'~rir ="= -, eT"Ga ',~~trrarr'e~ Irtxrg#~ri R~1 Eeta
<br />C3V-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ to
<br />,~ Date ter. 9._..:1,:80
<br />-•-J~n~
<br />y a
<br />~ I,1' TliE G'Oi'U,'1'T1' (s(!L'RT UF" AT)AM.S' __~------------CCiU:VT}', .1~`liBltrTSl'iA
<br />i
<br />~jn This is to certify that there is pending in the Courtly Court of-.. ADA1tS ____._._ ___..._._..-County,
<br />.Nebraska, a proceeding emitted:
<br />No.__ 11719 .^__._ Doc.---40------ I'aye--126--- ----
<br />whtctt is a roceedln intaluin PROBATE O_F WILL,_ -_ _ __
<br />p 9 9 ---- ---- --
<br />iprahcrtr of uiif, admbristrntior, ur' estate, delenninalion of heirs, determination
<br />_.--_._.-----._.-___-----_..--------.---____-, ut which proceediny the following described real
<br />of inlrerilaare laz, puardirmshifr. or ronsrrratnrship
<br />estate is inuolued, to-wit:
<br />Northwest Quarter (NT4'~) of Section 'T'wenty-Seven (27),
<br />Township Nine (9) North, Range Nine (9), West of the
<br />6th P.hT., in Hall County, Nebraska, subject to a Right
<br />of Way Grant to Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Company,
<br />Inc., filed of record in the Office of the Register
<br />of Deeds tat Hall County,Nebraska, on August 26, 1968,
<br />recorded in Book 18 of Misc. Records at Fage 32, a
<br />Righr.-of-Way Easement to Nebraska Public Power
<br />District, filed of record in the Office of the Register
<br />of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, on Janua•y 26, 1972,
<br />recorded in Baok 22 of Mise. Reco_•ds at Page 517 and
<br />an Easement to Dale G. Asmus and Etta hS.Asmus, husband
<br />and wife, as joint tenants with right of survivorship,
<br />and not as tenants in common, filed of record in the
<br />Office of the Register of Deeds of Ha11 County, Nebraska,
<br />on January 12, 1973, recorded in Book 24 of Misc. records
<br />at Page 135;
<br />i ,
<br />• t otu;tEf ,fudgt ~l :~atrt rauntg
<br />?~r,t1~~ f ` ,
<br />,.,
<br />- Clerk of the C<uttnttt Court
<br />Secliat :: •!-.,56. "M any Proeeediny in !ht courdg rourt iruKdainy {!)the prvhufe of wilts under the prvuisiarrs t?f t:haptar ~a, arttc/a
<br />2, (2} fhr ttdntirrisfrattnn vj rsfafts tutder the prnvistans aj f:hapter:t6, arfiefe 3, t;#J the drkrminafivn of heirs wrdrr Pht pravisfortx of
<br />i ' Ghapler 3p, article t7, (6) the deterrnina[ion of Btherttancr tax under Iht provisions of Chapfrr T7, artie(e Pft, (,3} yuardianxhips
<br />under the provisions aj C.hapter 3&, article 1, , 3. or d, or {ti) cvnservulorsfrips under the prvvisiorrs of (:hvpter 313, nrfide rJ, whirr
<br />if,' real estate is arty part of the nsscls of the estate ue proceeding, the rnunfy jndyr hq/orr wham fht prarreriirry is /rrrdiny stroll issue a
<br />ceRtficufa which shalt he filed with the register of deeds aj the C.ounly in evhirh the Prat estate is loruted within ten days after the
<br />~"
<br />description of the real exfate is jitrd in the procettlirty . .................................
<br />+~I'~;.
<br />II'i
<br />