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c~t~~,p»~n> <br />This mortgage made and entered into this 20th day of August <br />19 79 , bq and between Donald E. Dreier and Stacia L. Dreier, husband and wife, <br />each in his or her own right and as spouse of the other, <br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. <br />{ hercinefter referred to as <br />mortgagee), who maintains an office and place of btuinesa at 424 West Third Street, Grand Island, <br />Nebraska 68801 <br />' WtrrtticsErw, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the <br />mortgagor does hereby mortgage, Bell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, his successors and awigna, all <br />of the following described property situated and beittg in the Gomty of Hall <br />Staee of Nebraska <br />The Northerly Twenty Two Feet (22') of the Southerly Sixty Six (66) <br />Feet of Lot Four (4) in Block Forty (40) in the Original- Town, Now <br />City, of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />In the event the title to said real estate is transferredr or contracted to <br />be transferred, -from "the undersaid for any reason or by any method whatso- <br />ever, the entire principal stun and accrued interest shall at once become due <br />and gayable at the election of-the holder hereof. Failure to exercise this <br />ogtilon because of transfer of title as above stated in one instance shall <br />not t:onstitiate a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of <br />any sub5equ~nt transfer. <br />fiugethar with and iactndiflg all buitdis~:, aU fix+urah including bnt Hat iimitrd to ali plumbflg, hratiflg, IightinR, <br />ventilniing. refrigeretHng, ineiarretiag, air rt,aditiofling nppan+tun, aad eievawne (tor atartgagor Mrrehv tincleriog that <br />it f.+ iwrndrd that thr iirtar+ hrr,+ta rflumrrntrd shall br deemed to havr brea peratanefltly iastalled aN part of the realtyl, <br />and nlt improvements auw or hrrraf+rr rtiFting thrn+:n. the hrreditautrnts and nppartrflaarrs sad all otltor riglttn tltex- <br />untu belaugiag, or is anpwit+e appertuiniag, and the reventan and rrvrrsiuns, rrmaiudrr unil rrmaiadrre, all rights of <br />rrdrmpttan, and the rents, i»xtiett, and profitt+ of the ahaw~ tlrHrAbrd pntprrt} (provided, laawever, that the munitagnr <br />shall he. entitlyd'to the pur~tesr:ian of xaid pniprrly and to c+altert Had mtnio the rrntrt, is,+urtr, Had peahtM anal d<<fnult <br />hrreander). `1'u linse-and t,. hoiti the same auto th« m+utgager anti the +tnt~~essnrN to tatrrrwt of the mangaftrt iarrorr <br />in ire ntmple txr tEt+ah athartrtttatr, if any, as iw stated herein. <br />Tha mortgagor covensab that ha a awfu)ly seised -and- pwaseeseti a€ And- has the ?fight to tieR and coavep saki <br />property; that tho same fie Elsa from all encumhrances except as hrrcinabave troeited; and chef he hereby binds <br />ititttttel# and-his agccQesors in interest to avarranY and dafend the title aforesaid thereto and-every part thereof ag:it~t <br />fibs claiRts of al! perwna whomsoewcr. <br />Thiut instrument is secure the Rttytnettt of a prontisaory Hate Mated August 20, 1979 <br />in the prlnelpal twm o#a;4~, QQf~t;, pQ , aigtted b} Dortald E . Dreier & Stacia L. Dreier <br />iti bt+hali'i-# Commercial National-Bank & .Trust Co. <br />,~.i- <br />,a <br />SnA FggM 928 (2.73) PREVIOUS EUITIgNS ARE OBSq LETS <br />