1; tbea shoe pseamts rdtaB beawae ar@ asd ,Dill, othetariae they
<br />tLi tsuen re far farce sad mar be inrcrkssat u the :aptuw of the sadd ASS0f7A7lt3Tv after tadute for throe rmaths w rmke sty of said
<br />prpea*ss a br tmue tnoaedu, s arturs im makvg said mmthty pry~*, ur m keep and mcs~iy with ter agaemeuts and oondFtions of sill Boud;
<br />tad hlee~ ilgsees m hTC a receiart appodted fartbaritb in n,r9 fottrJos,ae prooQedosgs.
<br />H flsetr it ay ~ d o of the red mate rartga~d heseitt, by rase nr othortrist, tbee the entire remain6tg iadebtrdaras herby
<br />arasttd s~til. at t!e eptiea d 7ht fgaitabie E and Loaa Aaa.'a:aor atf f=sand Idmd. NeMaska.. become ie dsse aqd prYa6k srithost
<br />[aasha oases. and the atuotot >esnmesg due s,da said bosd, and any aeba bend far +aY add#ssml adsuuara atade thaetmdra, shag. Gam the
<br />date d earrdst of acid aptits, bur itat+rce at the tragc®ua ieBa) tale, sad tbd mortgagr may tbm 6e fnredaaeb to sstisfj the atuouat due oa said
<br />latrd,ad say Delta brstlfir additi,ww/ adaasKxs, tagetbts srdb ~ semis paid by said 'the Equsta*~e Butlditg and Loaa A.~;alioa of f,tsd Lsfad,
<br />tiubseta far iatsrarz, touts and aotaareots, and i>bsliauiag extav®on urges, wirh intsrest thtrooa, from state of payment at the tswnttm®
<br />~~-
<br />/-s pw+eded m thr Baud aeesand herrkg~, what this rmag:ge ret>s>ios in effeq itte risortgrgte mY hereafter advance additioml sums w the
<br />rrb+aa d ad Bond, thrir assigsu of sutresors ea assrzea, whit3s rarizs shah be within the seauiry of this mortgage the same s the fimdt oripeaBy
<br />sand th:arby, she tdat a~tast of praor~,d debt not to taomd si say time the origiad amount of this rtauigade.
<br />~~ i4th ~Y.-- January a.. n., t9 80
<br />s g_~~ ~ -
<br />;i;ndi i~f A. "serf I fe
<br />~~~~~ ~ : au tris 7 4th day ~ January 14 80 ,before tm,
<br />I the randarsi~sed, a Notary Public iu and for said CotmrY, P~~Y tame
<br />ir. Itean iiplfe anri Judith A. 3fe, each in iris and her own right, amid as spous~e~of~ea~ch to
<br />=oar - ~ are
<br />- ate~~~-'s afFued ~ the above imtrutpeni as matpigor s artd they ssssgY
<br />++'~ sell' ~`~0 set and deed.
<br />nasal I~a~'"~ _ . ~ Notary lhihlic
<br />~-
<br />