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58-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (Corp.)-With Tax Clause (ReWSed 2962) The Huffman Ge¢erat supply Hauee, Lineolc, NeEe. <br />K?VOW ALL MEN BY THESE FRESENTS: That Davis Brothers Construction, Inc , <br />a corporation organized and existing under and by ~nriue of the taws of the State of Nebraska in <br />annsideration of the sum of I~aenty Five Thousand and 00/ 100-----------------------------DOLLARS <br />in hand paid,-does hereby SELL and CONVEY unto FIVE POINTS BANK <br />~ Hail Cwmty, State of Nebraska the following described premises situated <br />in Hall County, e~ State cif Nebraska , to-wit: <br />The Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW~NE~) and the <br />Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW'~SE~) of Section <br />Twenty Four (24), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West <br />of the 6th P,M., lying north of the north right-of-way of the <br />C.B. and Q Railway Company; Deed recorded in Book 2 Page 394 <br />in the Office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />PTO HA\*E ANL7 'i'O HOLD the premises abrnm deacnhd, with all the appurtaoancea thereunto belonging unto the slid <br />FIVE POINTS BANK <br />amf to its heirs and assigns farcv-er, pro+,idcd atw~ys„ era' these presents are upon the ezprs~es mndiC~ that $ the <br />said Davis Brctheis Construction, Znc. <br />or assigns shall pay ar rases to be paid to the said Five Points Bank <br />hens execatots. ~*+***•+~+~n*Y or assagos, the sns of Twentg Five Thousand 8nd 00(100-----I>ollaae. payable act <br />faHoaFa. uo-grit <br />Itaeentg Five Thousand and OOIlOfl-------Dollars oa the 7th day of July , ~ 80 <br />Wooers a~n the day of . 19 <br />Dollars on the day of , 19 <br />Dollars on the day of , 18 <br />Dollars m the day of , i9 <br />uafh 3atesead tlfenPP,on ai 1~ Per' cent per annum. Payable 7/7180 according to the tenor and effect <br />of the promissor'9 ante wish interest coulwas atis~ed of said <br />hearing eaPn date wide these Pam and shall pay ail tams and ants levied upon acid real estate sad all otha~ taxeR <br />iesfw+s std ase~ments levied open th-s mortgaar car the note ,v},ich this mortgage ie pvea to aeeare, before the same bacatam <br />detiaqu~t, and kac{s the ~ oa satr7 pram>sas iawrmd for the sum d S 25,DDD.DO . ~, i# m0.T, P in the <br />sail ntmtaager, thrs+ these preses4z to be wid. atbar~riae to be sad m~maia fa full foaee. <br />iT 1$ F$~ AGREED, f;) That ii the said ntartgafor shall fail m pay sstrb taxes ~ procure such inauaeoe, the <br />tsid aa;a-tom nay 1~ saw farm rs+d prOESt>ro sit ;,a:s+~.,ce; std tts sites ae advanced. alCr2 iz:tesce! ~ -per <br />Dent a he a by said mort~egar. and this met~age ahaH stand ai ateurify for mtats- f$} That a failure to pay nay of <br />said money, at},er pr-sail ~ interest when the setae become due. ar a failuae era eiompty avith any of fhe €oregaing BiAee- <br />metrta. cause the wLode txtm of money herein se2xtrrxl w become due and oolleetdile at ~ at the aptica of the mortgagee. <br />fN Vgi°!'h~ESS WHEREOF, the said <br />~ herxuato sassed its sate seat m be affneed sad these ptearnts to he signed by ifs <br />tfus 9Llt day of 3a,}tn - , l9 $D /' <br />tamed /c* .. .--. ., f>' <br />13'fA9E 8F_ ^~.- ~--..- _- - __ _ _- , County oS___.. _ ~ ~~ -- ------- -_-_- -- ---_.....: <br />9eErae me; a 8 pshtic gaRd>Sad ie said cwatp, pera~ally mme Wallace Davis <br />Preaiderst of <br />1Dayis 8ratha:rs Construction, Znc. , a eozlwratien <br />lcssaana toaaEtohe the ttfeirdrwt sad-ideatiotl papa two ed the foregoing iastrttaaaat, std aged the execution <br />tkazenl:lt~ ass hgt >,ohaatau3 art sad deed tat `sut~ effiar m+d this vuluettary ad and deed of acid carpozat~ sad that i!s t~- <br />popiUa saial. was l~ltamaea a(~d ~ ilir - - <br />-aaQ based aea3 nafaxfal ~ Januarl!- ~t~-,_-_-----_-.--• 18._8Q__.. <br />atiaNiepr aacQtrea_:T-._.. ~ ~ _._e~~~~s+3-*.t:~...--- -..._.....No4MSY PuNk. <br />!~ a~f'.~~5 T•-•~•-~---.--.,•..-"..-...-.-~ j Fasfierad oa au~r.:cat f~a: amd $1ed fear zomrd <br />j}" 3a the tingiatar ad Ik3eda Of~.~e of wriA County the <br />i CauatY ~ - ...- _ .,.. <br />' --.-.-,.,,~'° d..- ,....-_.-..-y Z,4:._.,-...., ad..____n.._..-.-:.-.,,.._.o'cloeck aad...__.-.___.._..._-..minutes ,._-----..........M.. <br />sad teaeedad ht 8eiolc._-~______:,_.-..-...:.._..aF_:_..._...; palge-.. ..----._....._..._...__._... <br /> <br />w <br />._.._._..-......_.Reg. of ]?ends <br />,__ -{ <br />