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`~' as;s EA$EII9ENT FOR ELECTRI% LINES'A(RICtlOfi UNOjERGROk1ND ELECTRIC FACILITIES <br />KNOW ~;'I:L MEN BY 'fH;ESE PRESEt,~R'dMi ~~ <br />G y...;, <br />ri,at Michae1.04 Evere~ andT:, Rebecca ~ Evers ~~_ ~t[Fe~piEe.o(' <br />(If Grantor is not marrhd,~rdd wards 'p'an mm~arried persan".f <br />- $uffalo Coun[g, Nebraska, in mnsideracion of S ]. OO-, receipt of vrhith is hereby acknowledged, and the further payment oFa <br />sum to make total papment of 5-1-~QO.-- for ~ poles and anchors and other necessary equipment when se[ on the following described property, <br />-do hereby grant and convey unto the Vi 7 1 age of Al Aa <br />(hereinafter referred [o as Grantee, whether one or more) <br />Nebraska Public Power Di~~-jst ELeaQaP) <br />its (their] lessees, successors and assigns, the permanent right, privilege and easement of a right-of-way ro construct, operate, maintain and remove at} necessary <br />poles, wires, guys, underground electric facilities and other necessary cquipmen[ in connection therewith, on and across the following property situated in <br />Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows. <br />The Nezth file feet of Lot 3, Argo 5th Subdivision, Alda, NE. <br />The ebttrie line and underground electric Cacilities herein contemplated shall be }orated on the property approximately as follows: <br />One foot South of the North Line of said easement. <br />- 'tht frantee shall also have the privilege and casement of ingress and egress across [he property w its (their) af8cers and employers for any purport txctssaxy <br />in cannectinn with the canstruttion, operation, maintenance, insprctinn and rrmoval of seed line and underground rlea7rie faciliries. <br />The Grantee shsf] also have the n at any time m trim ar armour such trees and underbrush as may in any way endanger ar irtterftre with the safe operation of <br />- she lines, undergraund ekcMc faci ints and rgmpment used ut tonneetian therewith. <br />- - 't}tz Grrtee >ltaft ar all eimrs ex rcisr alt due care and dit}genct [o avoid injirry ar darnagt to rhr crops, hvrstntk and uthee persona} propeKV of the Granter, <br />- at}d the Grantor shal} indemnity and save harmless rhr trranrar from any such damage aad .lug, arrsir:g ar ac-:urxmg tU sorb tuoptrry sut,n}€ by s€as.=tr of thz - <br />canstruuion, operation, maintenance and removal al any overhead electric lines, howeuar m the event [hut al} ec part of the urtdergrauruL electric facilhtcs whteh - <br />rnav be ittsralkd an said eastm nt right-af-way 6rcatnes defective ar unstrv}cra}stc itt the salt jvdgmem of rhr tiransee, tht Grante€ shah have tht rig}tt, wit}iout <br />ada{itiana} payment ox -on h}r rioo sn rhr G[atttar or tlteu succesxars to title fur any damage at I ss a ~-aaix?ned thereby, tcs maurtam= repair Qr rape fetch <br />vndeagr uttd facilirtr pr >-idad tf imptovutnettts to the pen~rarty ntuke Ehr htsial}ation f au.h .apt amznea impracriea} ar the la4atun of the c~rtgiaa} easetitaat - <br />+.nttd }tare}'y, -tt;>< f ar~;;r ut .httr in eitre shaft grane and canvzy to tht GrstttCe, ft!r the fame tutsidcxatinn a.- gter__tt here-tee,. ~n a~m~nt far ~~1+_ - <br />further tasrailatiun u[ x tr,c~t-ivn urt satd pr•~ptrty which is ntutua!}t .3tisfactor tc the pa. mss, if the p»rxirx fad to agree alran any .uch nqw tneatian fur the tutui~r- <br />_gtgw!d.vltstric fte}attef, rhr. Gaantes stall hsye the. trgltt t_u det~ttsv>:•. ~s xnase ~!tal_+l±. Ica an fur }te rasan:rnt t~~xrter and t}tF i:rart~r s~aa~t~,°_ssrtsafi s-,_reh - <br />-~r?~~tga t~ tf~ patties tart t=. rgre upon any stieh new iaeatian € ~r underground eleernc faci}tnrs, tht Gruttte shat} have nu uisii¢atiun ttr replace at ptavida - <br />--tlt~;-.~.~. ~ :a:.,Irt!e~ attars-tie to atr~--sorb-prapert~:- lit ~cg-tltz tut further utsta35-alien rhr ~rartiree-shall at alt tents teSe[etae~ut -- _ _-_. <br />tare and ai}gtnc; to avoid injury r,r damage to [hr property of rhr Grantirr ar their su= easurs. <br />The Granite agryrs [Fyat shnuld the tints and underground electric fatihtirs asnatmtted hcrrundtr be abandnned far a prrixid of fur years, the right-al=way <br />or rasemtnt tstrtby secured cta.,fl then cease and terminate, and this contrxtt shat} be of na further Enter and rffett. <br />•1 <br />Steeled the 3 der of ~_.~s~_.___ , p_I}-, 24 _~1 - <br />WITNESS <br />er <br />....,__-.-_ _Rehecca-.-~a.,._,~S1C eY_,E!-,,,,__,--,_ <br />STATE (>F NEBRASKA, _-~ °- ~' R j <br />I it <br />r <br />On th}sdag.a_-. - _,--, f4 "~~ bcfure me rhr undrrsigntd, > ~. - <br />-bfurarv/y~~.b~e--in and for id County artd -State,- personaA - apptarrd ' - <br />persan:iHy to me knawrt to !w the identical perxon(s) who signed the foragaing <br />instrument as Grantor and who acknawladgtd the txacut}on zhtre,~f to be <br />,.~~„ volwuary act and dead for the purpose therein expressed. <br />WITNESS tn.y hand and notarial reel the date <br /> <br />My Cammissiua expires an th,-:day of <br />BENFRAL NtlTARf Sute of Nei~af <br />MARY M JGHNS.j.~! <br />