<br />
<br />iiOR1'GAGE
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. 23 , 672 _~
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BYTH£SEPRESENTS:T'teat George D. Lincoln and Marcella A. Lincoln, each in his
<br />and her owtl right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, is consideniion of the stm of
<br />Cix,y Thorteand Eiaht Hundred and No/i00--------------------------------------------DO~~
<br />kuned to aid tttnrtgsga by The Egrdtabk Btulding srd Loan Assocation of Grand Istami, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 60B share of stock of
<br />said ASSOCiA110N, Certificate Has. L 23,672 , do hereby grant, wnvey and ttart_eage unto the aid ASSOCIATION the foliowireS
<br />desm'bed real estate, situated in Hal! County, Nebraska:
<br />toysthes with sH the ttaeramis, hesedituotats and aylxaiettasces thereunto be)otgueg, iaGuditg utached eTOOr wterisrgs. all w:adow suetas,
<br />niedow shades, blodr. slam windows, awaiag., hniirtg, air ~xndit:ortirrg,and pltmtbictg and watce eguipt»ent and aoccaories theteto,pemrpa,stovea,
<br />adlipe>aars,~d otter fatmes sad equipment mtw ~ berealYn anacJsesl to or used m connrrsioa svi*,It said teal estate.
<br />And vtitereas the said mout~ir lass and daes haeby~ agar thz thr rmrt~egor shall cart wig pay aii tors cad asseameats levied ur
<br />asaea~ apm steel ptas>rs cad upon the moregape and the baud served tlxreby before the same sha13 beconr delinriscat: to fotniai
<br />iaalatce tqutu tie buidittg oa said prnrases served io the snot d's 6D ,$00.00 payabk to aid ASSOCIA170N and W dctira t
<br />AS~[IC4AlION the polic9-s for ~d ieaawae; xtsd rwr : ~ mmarit ar peratn asy ware or or sb~wrt said pretnisa;
<br />t. t>oe ~ ~ the performance of anY ui the terms and aottdititats of !hs ratxiptge or the bold secured Iaereby, the martptpee :baH,
<br />m deassad, Lc eattded w ~3iste posse~oa of the mcx[gagrd ptrmirs and the rooltgagor hereby assigns, tramfas and arts oven to the
<br />seortyaBae $ the tarts, tevet,ars and asspa>x to be derived fixer she taottg~ed ptemite~ caving such time as she mottgayt itdebtedaess shad trms®
<br />~Ltad: cad the ttwatlptsce ~ have the pmrec to tppaint any agva a agrstt: it may desire for tht putpase of repaaiot; aid ptrmves cad tmtirts
<br />tIt[ sstee toad ootkttsigs the rents rr~esua clad iaontae, and it miy asy out of sad intxaete ell etpcasrs of rep:virffi said pteanives cad neatrtatry
<br />m~oas cad iatsred in reateg and the same sad of rnlkxZitffi reatak iheneftum: the ba4taw vemsiniatg, if arty, to be
<br />~ie~ toatad tie of aid ~. then rights of the mortgagee rnty be eaetrised at coy time doting the exirteex of such
<br />ids, isreapectivc of rry trasptxuy vraiver of the sastx_
<br />7lss !leseeas, howaevtr, ate upon Pee Cotr~t~, That ~'tlte aid #I<.rtg~tu sls~} repay aid kas a. at lrcfac the mattttity of aid aiues by
<br />psyasat; par naaethly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum sperifsed in the Bond seraual herby as ~trrcu sad priatipal un said Iola, m a befase
<br />tir'Rvaaigi dry of exii sad every month, rmW said but is ftrBy paid; pry all taxes aed asvemutnts 3evied said
<br />agawst pte:mixs at+d oa thu Martha
<br />cad ffie Brmd thae~y, Brtar dt3ingtraty: ftunish approved iaatraace ~ the btaldrags thrreoa is the sum of S 60, 000. ~
<br />m said ASSOClA11ON; rzpsy to aid ASSOCIATION upon demand sg rtvunw by it paid frn saeii taxes, asaPasmsets cad verb mterat
<br />flag aat'® kpd race thdetut from dais of ; _vtaent tell of a"lv~ Mortgr~arlxtrby >~~ x pay; perait :a; vacs ay sa>;! pt~s; ktnp asst ~~i
<br />atath ~ the agraeimmu and rxatditicros of the Hoed fors S(j , $00.0 day ®ver 6Y the aid 3iatpgar to aid ASSOCIATION, atd
<br />waBt aS the reprrea+~ts ad the Caastitmiea cad fsY-I~ws d aid AS'SOCIATIQhi: then 1t,G9E }seamts siall bemme auH cad veld, ntitoswiaethey
<br />shat t+emais is fah ftuae cad may bt foteclosd at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after faihur for spree rtwatths to trukt saY of said
<br />PaYtewts or tin thtre terstuht ~ carcass ~ tnatitrg said mrmUdy palweats, or to keep cad cwtq+iy vritb the agrcematts and condititms of aid Htmd;
<br />sad ajsters to hwe a rraxaver ~tpoffitrd forthwith b+ suck fars~ arautz prrw><edittgs.
<br />!f the+e is say m owaras9~r of the real carats tnrutgaged bestaet, by ak ur otlteawise, rim the entire teauioiirK indebtedtten hetaby
<br />aectaed titaB, xt she optire of 7Ne Eq~e $midgg cad Loan Aaoratieo of t:r~ Islmd, Nrbtmks, became hntaediately due and pryable witMta
<br />imtiev attUCe, cad Nte araatmt ~iait~ ells tinder said bnad, cad nay otita bond far aty additioml adnaoea made thereunder, lisH, flora the
<br />'fart elf etaa~e laid opti+rm, hair ;attasst at me maxitatrm Ie,Bd sate, saw! this mortggr may thin }se ftrectwed to satisfy the amount cue m aid
<br />lsaad,aad cap o~ ~ ft,r add6ima2 advance-s.. t~tSer vwids aH sums paid by said 'ilir Equasble g cad Loan Association of Grand Islsud,
<br />Nttbaaia fa iamraaee, tastes cad aaaestments, and abarsa~smgratestsi.ter charier, wig iatrreest thert>ca, Lan date of psytasn! at !~ arsxitntln
<br />hgai sale.
<br />~ t d t~ Saad srr~a9 ~Y, atrilr ihiv ;nottgadc rxmaists .m effas the mortgagre may beresfier advance additions! assts so thr
<br />aaalaeas of said Bned, tixir amigos a rsacseasevs u, intesrst, whir3s sums shall be witltA the security of this mottgsgt the aaae as the fvads origioaBy
<br />>eemdi thvstry, the trstsa amrseat of prandpai deW ac» io:aomed ai any rims thr oriptts{ atnounl of this monga@e_
<br />oatmd ttaa ]) ##a d~ tff January tin.. I4 80
<br />sit _~~~ U,~. ~~ .•.~.
<br />Nola ~. Lia~coln
<br />SI`A7#: a~' ISKA, ~ ~ f~ tea
<br />~yy~y#~_ iith ~Y~ January Ig80 .beraeme,
<br />the +tndadBned, s Notary Pu)rtic in and for said County, parasnsHp came
<br />~eer~ lA. lincmin anal #arcella A. Lincoln, each in his and her o-mw~igha~2and a~ ut~sent„
<br />- aI
<br />assahathaP~itiralpatraua S whaaetwoa 5 aa^e affixadwthe iastrauaeai martp6ur S cad the: sevrsally
<br />tlta srid itMt,mmt m is tai r vnluaasry act arced Rood.
<br />TMI7T+~SS ray ''rind cad NotrxistSatl t6a dal dwenid.
<br />icy corm eapiap ~ f
<br />ra7saM at LMt IlOIMII'~9tMt d Nbylatia _ Nui~rq t'u6Ue
<br />i ~ .µMES W. f71.50N ~---,
<br />°d tai. ug, blw. I~; 3r~3
<br />