<br />TKE MOKTGAGCIit Pt]RfiIiE12 CdVENANTS AND AGitE~S i i _ ,..,
<br />~~ i I ..,
<br />That tl{e 1gr~or~glt~'ur wi€1 pay the indebtedness as hfresnt3efore~, nrgvtded~.-,'
<br />That the Mortgagor is the owner of said property in fee simple and has gaud right and lawful authority to ,ell and
<br />convey the same and that the same is free and clear.ot any lien of eneumtirance; and that Mortgagor wilt warrant and defend the
<br />title to said premises against the "claims of gall persons whomsoever
<br />~~ To pay immediately when due and payable all general taxes, special taxes, special assessments, water charges, =ewer serv-
<br />ice charges, and other taxes and charges against said property, and all tsars levied on the debt secured hereby, and !o furnish the
<br />Mortgagor, uprm request. with the original or duplicaka receipts thisefor. The Ai,rtgagor agues that (here shall he added Go
<br />" each monthly paymenf required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hrrre}ay an amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />to he sufficient to unable the Mortgagee to pay, as they beeline due, all taxes, assessments. and similar charges upon _sr preen-
<br />, ices suhjtr;f- thereto; any drIlcienry }eecausr of fhe insuffiri€•ncy of such additional payments shall br forthwith depciv'iterl by th€
<br />Mortgagor with the Mortgagor upon demand by th+• Atortgagr e. Any' +iefault urdrr this parag retch cha!1 he deemed a rla fault in
<br />payment of taxes, assessments, nr similar charges reyuired herrundrr-
<br />Thr Mortgagor agues that there sha!1 also- be added to each m€mthly payment of pri ncit,tat and inter€nrt required here-
<br />under 3n anwun; €slimated by the Mortgagee In he stilficirnt-to enable the \iortgagc•e to nay, as it t,Etnmrs rfur-- ihr• rocs rant€^
<br />+,: n:nium on any insurance policy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any defictrncy because ut the insufhcirncy of such nrtditiuual pay
<br />rt}enis shall be forthwith deposited by thu• Murt gxt;++r with th€~ Mortgagor ^prm drmanrl by the Mortgagee. :Any default under this
<br />paragraph shall he d€x•med a default in the paym<+nt ref loco- ranr.<• p•ravums. If the {x~lic}= r~r puhcirs d+=posited err sash as tx,ma.
<br />owners ur all risk {wlici+-s- :, nd the deposits ar+~ insuHirient let pay tiro ••nhm premium. the ~torFgag€~e mad :+(q:,p the dr.~,n•.~: t<,
<br />pay pre-miums ern risks required to ktt in;u rrYi by this mr+r[gagۥ.
<br />1'aymenL made by the Adurtgagnr under the shoe€• patsy"rnph-: may, at the epliun of the Mnrtgaere, th• held he rt an=1
<br />commingled s-ith other such (unrls nr its own fmtd., f.,r the trap m:•nt of suz•h item.ti, and until sv n;?{,>I list, such ptt3"rnanty are h+•rehv
<br />pledged a:. security fee the unpaid htalanCe of the nr„rtRaga indebtedness.
<br />'i'u procure, dvlivcr to-, and nvnntuin fur the brnetit :.I' the Marttiaw•e during the !i[r nC thin mutt tutt;e" ongir?al pul!r~••s ru?€i
<br />renewals thercrof, rlativ+•rrd at ]rust ten drays Erin rr !h+• rxp~rre ur,n „f .?ray -uch pnGrn•c, insunn~: itgeunst t'i rc• ::red ether :,.~:r.rnh;e
<br />hazards, casualties, and cont.ingenei4•x as the M.+rtgagr€• m:p n•quire, in an amount 4ytua! to the inrlelatednrs+ srrurMl try this
<br />Mortgage, seal In autt{eanies uccuptable L, ii+!~ ?t+,rtr<ager, c+lth l,r.~s parable clauru• in (aaor of and in form seer{otable• h• !h.• ALtrtga-
<br />gee. (n the event __ v t.niir _ ~+ur xex_, _..-.1 €„~ . r t*,€„a• ten dace of tts expiratwn. the ?tit<,rtt!agee may' prx:ur.~ issues nee =,n tlu•
<br />impruvemrnta, pay +fhe premiun: ih n t,,,~ .end emu; h .,nn .hall 1~+•.~,mo lmmrdiat4-ly due sort - ~s»Ir ,v;c,- rr. h-r, 't at c. ,. ra,€ .. ,
<br />forth in said nuke until paid and sh;dl t><~ ~.,•uro+i by chi= mortgage. Facture nn the part of Thr Mortgagor r, ',+.erni~h such rc ,, ~~-tb~
<br />' as are herein re€uired or fnilurn ro pad +,ny 'nr inn ,uinur: rd hrn•unrler ;gall, at tho option of the M•.rrt gage•r_ +-•nnt~tutt• a ~`~.~ ....
<br />under the terms of this m. -•;;ag,•- I5+• ;t€dnon' .>f ..iih p"hri.•~- shall. .n the .c€~nt of +Ie•fartlt cannh tr,•r= an ease-err,-rot r,{ the .-.
<br />earned premium.
<br />Anv sums recrnr~t by the Liortpager it. nasnn of ~..., nr .;1a:ragr :..>ured aga€nst .rac ,.. re-tautr•d 1=~- the \,c+ri ~.t y--
<br />snd applied toward th<• payment +d th«~ dr~ht hurl?' .,, uro+i~ .>r, at th€• option of 4o-^ Al cr; tgagee, such aumm +"±t!:rx .~-h.*Ilv ~. .n
<br />c .rg- _'
<br />park may be paid over to the M.,rigagc+r •, t>t• uw°el t+ •padr such boil-+ +u t<, 4=urtd~ne husl.'7istr,= i tt-+~~: ,da~. ,-r rsr an
<br />other purpose or objoet atisfactr•rY is fhe• M.ttga,;e=e e+~tthuut atIerti n the hen ..n the rn+=rt,;ukr for the fui! ae+:.-ant --.~r~~€r+:i h.-r€•
<br />by before sucfi payment ever tn€tk plate
<br />To pntmptly rrpatr, restore err erlruiki any huddx n;;+ ~-r ~mprurerrv me now €• hen•aftrr on [hr pn•m€aes rvhrrh rr+aa tr
<br />court dnmagrd u[ destroyed: to keep ~atd prrmi.r•s m g€>,-,d ,zutrhtton and r:•pair and fr.=e• irn:f any mrehanrc'x Simon :rc ,~ Sir ;ice-, -.
<br />claim oI Len ru>t expressly sutxrrdinxtr<i to the Len hrrout, not tee +u fT+=r ~~r prrmtt any unlawful use of e,r ant' n~isernce n, e~aivr ,~n
<br />said pr€sperty nor t,r trerrnit x-at4• ,.n .:+.1 g:t~•m:sa=. r.:r '..:.1„ 3:: •. .>{. rr a:', a-hr rrhr .., ;_r-•pt rte. .`xe. shy ~:-rat .i:l s.. , =•c ..
<br />-~3 vafuahle, ru?r t±€ €hn.;t.,`•~h , . irzet--a-r :~. -.=1r.e !ty ~ a -*- -.r -. .. ~ tc_ -- - --.. , tt~ ... itt all r~ri sire ~~tsvf aK w+tt- e _c..•t
<br />to the mortgagri premises and the use then*of
<br />l{?;€t sho+ild tier pr<•~'n r.,~~: ..r unv -,an an. r, .v ;., t:;:,„ - _..,. -- ~ - ;,. ,"..,.~ . a ..-:
<br />uruceeding. nr under the rtgrt{ of zmxocnt €inrnain. +> :any .+ t,> , trh.,,,s, .ter• 1i rtF.,S.- -1:.d. ~- :.+tii€.r.:r k.! E..rr:,~€~att..rM,.
<br />awards, and any other paynsenf .,r r4-1i€xt therefor, seed sftatf ter entitle<l, at t. 'g=ti:sn S+• t„•sna2?an+'€, np{a•sr in xrz:t ter•~t+•tttr in its
<br />.e ~ ,a
<br />own name ~ ae.:.Dt: .•r 1?r xe•utinR. €,r trt -.a- g an -.-€np~.€n,=e .,: -r _ -a tx, - , f~,~ - _ -..- ~ ~ t. -u°h
<br />-. _. --.xunpenaati€>tt, awards, darrtag~-, right uf. ~r +-+rt ata=_1 tx ~-+'rrct4 ar:. !n•ratl ax+a=wed tti+ the 4icu4eage+-, 'R h>r. ma_1. atTer d~duCitn~
<br />therefrom all its exlrenses, tetras<t any moneys so rec•etverf »y tt r,r aftply the •Arna un any indehtrdnr~' xv`urrcf hereby- The ,'viart•
<br />gagor agrees to exocute su4•h farther a«~ignments of any ctun{xensatrun, awards, damages- end r€ght:. of a..°tit€u and f}rxr:-c1: as the
<br />Ivlurtgagee may rwyuire.
<br />That tt? case, o[ (allure to {xrfi>rn? any of the r•osesant= hreern. the Aiartgagur maY dl, €tu the itortgngur"s 1wha1( wverything
<br />au arvrnanteri: that the Mortgagee may also do ant art rt ma>~ drum nr.n•s~ry t+• pm€r-ct the .it=r? there€.f: that the D$artga~,r will
<br />rrt>asy upt'm demand any tttuneys {slid +rr ciisbu reed by the Di+ertga};rr for airy of the shove purpr€~es- :tart such mune•ys ntgethrr wttR
<br />intaraat thenayn at the rate pnwided in raid note xball fx.rume so- much uddittoual tudrittcalrrt~s hemhy~ x4~ueed and may tar in-
<br />cludrri in any decree torrr•lustng this n,urtgage and tx ttaid nut of the n•nt_ti or pn>+'reds u{ ,ale of said premises it not nthenvisr
<br />putd; that it shall nut t>r uhligatury uiam the Mnrtlragrr• t++ utywr4• taro the .•alidNy of any lien, encurr?5raoers. ur claim in ad~
<br />venting moneys ax abawv autlx+nzrd, but nothing hereto contained strati hr cnrrstru4rt as rir{wring the htortitagrr to advarxw eery
<br />manaya for any such par{loos our lo- do any set hen+under; and that Mortgagee ~thall nnl incur anY la•rsonat liah€lit> brrausr of any-
<br />thit±g it may tta ter omit to 4l+t hernuxrfa•r.
<br />(n the event of ttu? default t,q' Mnr[t;ttKur m the payment of any tnstailnu•nt_ as requ[r+•d by the Note secure+f he re bv. ur
<br />in the per(ortnancr+ u( the txtatigatian in this rnartgagr or in the mtle secureel thereby, the ?vtorkgagrr shall he rntiihaf to drrlarr the
<br />debt a~utad hcrehy due and payable withuu! notice, and Ihr Mortgagor shall hr entitled at its npti€v?, without nonce, Tither hp it+u•If
<br />esr icy a t€=r:_ leer to tsE a+,ttx,intrd .=y tlt~ sY~utt khrr;~f, ac*1 ;x€th?:ut rrgAttf t€; tt?e .€ }€-~,u~rv t # arty +'ur t+' (t,r tie,- ;e,~+,~trt~. + - _-.
<br />cured hereby, ttr colt*r uttc,tt and take pas:.ra„t4+n of the mztrtgagc-4t {rrrmiat,, atri ter role+:tt and rrr°rit• ih€+ rents t ,. z :t~, € + r''tts
<br />thereof, and apply the «atm•, .less r+~tt±c of operation axd eullectian, open the indeht4ntnt~«s «ectrrwd by this mortgage: sai€€ rants,
<br />issues and prtNlta being hereby a.tttignrd t++ the Mortgages ax further security (or the paymerxt of all ind+=ht€*rtnes~ s€rur4rt her€lby.
<br />Thr Mortgagtr shall have the power to a{t{xrint any agent or agents it may drsirt• fur the purpcrsr of rrpatnng wid prem•
<br />ices; ronttng the same: mttectirtg the rents, revenues and income. And it may {?Ay nut n( raid incY,rnr all rxtx•nses incttrnxl to rent•
<br />ing and managing the same and rrl' calleciing the rentals therefrom. 'Che taalance remaining, if atty. shall »e applied toward th><
<br />discharge o- the mortgage indabtednetcs. This aswignment is to terminate and becume• null and void upon rrlrtiw~ of chi, mortgage.
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