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<br />'~~I'~i~1tEL,;B#!S',E iCjl" {4T~'L,k~~~PYtc^8 I'1,~~~lElti-~_f%nx'itFtr'Altlti¢e ~ ih. d;ih~id0`nrn. i~ni nia,~,rJ, l#tt4t~~i 3',..a,.uss ,Vii=e~+klr{, llli ilpr. ~,' I
<br />John' W Schultz Sr President ......... .... ... . .._ ._- - __ -... es ;, r ~. ;, ,.-. ,
<br />i ~ ...-----------.._._.._ ............. do.-- -.,ercu- teat, ..,,,t me t..,_,.....t~_
<br />S elts-Schultz Lumber Co. of Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />lien claimed by P- _--- - ---.._-------.--.._-°---- ..___. -....-...-.-°._-_.._...-._....-._-...,...... -- - - _
<br />against -Robert G Whaley__& Peg~y..A. Whaley _ -_ ...-_-.-
<br />document tE78-004007
<br />the account anti affidavit of which is recorded oneage,.- .... ..................o{-~e3olt..-_..._-_.-_____..__. of 'CScxi;~;~ic'M Liens of ttte
<br />records of-..-..Hall ....... ..... .. ....County, State ~f. ...Nebraska-..--- ._....., is tufty paid and the ilebK. iitercrty secured
<br />'. is ful{y satisfied and said lien remove.i '" Z
<br />°~ f' _;
<br />' ., [n pre,cnSe of ~
<br />-i si -r7`-t- >/
<br />RECQROERS A~i~t~;0. ...... .... ~.. ,;r%~~ ,.. - ., ,, ~,.
<br />__. ...
<br />;: ~-
<br />- J W. Schultz, Jr., Pre`' r' '
<br />Reg, at Osas ,f ,
<br />` _.._..__..-._-....-..-_---._.--.---.-___.___...--._ ..............................._._. G,L.~elx -Schul.tz..lumbe=-, ~ .; ~ad-Ss:Latu1
<br />Nebraska T 11 - January 80
<br />State of .......-"_...- .....-,._..,..-._.-------... t)n this . .............day ot_..... _ .. ._ . .... ..19........, before me, the
<br />~~s
<br />••,- Hall ........... ....County j unricrs,gned, a rotary Yublie in :uzd for sate County, personally
<br />carer. John W Schul t~ Jr. ... _ _.__ _ ................ .--- - .. ,..-..., President of the
<br />_ ..-.., Spelts-Schultz,-Lumber,.Co,,„c?L,.,Graad_,1,sland,.Nebraska. -
<br />to me personally kuutivu to Lc the Yresidettt and identical person whose Warne is affixed to khe aLk.ve release, an,l acknowF
<br />edge<~ the ezcc•uti,?n thereof to oe kris voluntary act and deed as such aNicer, and tide vohtntary ac't anti deed cif the
<br />lip ~'saici Spelts Schultz Lttmber Go. o£ Grand Island
<br />;, i'4'itness ,ny i,anti anri itic tari,sl Seal at ...Grand. Islands. Nebraska ....... ... .. ..1 .a;d t"outtt}• ,,. cw} axtd .t-a: '
<br />_ ~,
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<br />iMlw4 1
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