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$ECOMp R6At ESTfhTE~INOFtTGAGE-Wi~,th Taz Cleave Hoffman and Felton ~ Woit„ 4Nattaa„'.Nile.: <br />C. <br />'KNOW ALL ~' ~~'" "E PAES~N'3'S: <br />TFiATIosWE, ~,, `O. Truinbo and Patrcia'Trumbo, hu§Sand and wife, <br />k <br />of Valley County and Stets of Nebraska , in consideration of the sum of <br />Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) ----------------------------DOLL~?RS <br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONf~EY unto Meves Bowl , Inc . <br />(mortgagee), <br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska ,the following described premises <br />situated in Hall County, attd State of Nebraska, to-u+it: <br />• Easterly Fifty Feet (E 50 `) of Lot Two (2) in <br />Block Sixty-seven (67) in Wheeler and Bennett's <br />Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />i <br />-- <br />The intention being to com.~ey hereby an absolute title in fee simple including all tke rights of homestead and delver. <br />TO HAl/E FIND TO HOLD the premises above described, xcritlt al! the apyurtena»ces thereunto belonging unto <br />the said mortgagee or mortgagees and to his, her ar their heirs and assigns, forever, provided alum}'s, and these eras- E <br />ants are upon the express condition that if the said mortgagor or mortgagors, his, her yr their heirs, executors, adtuin- <br />istrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be pant to the said mortgagee or mortgagees and to his, her or their heirs, tx- ' <br />erxtors, administrators ar assigns, the sum of Five Thousand Dollars _($5,000.(10) <br />Dollars, payable as (ottomt, to-unit: <br />Fayable on demand in accordance with a note of even date, <br />f <br />~° <br />F __ -_ <br />t <br />10 3/1+ on detnaud <br />xvitk interest thereon at -"~r cant per annum, payable ~ acrording to the te»or and affert of <br />tke promissory note tctith interest coupons attached i+f said hlorfgagurs, bearing even data zedth tltesa eras- <br />ents, and shall pay all fazes and arty interesf on, ar tnatusing installments of principol, due an any prior mortgage and `, <br />assessments levied upon raid reef estate and all other taxes, levies and assessments lezxed upon this mortgage ar the <br />note which this mortgage is given to sccare, before the same becatnes deiinguent and keep the buildings un said ~ ' <br />premrsas inturad for ttte sum ,g 33,000,f?~loss, if any, payable to su.h just mortgagees or this mortgagee, ur bulk, i <br />then these presents be void, to be and renwin i» full farce. ~ j <br />I1` IS 1+tiT2T1. B1~ ~ItrRFED (t) Tkat if tke said mortgagor skull fail to pny such texas and such interest an, <br />or maturing inst«slhttvnts of ptincipat, due an any pru~r mortgage and praeure such insurance, then tkir tnartgagea may ; <br />-pay such tax€s and stseh on, ar maturing installments of pri»tipal, due on such prior mortgage and procure ; <br />rush insurance; and the sure so advanced uritk interest nt nine per cent shall ba paid by said nturtgagar, a»d tkia tnnrt- i <br />gage skail stand as srcttrity for the same. (~) What a failure to pay any of sod tnottt>y. eitker priaeipal ar interest ax <br />skis ai^ alt rior mortgage, tvh+tn tka mme beconees due or a failure to Gomply with any of the foregoing agraernauts, <br />shall ca -a~~ herei» secured to beeottte due and catlaetabta at-ante at the option of the mart- ' ,: <br />gagee. ; <br />IT READ That mortgagee, pending foreclosure of tkis mortgage and after decree and <br />parading stay thereon ur apPtat'therefrom and pendi»g sale of pretnires tttortgaged,-tray pay such ta.t:as and maturing <br />Merest ar maturing- instatltnents of prittcipel, on prier ntatcs, procure welt insure-nee- and such ssttror shall by ; = <br />added to the amount due a» dscree and upon co»~trmatian of sale by tke tourl ordered take»-out of proteeatr of sale; ~ <br />era f eredeemed dt:riitg clay, appeal or sate, ruck atnnuttts shat! be cotdected tke same as though it tt~are a part of suck ~ <br />'Signed this 8th day of .7az'tus~`y , te~8Q <br />In Presence of - s <br />