<br />MORTGAGEIAANNO. L 23,669
<br />lCNOVYAI.LMI:NBYTHESEPRESENTS:That George N. Christensen and Margaret A. Christensen,
<br />each in his and her own right, and as spouse of each other.
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in rxrnsideration of the smn of
<br />Twenty-five Thousand and No/100------------------------------------------------- ~oLLARs
<br />boned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Loar. Association of Grand lslartd, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 250 shorn of erode of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23,669 , do hereby gran[, convey and rrRtrtgage unto the said ASSOCIATION thx following
<br />described real estate, situated in Hall Coanty, Nebraska:
<br />(I1 ), NORTH, RANGE NINE (9), WEST
<br />together with all the trnerrkats, herednaments and appartenancxs thereunto belonging, including attached tluor wverings, all window screens,
<br />window shsdes, blinds, storm w~~ndows, awnings, heating, au conditioning, and plumbing and watereyuipment and accesscsria thereto, pumps,stoses,
<br />re$igcratan, and other fixtures and ryuiptttent now cr hereafter attached to or used in connection with said teat estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor teas agreed and dais hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay ail taxes and assessments levied oe
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this rraxtgagr and the bond severed thereby befuce Lhr same shall brcorne rietinyuent; to fttrrtish approved
<br />inwrantx upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of S 25 ,ODU. OD p~ayabk to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies [ sr said instuance; and not to wmmit or permit any waste an ur about said premises;
<br />In cace of default m the performance of any ut the terms and conditions of this rrRrrtgage ur the bond set-ured hereby, the mortgagee shalt,
<br />on demand, be entitled to inurrediatr possession of the rtwrtgaged premises and tlx tnurtgagar f.:~reby assigns, transfers and sets over to the
<br />mortgagee all the rents, revenues and inmrnr to be denved from the mortgaged premises during sins tune as the tnortga~e indebtedttea shad remain
<br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or egenis it may desire fix the purpose of repairing said premises arRi rrntirsg
<br />the snore and wlkcting the reins, revenues and income, and it maY pay out of said income ell expenses of repotting said premises attd rucesaary
<br />rsrmmissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and u( crollecting rentals therefrom; the balancs rcttuining, if any, to be
<br />applied toward the discharge of said trwrtgage indebtedness; these rights of the mortgagee may be exercised at any time dttrittg the existentx of sttch
<br />default, irrespective of env irmporarY waiver of the natter.
<br />These Presents, h,.twever, are upon the Cunditimr,That if ttte said Mortgagrx shall repay said loan un ur before the maturity of said shares by
<br />paynunt; pay narnthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum sper,~ed in the Band sectued hereby as interest and ptittapai on said Iwo, on ur before
<br />the Twentieth day of caste ;end every rtwnth,until said bran is fsdly patd; pay alI taxes and asscsattx:nts kvkd against said premises aai an this Martga;e
<br />and iltr Bond serurrd tltercby, beCori: deiinc}tren>=y; t-urnistt apfutrs~d itrststattr~ upon the building thereon in tt~ sum of S 25 , OQQ. QO payabk-
<br />in said ASSOCIATION _ repay is said AStiOt:1ATiC3iri upon derrtattd all rrtwtey by if past Car such taaes, mats and imal!ra~ ><itls inrrre~ at
<br />the tn~stirtrttm ka4i rate lfteteun ftartt date of payment all ai which bloriga~irr }ureby st~trea to pay; pa•r~stit ~ waste t>rg pat•:teep aedg~rayZly
<br />airlr all theagseKt:~trts a!rd s~;ii~rtz satthe ~}szarl leer S ~~ s Q~{#. Q(~k!~ '#as'.'. u~t~€a by t~ t ~ , is stc[Y'tsj~~, ~--.
<br />with all tltr ceyuirentents of the li)rlatlttitwn and By-t,aws at said AS~fICIATtON; then thane prrsenrsstt~afbtcome null and vaad, utherwisc they
<br />dull amain in full Carte and tray be foreclosed at Ihr option of the sand ASSOCIATION after failure fur three nstnutlu to mate arty of said
<br />ptyrrxnts or be three mcmths in arrears in making saki mutably payments, or to keep and cxsrnply with tM agrerrttortts and wttduirntx yf said Band;
<br />and Martgag<x agrret to have a reaivrr apputnted tixthwnh m such kareclosurr prsrcrrdutga.
<br />it there is soy cisartgr ur owturship of the real estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, than flu entire reroautinlS indebtedness hereby
<br />secured stall, at Ihr option c,t [ter liyuitabtr Building nerd Loan Association of grand lsiand,Nebraska,beasme irwrtetliateiY $ue and payable eriiMsut
<br />fwitsrr notice, and tree aauurnt remaining duo under wW hoed, and env utirtr iwnd fur any additiartsl advantxs made thereuntkr, shag, from the
<br />date of exercise of said optnrn, bear irnrrrxt at Ihr maximum bgal rate, oral this ttwrtgage may then be turetitaad to satidFy the ausouat due w sod
<br />buncl,arsd any other bond for additional advancxs, tugettser with all norm paid by said The F.yuitabte Bttildittg sad loan Aaaciation of Grind ishnal,
<br />Nebraska for inssurrancr, t.axc-s and assrssritrnts, and ahstracturg rxtrnsirrn charges, with interest thrratsn, from date of payment at the mattirtwm
<br />legalratr.
<br />As pnwidai us the &nRl secured hereby, while this mortgage renuina in an'ect the mortgagee rtsay hereafter txlgtwe tttklitiontd swps to the
<br />makers of said IMmA, their axvgns ur suc.•rstarrs to interest, which sutra steaB br withiR Ihr sectuity of this mortgtyps the xatro as the funds isrigioaBy
<br />scour-d thereby, she total amount ui' principal debt not to axeeed at any time the original amount of this tmsrtgttge.
<br />P .l hated the: 9th day of January A. n.,1v80
<br />~~ N C~i~ ~' Sn ty~
<br />Margdr~Chr~stensen
<br />ST'ATF OF NEBRASKA, ~ ss (hs this 9th day of January !9 80 , befara rtw,
<br />the wadarsigitad, a Notary Public to and Car said County, persotwity store
<br />Geprge N. Christensen and Margaret A. Christensen, each in his andwl~r own ri~ as to
<br />spouse of each other are
<br />tae to bn Ihr: identical pcraon S whrae name S d re affixed to the above ' ant as rtxrrtgariarS and they ~,.~y
<br />adcaawledged the said instrurneni ta br their voluntary net sad deed.
<br />WITNESS my hand and Nataria! Seal the date aforesaid. ~ ` ~ ~~~ ~~
<br />My Cammision expires
<br />` - NalarY'Pnblic
<br />ti7M-EN Rr ~,G€NiltAl NOTAiTY•Stata of Ne4raspa -
<br />~ JA!s~l;g t4. C+t.34tN
<br />My Gomm. Csp, P:ov. 12,1943
<br />