...'. W 1ax5ss} - ~ ._.., ~+ 4anernk So'kAky Hoa,e L1nenln,.7Nsbr -
<br />5~--AE71F, ~S~I~TE fi~CtRTG]CGE--(W~th Taac C -_. .,,, , .: _ ,;___ „mna k~virma ___~ ~ _~_ .:,..__ _ __:„.,.
<br />KNOYY'' ALL ~LPEN ~BY' THESE PRESEN!`TS: That Tedd G, ffustt}n a;r~d Barbara;,S. Huston.
<br />husband and wife,
<br />of Custer County, and State of . ,Nebraska , in consideration of the sum of '';
<br />Twenty-six Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-two and 46/100 (26,672.46) DOLLARS'
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto Huston Enterprises, Inc.
<br />of Hall County, State of Nebraska the following described premises situated
<br />in Hall County, and State of Nebraska , to-wit:
<br />The Northerly Twenty-two {22) feet of the Southerly one-half (~)
<br />of Lot Eight {8), Block Eighty (80), in the Original Town, now
<br />City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />{ 'z
<br />~+
<br />$~
<br />~~ -
<br />is
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<br />E [
<br />i ~
<br />I
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<br />E The intention being to convey hereby an absatuta title in fee simple, including oll the rights of hamsstead and down. ~ -
<br />7'#1 HAl{E ANI) TO IiOLl1 the premises above described, ~$th all the apprrtenancss there belrx
<br />nkata tka said fnitrtgaussiss and to his, bar or tR°~r :reins arkd assigns farevFr, pro-~dRd ar`a~€ys; c~nd tisese presses ~
<br />asp a~ th¢ s~rfsr cdit:an tk-,zt ;t a!-s sue,: tY.:g:,~rfs}, -hit her €rr thF r h°irs, `~s~S~s, ~~t~traltsra- ~€ ;.ssi-
<br />-~--tapes€-Sa 1?s -paid- to the said- marlgrs~ l,_1e~c 1~er_c+r 11i~ir ~ tir~r rr~t~rs, ~miuiatmt$cs ~~t_~- :: -
<br />': principal s+tu- of ,t 26,672.46 payable as ~oUows, to wit;
<br />Payable at the rate of $365.66 per month accordinc, to amortization schedule.
<br />cstith interest occarding to tht? t€nor anal effect of the mortgagors urittfn pro±aissnry acts ksariag sxro~ date ugh cheat
<br />prarsuts and shat! pay alf taxes and atsessmsnts Isxrisd uprrn said real ertafe, and ail other taxes, Isvivs sad asssssntsrtts
<br />ls~ut upon this umrtftage or the note :t~hich this ,aartgays is given to secure, before the saiua decanus dsltuqusnt, and
<br />keep the buildings aq-said promises insured far tlra :trm of $ 27,000.00 loss, if any, payable to the said
<br />:was, th€u t#s press to As Y=mod, utls~.~~se to b€ andr~ittia full fr~ce.
<br />I LT IS FURTHER ~fCTc£hlt fx? That if tits ,mid rarlrtgagrrr shall fail. tg {may suck tarts or procure rich na
<br />~suranre, ihs said mortgagee ~aay pay sorb taxes and procure such inswrares, and the turn so advonced, u+ith inta°ast
<br />j at 9 per cent, shall be repaid by said mar~gagor, atcd -this mortgage thrill- sfaxd as ssc~ity ..far the sagas. -
<br />~ (~) That a faitnra to pay any of said money, eithn principal or interest, whey the same becontsr dos, or a fdikuNs ~
<br />~ cr,mtpty with-any of the foregoing agrssmsnta, s&all cauaa the whota suet-of mossy herein secured to beertues and
<br />sallsctfbla a! ones at the optiau of-the tnortgagss. r
<br />Signed this 7th day of January , rQ 80 `~"`-_-'
<br />`~,,. _
<br />la prarenre of - ~~.~ !,c'~~~---~ ..
<br />i
<br />