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T1F1'E, M4ftTt'rA:~R., FURTHER L`OYENA~~NTSi AIafD . ~GR~ES: <br />That .the Mnrtgngt?r :;wilt- pev-the indehtedriess, ias~ h'lertiinklefr~re pravi~decl <br />' ~ ..'That the ~It+tortp;agur.~~~ the;owner of s~ir~ prea~peft~rl m fee w~,~ntple r{n,dnas gaed~l,~'~i~~ripeht anti lawful a,uthonty',~ko spLL~l and, <br />convey fhe same' a'ttd that tti'e samt# is;fete anti clear of yang hen or, encumbrance; and that Mortgagor wilt warrant and defend the <br />title to said premises agairtst- the claita8 of atF-persons-whomsoever. - <br />To pay irrnnrdialety when due and payable ail general taxes, special taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer sen•- <br />ice charges, and other taxes and charges against said prrperty, and all taxes levied on the debt secured hereby, and fo furnish the <br />Mortgagee. upon request, with the original or duplicate receipts~tlterefor. The. A~tart.gagor agrees that there shall Ile added to <br />each monthly payment required hereunder tie under the evidence of dent secured hereby an amount estimated by the Martg»gee <br />to tee suBicient to-enable the. pay, as they becoxne due, al[ taxes, assessments, and similar charges upon the prem- <br />ises subject thereto; eery iieficiency F,eeause of the insufficiency of such additional payments shalt Fh. forthwith deposit:rd by the <br />Mortgagor wikh the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any de[auit under this paragraph shall he deemed . rh=fautt in <br />paymenkof fazes, assessments, nr similar charges required hemunder. <br />1 <br />`i~ <br />:~ <br />'['the Modgagur agrees that there shall also h<~ added to rash monthly payment of principal and intrre~st required here- <br />under a a <br />an m ant t•stt 1 t r <br />n r c (hv tho !fit let a e- tr hr „ <br />st Hc•,e t <br />d n t en~t h• A , <br />6 . b th it rt t <br />R tP to av s <br />a. e! hr omh>s d <br />6 6 C ua. the mr <br />p rl Ur e <br />premium nn any ulsuranae fuller dehverui t- th M >rtgagre. An.' t{efiu<nc~ bHa autie of the msuffimamy ,F such addrti-net pay- <br />ments shall be ForthutHt d. pnseted by the r44 vtRag x dit the 'viortgagt ,pe,:h dr mend lzy the Morigat ~_ Any default ur ire it is <br />paragraph shall t>z dremrrl a de[ault in the pay rue•rit -f insurance pn•rnnlm.. 4f the lx troy or pohrms hpea•ited are such ;n home- <br />owners or ail risk policies, earl the de{'xzsits are insa~cirnt to t>ay th,• h•ntim premium, the Mortgagee msy apple the deposit to <br />pay premiums on risks reyuiraxl fo he insured h}' this mortgagee. <br />Payme=nts reads by the Mortgagor under ins atuwe paragraphs map, at the option of the Mtrrtgage=e• be held by et and <br />commirtgirrl with other such funds nr its own funds far the payment u( sur}t items, and until so applied, such payments are hero--bp <br />pledged as security for the unpaid balance ref the morigagr indehh•dn~~s. <br />"P:h lrrucure, deliver to. east maintain R,r ths• Genel3t .rC tLe ?i4nrtgager^ during the life of this mortgage original policies and <br />renewals therrw}f, deliverod at Ir•ast ten days heFora tta• ex piutiuhre .,F any stn^h policies, insuring against fire anr! other insuratsle <br />hazards, caaualtiex, and rtuttingrn•ies as the Mortgagee nt.ty require, in an amount equal to the indebtedness secured 6y this <br />Mortgage, and in eumpanirs ace°eptahle t,h the Mortgagr<~. hh-rth 1os. payahh- clatux• m favor of and in form acceptable to thv R--turiga~ <br />Rea'-~ In the event any p„trey is not renewrci e:,. t•r bh-fi:a^ ern rays of itw expiratk,n, the Mortgagee may prose re hmurance nn the, <br />improvements, pay the premium thrn•foq and such sum shall become irnmetliately clue and payable with rate n^s°t at tt:.• rate set <br />forth in mid nuke unfit paid and shell be secured by this murroaRe ['allure tut ate pa__ r=( eh.. h4ortgagaer €~ furnish such ^-nesea!s <br />as are her.=in required ur failure to pct} an} sums udvanc.•,1 h<•r«under ;hall. at the option of the Mrrrtgaget•. constitutR ti default <br />under the terms of this mortgrtge. The delivery of suer, policies shall, to the event. of default, constitute an assignment of t}hr un- <br />earned premium. <br />Am~ sums reuse :•a by th,• 3i~~rtgagee by reason of 4os+ :hr damage insured against may he retained by khe \tort~agca <br />'and applied towan3 t}u• t,apment of the debt hereby secured. or- at thr~ opilon of the Mnrtgtt;ter, such sums either whol4v or ,n <br />part may t-,F paid over t.• the= Mortgagor G, t,e used t=t n•tsair such buildings nr to huitd'new buildings in their ptaee •.,r fete any - <br />ether 'purpose ur object xatisfactory to thr• A4nrtgagee without aftrrtinG the hen nn thr• mortgage for the tuft anunuht .eau curl here <br />by before such payment ever ttxrk plate. - <br />'1'u promptly repair, restore or rebuild any beetling, or emprovements now' ur hereafter un the ptt`mises whech may ht• <br />come damaged or destroyed; fo keep said premises in garc'1 rendition and repair and free (ram any rnechantc's lent or other lien or <br />claim of hen not eYpre•usly sutx>rdinaterl to the lien t:rrrof, nut to cuffa~r ur permit any 'vtlawfui use of ur any nuisance to exist nn <br />said pro{xvty anr to hermit waste nn said premise,. rase E , do any nthe^ act whereby Eite property hereby ennveyed shati tx'trotttr• - <br />less valuable, anr to diminish ur impair its value F,y any act r,r omission to act, to oomple with all requirements of law with mspeck <br />ta? the mtrtgagrrl {.remises. and the ass thereof. - <br />7 teat should the premises or env part ti,err^nt ts- tak.•n :.r .tamage.l by r.•asnn of an': penile improvement ur condet~ndtiwt <br />- prax~eriing, nr under the right of eminent domain, nc in any at er manner. the Mori{;agcu~ shalt err entitlaai i«. alt gam{x•nsalirtns, - - <br />awarda. and any nthrsr payment cr relief therefor. azt.l ~}tatl fur antitied, of its optir;n, tr. rrhinmene~. apt~ar in acrd rrrra~utr= itt itF <br />= - own narnr~ any acEion r.rr prcrireding, car fo maFe ar y r~t tnpremssc+ or settla•mt=nt sR .~ Eiun with such taking,or drFrrra~e. All }uidt <br />rttmpeYtaation, awards, damat;cys, right of aetian anr} pn,c'*etta ors hrrehy atcsigna><l to the h4urtg-ogee, who rnay, after derluc~Eing -- <br />- - thar~fiettt t.tF: i~-as{~r, release-alit-::L=.tte. ye-at:.-~-°~.;=rt- b-.:.t cr ap~.t-_ k~ ~ £.- ,.n -ary rsd>ahtr.-_>~.~r#-F -z~y- T -3~rfrt~ _ --_ <br />_. _-.. gagsr_!egr¢r~ iu ~zss~t~ susb further assignments of .env court _nsateurl a :suds, rlamase>s, ens!-rte}tt~_raf ~ti~ett-a_rr_<1.pratrecufs as tlx=- _-_- <br />MortgaRae may rttquira. - - -- <br />t That in case of failure to perform any u[ the revenants herrtn, the Mortgagee may eta nn the= Mortgagor's ~ehalfrverythitlR <br />sa twvenanted; that the Mortgagee may also elrs arty act it may deem netrssary to plate<-t the lien therruf; that the Mortgagor will <br />repay upon demand any moneys Iraid ar disbursed by the Mortgage*e for any of the etxave purposes. and such rn<rnays together with <br />interest thereon at the rate prrnided in said putt. shat) become sn much additional indeHta~rlneas hereby sr•curwrt and may he in• <br />alwled ht any decree torrxttreing EFits mortgage and he paid nut of the rents or prta•eeda of sale of said pmmutes if not otherwise ~ <br />paid; that it shall not kte ohhgatory open the Mortgagee to enquire mtu the validity of ah}' lien, encumhrancrs, ur claim in ar{. <br />vttrtcitig moneys as above authoritsed, but nothing herein rYrntained shall br r;cutstrurd as requiring the Murtgae#rr Eo >tdvanc~r any '~' ' <br />. monoya far any wteh purpttae nos to da any act heteunder; and that Rfortgageo shalt nut incur any ttersonal IiaMlity trreauae trf any•, - <br />thing it may do ar emir to du hrrvunder. <br />in fhr trvrnl of flee rle[auit by Mortgagor in the payment ..t any installment, as required by thh~ Ttote sacun•d M•rahv. nr <br />in the perfarmancar of the ottligation in Ehis ntortgagr or in tlra• nuh•~~-u red tha,rrby, the MarkRsrgvr` shall hr a=utett:•d to d~tar+r the <br />debt ttgrcured hereby due and pa}°ab4e withcntt notice. autt the 11errtgaRrr' irhalf hr rntitlyd at its uptiorr, without noEirH, niEhrr by iErtrff <br />- or by a tceeiver to tee appcynted 6y the court thereof, and withattt regard to tho adequatw of any xchrurity far the indrhtectne,ra sr- <br />curerl hiirelry, to enter upon east take pttske++js'ion tiC the mortgaged premi5er, and ktr collect and receive ttta rents, i ~ttrs and prottta <br />theta, sad apgfy the anme. ]sea caaJtA of ttperatitin and enllecki?!re. uptut the indebtedness secured -try .this eti rtgaaP_ ~ t` <br />uut2as and ptattta tieing herelty assigned t<r the• MnrtRag~'a as frtrtht+r arcurity Ior tho payment ref a}! indehterfttass seeurr'et !-,revs,.,- <br />'Che+ Mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it tnay desire tar the purpt>ae ut rrltairing .wid ttrrm- <br />iaea; ranting ttta aartnet collecting the rertN, revenues and income. and it may pay nut of said inrxtme alt rxttrnses inctttred itt rent. .. <br />° ' ing and mansg`trig-the same and of cotlecting the rentals therefrom. 7"he balance remaining, if any, shalt M+ applied toward the , <br />dtacharge of the mortgage indebletlaetur. Thia assignment is to terminate and became putt and void upon rrtretw> of this mnrtgnue <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />