<br />Buyer certibes•that ~Nere a or is to be no extension of credit in connection with the sale of the Property fm rovement herein described other than that evidenced by -
<br />this comas Buyer shall obhin all necessary government permits and shall make ar beat aft expense of making changes m tits property required by law or govern-
<br />mentragutghon. -
<br />Th~lass. injury or destruction of the property shad nut release Buyer from payment hereunder. Buyer agrees to obtain, keep in force and tle!iver to Contratlor fire- extended
<br />Coverage and the insurance on the scoured property. Such insurance shall be in the name at the Buyer and the Contractor. its successors and assrgns,and shaBbe in the form.
<br />amount and wntten 6y insurers saFsfactory to Contractor. Conhactor. as creddar and holder of an insurable interest. is authorized to purchase, or keep in force. at Contractor s
<br />election, in the event the same is not tarnished by Buyer. any and a6 such insurance, at Buyer's expense. whether or not the initial cost of such insurance was included herein. it
<br />the cost of such insurance is not +aduded herein and 9uyer does not deliver such insurance to Conhactor whhin 1.5 days from the date hereof, ar prior to termination of any
<br />delivored insurance, then Contractor may purchase same and Buyer agrees to reimburse Contractor for thecosl therett on demand with interest at the highest legal conhaM rata.
<br />- Buyer hereby assigns to Cdntractar the prpcreds of al! such insurance to the extent of the unpaiG portico of the Totat of Payments. directs any insurer to make ayment
<br />directly to Cpnhactor, appoints Contractor as Attorney In Fact to endorse any draft. and auihoraes Contractor to apply such proceeds to the payment at instalimen?s due or to
<br />become due hereunder.
<br />The occurrence d? any ai the following shah al the pption at ine Mulder. and wnhout Hatt^.e or demand do the Buyer, constitute an event of defauh hereunder:
<br />facture nt any Buyer to make any installment payment punctually on its due date; Buyer's breach of any of the terms. covenants nr cpnditigds ct this cu..tract. dr any
<br />murepresentatians of an9 statement of tact made by the Buyer, the death of the Buyer, the Buyers insolvency or any assignment for the benei}t of aeddors; any
<br />debt adjustment or liowdalion proceedings against the Buyer or his Dropertv inrluding~ bankruptcy, insolvency. reorganaation, arrangement. or am condemnation or
<br />toreciasure proceedings. Upon the occurrence of any event of default the NMolder may declare immediately due and payable any and aft InstaMrtents due and to be~
<br />coma duo hereunder and any other sums lawlulty due hereunder loss unearned charges. The waiver by Holler of any-tle?auh shall not canstdute a-waiver df any
<br />subsequent defautt. Buyar hereGy waives al; rights and 6enetifs under any homestead exemption statutes of this State.
<br />Buyer ceadies that fhe aetlrt Inidrmation furnished by Him ;n ^cm!ecbd~ at th,<. sae r, tr;e 3.+ onp!n?z an' nN iurirr + ,,~ -, P,ri
<br />person has pmmised or o8ered to give credit or a'low Buyer any compensation dr reward tar the Frucuremeut m a Home i~!yraserient-:,+.ta,lnxct :u-.uea w„p
<br />other persons as an mducament to enter into this contract nor has any person offered. delivered. paid coedited or allowed td Buyer any grit, twnus. awxd merchaq~
<br />` -disc, trading stamps ar cash loan as an inducement to entering into this contract.
<br />Contrader shalt not be liable for delays or damages caused by strikes, material or labor shortages or other conditroni beyond Contractpr's Cuohdl. Contractor
<br />assumes ne responsibility for seeking any license, permd or autnor!zatian to do the work, tabor and services, provided for herein.
<br />No representations, promises or warrmties. expressed or implied, haae been made to Buyer with respell to the Property Improvemtnts sotd pursuant M this
<br />contract, except as specified herein.
<br />Contractor may assign this contract, together with any and ati security agrcemxns, real property mortgages, and ocher documents granting security interests as
<br />given by the Buyer to the Contractor as collateral to secure the indebtedness created by this contract. Buyer shalt not assrgn this contract without the express written
<br />consent of Contractor or Holder.
<br />Buyar authorizes NaWer to release to aedit bureaus, credit mtercfiangrs and other grantors pt credit such information relating to this hansacbon as may 6e determined
<br />pertinent by such Holder.
<br />This constitutes the entire agrcement between Contractor an6 Buyar and no oral modifcation shall be valid. Any provision where found to be invalid under
<br />applicable Ww shall6e invalid poly with respect to attending pronsion.
<br />1
<br />Notice s hereby given ;oat d a zna,ea !o+ Group Cretld the and Crtdlt P+sablhry Insurance a mduded cn Lne 61AI and &0! !n¢ msurange protection sq ~:
<br />caitd try svcn chargets+ w!t i~a prcv~-yea unow d C+ed:rors G: auD t!st Pnhcy usued 4y $iuyvesanf ti(e Insurance Campdny A:lenlown Ponn3Yrvanla (n tnr c..-::
<br />wnUSe name hrsi appears as sgntr fla th+s cnnr:acf prgvldtd III Ins ceniract s assgntd Dr utnerwse tranittrred to Assignee harel? named aM.m ar!t of ds s.'
<br />S:d+ar•$s cr am!~ates anp r,t the i~qt+ tq tit ~nsu+eC _s of years or less ne the dare ..a IrdedffdnesS Is Incurred.
<br />S;6feit b acceptance by insurer insurance coveragtisr w,h Wkt eNecl on flit daft of inn contract and wnh:n 30 dare a Cer!!hcate of Insmadce desa+n~ng .~
<br />cweragtsi win ia! dei,vered rc '?uyt+ ir. Ire evens the prooosed msgranct rs oat asuetl. the Insuraxe chmg~si w!il ne promptly relund2~! dr creC+kO w 6uyfr. -
<br />A chd+gt dr. itne fnA! RrUVides Group Gedn tl+e Iniurantt a5 IDiiDwi In Ile event of death Dt Buyer pro[eed3 w!n Ge Daut DY insure[ to cteunn; benetaary tq
<br />!educe m aslingV!Sh ;np VRDd10 !rtdediedness anQ dny bd7dnC_ rtmalmng soon pe,^ayabk tG hl2 dt$Ignattd stcD'Id Otnel!e;dly Or tU bpyrl S e5tdk
<br />- A charge on title bI&/ provides OrooO Gedit Disability Insun~rce as fdiows~ in Ne event buyer is dwbkd for mina than the dumber of days staled as me w+iirrg
<br />-period under line 1i18Y of mrs eoniract inswer wn pay 1r301h of the mmithiy banNd for each day at disaMliiy commencing vritn the firs} Coy or Cisab,IdY. ine maximum mentMy
<br />disabinry Deneht paYabk i5 2750.
<br />ii Inc mdebladneSS !S d~s:harged due Ic Dtepajmtnr. rtnewa! qr rptny^.,;rtg pt!cv t^. ;h2 malJ;ity 01 the conlyd~r the unka;ned n+uhdr! U! fca mi4ra3?iE :hMg~T1a/
<br />w!ii be DromDitY Dald m c~edihd to buyer
<br />- insura!rce Canter - SluYresant ilia insurance Gq 1105 nimdtgn St Alknlgn~~. Pa taffii
<br />Undersigned conbacmr herebY_sdls. assigns. transkcs, conveys aad sots over ta ..... .. . ..... .: , . lAsasgnirat,
<br />Ili supcessars and assigns. this Home Improvement Instattmeat Contract togetfier with dl hu rights. lifie and interest to and to ttte property described thereto and a9 tights.
<br />- - - and- temtdta~ tl~eun~r i.clud:ng ?!~ right ?a ecikci act itrsplhnants due FnereundeY and the ngnt tertn@r in ds own bahail s~ in cohtraetars tarmeF so tidse a#1 svoli
<br />pto4eediapps. fegai or ad+erwlxe. as contractor might nave Caton save far the Ass!gnmen.. Contractor Hereby watrmis that Buyer's credrt shtemeM submd;M ices--
<br />. +rdh is srt4stantiatty 4rue: that BuYtr was at toast }9 years o? age and ath~w+>e legally comppeetent and au;ne::zad ?c certract a[ the trine at tt+a exmvtwa of sad -
<br />instrumerd that said inshumenl arose from the bonahde sale and delivery and instattatmn by tot pndtrstgned at roods. equtprrant and ?at,or wtaxn Wigan part at ttta
<br />_ - -attetaban and hhpiovtment o? neat property therein coifed "HOB imprpvamoitis }that due adJ prupea nai>4e of Boyars nght to ttsund w~ g:ran and srmh tigtu
<br />-vas-Hof ax~ersed: that- ha downpaYma++t_!!or such Hamr im~ravamen~ was made by Beyer sn cash and not ±ts eautva~rrt amass oU?artwsa specttma aa¢ ue tmr±
<br />-- 1Frettb: was-danetl d+teC y wr -;;pitadif, py ETw uadets>ghad to uyar_ that theca is now owing an said mstrunwrrt cite amount as sat Iorifi rein: ttt~ Soto nahrmmtl ~i ale
<br />- guirad1005 sultmdted m contuncrion therewith arc in a6 respects iegatfy ardorsaabta aganst each purported sigpatoty NtEteon ttai tits to tAe aa~y r~ra rr~ r~_n....
<br />- whzti-- ~h ..aura [tw;~ae~nts went .=,af~d ,F? br vested z,.e BuJ-t: lid and .d b ~-Hera`-s. ~~s r s~nat mss: -:. dens _
<br />and excep! as may ird spt€diraily rrpMted to asstgnea :n wrdtng n in Buya s ctrdrk apatfcate ,alt _-hr i~!!s_ Qr ~c~r~.-.rte - n+!t +n,e ~~~.,,-_
<br />_..--. - ices Ins rig_M to assrg_h a+d !nfltirnent dnd tnere6~r ~'bn4ey goad [tile [p a uuU to taut prU{:eMiy. - - -.. - - -
<br />Add+ugnaliy. the undersigned hereby assrgns aft of itg mttrest m any mortgages. deeds of trust, ar other cottatmd taAmt in coeprncbon with and as security
<br />under this tainted, and warants that Sato documents have bean properly executed and are kgaNy entorceabie against each purported sanatory ttmteof
<br />All the terms of mY eztahag written agrxments gelween the undersigned and assigrxe are maw pad hereof dY rtferenee. onto tAe utMWS+gned understands
<br />that you rely upon ifs above warranbas and upon sand agreements in purchasing said inshument.
<br />N is eaproasiy provirkd hereby teat rot cpmmertcemant andlar proseEUWn et any kga'; proceadritq against the Buyar shat! nCt re#ast the undasg{ned ham the
<br />tmderstgrred`s obligations hereunder. and in sa!d agreements, with assignee.
<br />Dattd._ ....... .... .. 19
<br />tCrardrartprl
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