<br />. .' .: ^. . ~ w::'ATE ftFOFjTGAfa EI-(With Tax ClauseY~~:Rev. ?FS Huffman a~ ~ ~ ~- -~. .. ~ ~ -Y ,. ~- ,_
<br />52-A-IREA L. EST Walf, Walton, tle. 6B46i
<br />I{NOW,'ALL~TwIEI+I $}C TIi);SE PRESENTS: that
<br />~:.~~~".~.~ JaC.~ ai~1.J,,~~~f~., t"~."S :~T;•.. v;il"'~.,~1y~a. I'b~ ~,....s J~ ..~WS s fit.. tou~,ti if __c.~7 .. 7_t'~
<br />of ~~ 1 County, and State of ° i= ra ' , in consideration of the sum of
<br />V123e F@.1 '~ OU3,3.'3G. ~'O'.11" !'I'.lI1Cti2'~a .n~ .+7~' ~Il _ -. -., _ _ ._ ._ _ _- _ -DOLLARS
<br />in hand aid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto
<br />of ?~'-'A11 County, State of ~~ `~ Urd-` ~{~ the tollawing described premises situated
<br />in ;j~-~ ~ `` County, andl State of T'<<~~+'~~>~{ = , to•wit~
<br />LOt:a ~Pi1Y'e8 \! 3[3'~I' COLT: l~/s ~ti7 Vdi'y :i tl S~Gi V:LS].Orit ti. 1. t'y' Gi i'r3t"3C1 TS~.~ri}r
<br />The intention being to c»nvey hereby an absolute title in Eec simple, including all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the prtmises above clescriMx., with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said
<br />mortgagee(s) and to his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, provided always, and these presents are upon the express
<br />rnndition that if the said mortgagor(s), his, her or their heirs, exee;utors, administrators c,r assigns shall pay or cause to 6e
<br />paid to the said mortgagee(s) his, her or their heirs, ezecutore, administrators or assigns, the principal sum of $'t.~ r r'+~v . tau
<br />payable as follows, to wit:;JI'f:xC '•!i.. ~f:Lr;i..~t :.Lte ...~ CJ;' COaOT'O =?~i~.~ ~~ -~.-`j~~,
<br />~nuerest a~~ t'3c~ ~. v~~c;~ 12~
<br />with interact acrnrding to the tenor and e6ec1 of the mortgagors written promissory note bearing even date with these presenWr`
<br />and shall pay all taxes and assessment levied utwn said real estate, and af! other fazes, levies and asaeasmenta levied upon this
<br />mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to acr:ure, before the acme becomes delinquent, and keep the buildings on
<br />said premises insured far the sum a($ ,lass.-if any. Payable to the said-mortgagee, then Lhese grasenR9 - -
<br />to ku3 void. otherwise to be and remain in full tetra,
<br />IT IS I`'tFRTHER AGREED (I) That iE the said mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes or procure such insurance, the
<br />eflfd mortgagee may Pay such taxes and prncure such insurance; and the sum su advanced, with interest at ~ f- per +
<br />cerr<t, shall be repaid by said mstrtgagar, and this mortgage shall .stand as security for the saxne. (2) That a failure t€k pay.aaY -,
<br />uE said manly, either prias:.ipai ar infetest, whett the setae hec:umes due, ar a faituro to i~ntply with any of tlla Ear++gtstc~ - _
<br />agreements,_ohatl cat~~ the wlente a_ttm a< money hereirt secured to become due and eallectibte at o~~ at tfs~ n_P~ntt ~-ter-
<br />~mor{gagae. -
<br />Signtxt this day of . ,~. 1..=~' = 19 `~ r
<br />In presents of .. .s.~2. tlf......... ....,.
<br />~ .. .
<br />STATE OF......,i~vu:.`:.................,(:uunt,YOf ....~:.1.Z ...................
<br />`1'he Cnregoing inetrumant wat< acknowledged t~eforu my ....: ~ w~t;t3rl.~`y" . . ............ . ...... . 29 , ' ~' .
<br />D ..!:~I.rj~.,.,.,.,;~.t~ri~. ._n' ._..;-~ t,t .F. .._a.,+_.z~ ,, `+,a.~z±~.F .~.~? ~._''~~
<br />It "` J V "
<br />/'i~ 7
<br />~ M. MNMii Signakure of Pett~t>tt Takity; Acknacsrit~dant
<br />MAr tasrn. p1- Osu. !!. tMt } '~ .F w
<br />Title ~ et~ , . 44~~ . .. . .......... .
<br />t3'TATE O~' ....................:................:..........:.:........:.......... t Entered on numerical index and Hled for rernrd
<br />Cowtty 7F ~ in the Register of Deeds Office aE said County rho
<br />........................day of,.....,,....,....'..,_.....,.,.,.......:.,........ 18.......,,..,. ak,...................._....,..__.o'dack arnd....,......_............. .minutes .M.,
<br />and recorded is l3nok_ ........................................ot.......,....,............,..,.,...,.<,..at page,...............,,...,.,..,........,.,.~,.,,
<br />.....---.._.: ...........................•---............................,.......Reg. of Deeds
<br />....._..-.......Deputy
<br />s+ I
<br />