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<br />Z7ate
<br />HAi L:
<br />IN TINE COUNTY COI'R?' OF ~ __ ___ ~~~.„ CtJUliTTY, NE,~R~45KA
<br />r This is to certify that there is pending in. the County Court of HALL County,
<br />Nebraska, a proceeding entitled:
<br />No. _ _ Doc. "~' page 150
<br />which is a proceeding inooluing
<br />(probate of wilt, administration of rstate, de[ermination of heirs, determination
<br />oJlnherUantt lox, guardianship, or conservatorship
<br />in which proceeding the Jol/owing described teat
<br />estate is inootred, to-wit: Undivided one-half (~,) interest in the South
<br />Half of the Southwest Quarter (S~SW~) of
<br />Section Thirty (30), Township Nine (9) Plorth,
<br />Rangy Ten (10) West of the 6th p.d9., Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, 0.73 acre, more or less,
<br />conveyed to County of Hall, State of Nebraska,
<br />by Quit Claim need recorded in Book 138 of
<br />Deeds, page 331, recorded in the Gffice of the
<br />Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />fair market value at date of Decedent's death
<br />of $71,677.50 ($143,35.00 i 2} less 511,91Q.22
<br />unpaid balance of principal and accrued interest
<br />on real estate mortgage (See Note at end of
<br />Inventory)-
<br />undivided one-half (~) interest in the North-
<br />west Quarter (NW~t) of Section Thirty-one (3I),
<br />Township Nine f9) North, Range Ten (10) West
<br />of the 6th p. M., Hall County, Nebraska, Less
<br />0,363 acre, more or least conveyed to County Qf
<br />Iia11, State of Nebraska, by 4uit Claim Deed
<br />r~orded in Sook 138 Qf Deeds, Page 337, and
<br />Tess 0.363 acre, more err less, oanveyed to
<br />County of Ha11, State of Nebraska, by Quit
<br />Claim Deets recorded in Book 138 of Deeds, Page
<br />--
<br />339, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of
<br />Hall County, i3ebraska, fair market value at
<br />date of Decedent's death of $198,048.90
<br />(5396,197.84 4 23 loss $32,.920.29 unpaid bal-
<br />ance of principal and accrued inter+ast on real
<br />ectata a+ortgago
<br />~CrvR ~'"......,,~ r'T
<br />Ts ~
<br />~~€ ~~ ~~
<br />~. ~
<br />C'O~~ TY ~ N~0
<br />R i ~~h;ird ?.. Ue~tjat+~ke r
<br />County Judge aj said countg
<br />I II
<br />~~f'
<br />j, , Seettan 2d~3:i9, "In any prncrrdinrt in ttee eoantg coact invotoing (t) the probate of wilts andtr the Provisions aJ Chaplet dtT, sttteta
<br />2, (2j the admtnislratiars of estates under the provisions oJChapter d0, artietr 3, (3; fhe determination of heirs under the prooistans q/
<br />Chapter 30, article tT, (43 thr. determination of tnheritance tar ender the prnvisions of Chaptu r7, article Zp, (hj guardianships
<br />under the provisions of Chapter 38, article I , 2, 3, or 1, or (!i j wnservatorships ender the prooisions of Chapter 38, article 9, arhere
<br />teat estate is ang part of the assrts of the estate or proeeedinp, the county judge before whom the proceeding is pcndirtp shall issue a
<br />444.~~~..... oert(/tcate which shalt be Jilyd with the register of dcads of the Cowety in arhich the real e~atr is located +wtlhin tan days eJter fhe J
<br />deserfpfton oJthe reel state isji(ed in the praeeding." ........................................
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