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~~ ~',~ <br />MURTC;~jGri ___ __ <br />- ~-.-~_~___. - ~-~".-`-'_.~~ - - -~I.NIOKTGAGE LOAN NO. L ' _ <br />t(NOwALLM~NSYTficse:rRrsl:NTS:That Bradley N. Klingman, a single person <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration of the sum of <br />Twenty Thousand and__No1100---_ -__,_-=-T__---_,- __ -____------------------_----- <br />- ____ __._ DOLLARS <br />baned to said mortgagor by The F.yuitabte Building and Ltran Association of Grand island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 200 shares of stock of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. 1_, 23,670 . do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following <br />described real estate, situated in !tart County, Nebraska: <br />THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF THE EAST ONE-fiALF (S;2 E';) OF LOT ONE (1) <br />OF VANTINE'S SUB-DIVISION LOCATED ON A PART OF THE NORTH4JEST <br />QUARTER (NW',) OF SECTION TWENTY-TWO (22) IN TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) <br />NORTH OF RRNGE NINE (9) WEST OF THE SIXTH (6th) PRINCIPAL PIERIDIAN. <br />together with a:l the teneurents, heredrtanrents and appuctenantrs thereunto ltelongirg, including attached flour croverings, all window screens, <br />window stradcs, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, au cunditioning,a.rd plumbing and water ar{uipment and aexssories [hereto pumps, stov-es, <br />mfrigerators, and other fixhucs and equipment now or herea[ter attached to or used in t:nmtection with said real estate, <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and doss hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assesstrtents levied or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon this rtxxtgage and the bond secured iherebc- before the sane shaft become delinquent; to furnish approved <br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sure of S 20 , 000, DD payable to said ASSOCIATION and to detiter [o said <br />ASS0C9ATION the IxrGcies lur said insurance; and ern !o curnmit or permit any waste on or about said premises; <br />In use of default in the performance of any of the terms and amdiuuns of this nwrtgage or the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shall, <br />un demand, be entitled to immediate possession of the morrgsgrd premises and Lire mortgagor 'tereby assigns, transten and sets over to the <br />rrwrtgagee alt the rents, revenues and income to he derived from the mortgaged premises during sucL time as [he mortgage indebtedness shall remain <br />unpaid; and the nwrtgagee shall have the power to apgtint any agent tx agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said prett»ses and renting <br />the same and collecting the rents, revenues and inrvare, and it may pry out at said hteunx a!1 expenses of repairing said premises and neeessary <br />rommissions and expenses incurred in renting and rtwnaging the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance rcntainirsg, if say, to be <br />applied toward the discharge of said mongagr indebtedness: these rights of the rrwngaget tnty etc exercised at any time dwirtg Cho existence of stclt <br />default, irrespective of any trmpnrary waiver of the same. <br />'I'ttesc Frresents, hr.>wrvrr, arc upon the t'onditiun,T'hat if the said Mortgagor shat! repay said !Darr on or before the maturity of said shares by <br />payrrtrnt; pay monthiv tr+ acid ASSOCLAT7ON of the sum specitled in the ikrnd u:cured hereby as interest and pritteipa) un said loan, un ur betvre <br />the Twentieth day of each ,end c-4•er} tttonth: rrntil sa.d ictau ;s fully paid; pay all taxes and assessments levied against said premtsnres ea~ryntln/ott the Mortg <br />and lhr f3crnd Srcrr[ed .'trrretrY, hSfUre drtrngtuu 4': tU#IIISti approved InxwartCe ttptm Cite huridirtgs t_ttere~tl ir! t)le ruin ref $ ZV , LitiLF . trt3 payable <br />to said ASSf]('tATlt)'ti: epay t.r said A.SSf1%'11TlON open demand a0 rrxmey ht .e pairs for such t3xas, assessnunes and irisurarxx wish interest at <br />the ,.,axirm..t~~a! to€.° t)r~r sr fr.;rn date of paynrrnt all ~ ' whreh Mtrrt;razUt r`rerebv aarecs topay,prrmit nu waste onsah? preen' k a=Ext~;txpip <br />wt#h ati #ht agret~r~r,nt4 ate -rm ;it rr> „f tt,r Hoed fnr 5 ZQ ,Q{}~}.OQtrn ray given by the s;ttd xiottgagor to sai4 ASSt~CIAT[i~ty, aad sutap]y <br />with all the reyuurtttents u} the ('unxtrtutiun and o[ Bard ASS(X !AVON; tarn }terse presents shall brcutne mull and void, uthetwiw they <br />shall rrrtum to Cuil fou~^ and reap tx forechrad at the upuun of the said ASSO('IA'nON after failure tar thrtx rrwnths to }Wake nay nF sod <br />payments ur tr rhrer rrtrxtths rn arrears in making said awnthty payments, w to keep and comply with the agreements and avnditions of said Hand. <br />and Mortpagor agrees to }rave a rrcetvrr aptxrimed forthwith in suite forrck.swr pruttedings. <br />[t Ihrre rs any change m uwrrrrsktip of the era) estate nwrtgaged heron, by sale ut otherwise, then the enure remaining indeb[edneax tteteby <br />aecured shall, ar the uptxrn uf'{'hr I:gwtabir Huilding and !.erne Assrx~iatiun of Grand island, Nebraska,becunr utinxdiately due and payable withtwt <br />further notice, and the anxrwrt renlarnmg. due under vid bead, and any ottrer bond fat any additional adnncrs. made thereunt-et, tdtaB,1'rwn the <br />date of exercisY of card opium, hear interest at the maximum legal rate, and this nxrrtgagt Wray thin be fortrlused to satiety the amount due tat said <br />tx,nd, and any other brine} tier sdduu=eat advances, ttgether with ail sums paid by said 'rttr fyuitabk Building aad Lwn A~ciatiun of (:rand tahutd, <br />Nebraska fnr insurarrcr, taxes and axsrsxtnrnts, and aintrachng rxtenslon charges, with interest thereon, from date of payment at the ntaattgwn <br />Mgal rate. <br />As ruvidrd rn the Hand seemed hereby, whdr this mortgage rentauts ut effect the eta+ttgagre nay hereafter advantY addtitutwl surem to the <br />makers of said Ihtnd, thou assigns sjr suc~rs3r,ra in interest, whuckr suttts sftah ht wtittin the xrcutrty of this tttortga{ge the erne as tAe fu,-ids urdlg <br />secured thereby, the total arnowrt ui prins:rpal debt met to exceed ut arty tinir the uttginat auutunt ut' this nxutgagt. <br />J,;~ rued this ,L_1 the day of January A 1)_, 14 80 <br />r t e <br />erad_~ Kl i ngman ~t <br />STATE. OF NF.HRI4SKA, ~ ~_ ()n this da of lu <br />courmtar-flnu. 11th y January 80 ,before ma, <br />the unclcesigrt€d, a Notary t=ub6c in and fur said County, personalty ca-rota <br />Bradley H. Kli ~ ,,single person wlo is petannaAykmwrttu <br />me to tee the idet~~jr~taCtlp .; ':~.'-., wlt rtante 1 S effaced to the atwve instrrunent as atottgagur and h@ t4l4grYay( <br />;. <br />acknowledged `7aidiutiirument to°6~ { 5 vutuniary act and deed. <br />i wITNhSS` ntY trend and No 1 ta15ea1 the daft afurt:said. /" <br />w~ MyTommisaion expnesf~~~~ fl. <br />to ~ - -,'- t% Notary Puhlie <br />