<br />MOtiTGAGE
<br />-- MGRTGAC[: LOAN NU. r ~~ _~$-'
<br />(Q+IOR'9LLMENBXTHESF.PRESENTS:That Essi-nk Brothers Construction Company, Inc. A Nebraska
<br />Corporation,
<br />Mortgagor, whether one ur more, in consideration ..f the sum of
<br />Eo_r_SX-~1.gb_t__Tlis2s~sand Eight Hundred and Nol100-------------------------------------_~LtARs
<br />hearted to said rtxrrtgagor by The f_=sluitable Building and Luan Association of (:rand [stand, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 488 shoes of stock of
<br />said AS50CIAT10N, Certificate Nu. L 23,668 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />described real estate, siruattd in Ilal! ('ounty, Nebraska:
<br />together with all the [ertem.•:tts, Irereditamrrts end apptutenancxs thereunto belonging, including attached t]uor coverings, aU window scrttns,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnietgx, tteateng, air crmdflruning,and plumbing am? water equipment and accessories thertto,pumps,stovts,
<br />refrigaraturs, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in tannecUOn with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does htrchy agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the frond sz'eurtd thtrebv before the same shat became delinquent; to furnish approved
<br />insurance upon the buildings on said prerrrists situated in the sum of S 48, 800. ~~ payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies lur said insurance; artd nut to comma or permit any waste on ur about said premises;
<br />In case of Default in the pert'orrnance of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage u, the bond stceued hereby, the rrwrtgugce shall,
<br />em demand, be tntiittd to immediate pusse~on of the nsuttgaged premixs soil the tnurtgagnt htrtby assigns, transfers and sets uvst to the
<br />nwrtgagte art the rents, [evenues and inanne to he derived from the mortgaged premises during such tint( as the mortgage indebtedness shalt remain
<br />unpaid; and the mrntgagtt shall have the power to appoint any agent a agents it niay desire fur the purpose of mpairittg said premises and renting
<br />the saint and collecting the rents, revenues and incerrrt, and it may pay out of said inmrnr aN expenses of repairing said premiers and necessary
<br />Wmmissiuns and tzpensts incurred in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals thertfrnm; ttte balanx remaining, if any, tit be
<br />applied toward the discharge of said trurrtgagt indebtedness; these rights of the mortgagee Wray br exercised at any time daring the existentY of wch
<br />default, irrcsptcnve of soy temporary waiver of the sarrse.
<br />'I'htsr Presents, however, are upon the Condition, `that if the said Mortgagor strati repay said loan s>n or before the maturity Qf raid shares by
<br />payment, pay monthly to sail ASJtI('1AT1ON of the sum speeifted in the }h,ntt steurad htrtby as interest and pri»cipal on said Luan, on ar before
<br />the Tw^enticth day of each artd revery ninth: unt;l said loser is fusty e_tid: pay aL4 (axe, an;la€s€ssntrnts I:'virdagait•~t szid permi andurt the Muri~e
<br />and the Hrmd scr?~rcd i hereby, bttitre dtlinq_uencY; furnish aPnrneed insurance ttnttn iht builriittgs tititton in the sum of 5 48 ,~Q~. Q{} payable
<br />to sai~.t A.SSt](.tA'I't0N; repay to slid ASSOCIA'f1ON upon demand aR rta~nty ny i<, ps.J for stet-h tar3s, rssessntenis and in'>urans~ with intarast 3t
<br />tl~- : ;u: r°~at rat:: w- : fr.:an at€ ut avn~rf a.. ut w#:r~..'Ktr nr #~;~t - , r ~rrF,rt r;-, w~tr ~.:r ~ ~ p ~r-_`y
<br />wit;: ad the a~zeittznts ar, # ~=is3iti=}rt; z,f r3se i3c+rnf fur ~ 48 , $£~~? . ~Qths dot Erivrn fay- tree s3:d ~tnrt~agur tr: ,std A~~'tA'I~tlc, ,trd -a:tttpiy
<br />with all the rcyuirenxnts of ttrr Cunstitutmn end ay-Lawx of said ASSOCIATION; then these presentx shall brwnta null and void, otherwise they
<br />shall remain. in full trutt and Wray t+c 'urethrsed at the option of the. Bard ASSO('IATI()N after torture for three nx+nths to make any of sax(
<br />payrttents or be three irxarrths rn arrears in making said rrumthly payntrnts, ur to keep and comply wuh the agrrctncnts and cunditiunx of said Htmd;
<br />and Mogg;igrtr agrees rte have a recetv'er appointed tbrthwrth in such foreclnsuce procerdings-
<br />IC there ix any change in uwnrrsttip of the real estate nxxtgaged herein, by sale ui otherwise, then the entire remahting indebtedness hereby
<br />secured shall, at the option of The I:ywtable Ftwlding and Luan Asxtciatittn u~ (;rand Island, Nthraska,brcumeurunediately due and payabk witttrtut
<br />further notion, and the anwunt rtntaining due ranter card txutd, and any nttrer iu~nd fur arty udditianal advancr5 made ihrrtunder, ahaN, frurtt the
<br />dale of exeresse of said option, hear intecest ai tree maxitnurn legal rate, attd ttsis nwrtgage Wray then be foreclosed to satisfy ttvr attxttiM due oat cud
<br />bond, and any other bond fur additional advanars, tugrttxr with aCl sums paid by sand 1'he Iiyuitablt Building and Luan Aasntiation of (;rand Island,
<br />Nehraska for insurances, taxes and asstssncents, and abstraeimg extrnsnin chargtx, with inttrtat thrrean, from daft of payment at the ttsartimtrm
<br />legal nett.
<br />As pruvido.! in the Itund securod hrrtby, Whitt thrx mttrtgagr rrmaiirs in sitter the nwrtgagte may hereafter advance addittunat supra to the
<br />rnakrrs of said Itond, their assigns or €uc;.•ts€txs iu iattrest, carriers sums shall be wither the xcruity of !Iris murtgagt (tit ascot as the i'wtda urggtukiy
<br />secured thtrtby, the rolal amount of prurcipa) rtrbt out to taeeed st any nom rice augural amou±u ref flux tmutgagr.
<br />.nand tnia 7th day of Uanuary .~ ly . tit 8Q
<br />Essink $rot _•Constructi_on Gall~ian~, Inc.
<br />r ~...
<br />by R 9er ,. Esc nc, ' res ®nt ~`~
<br />STA'1'Iw QF NEBRASKA. ~ ~ On this nth day of ~dnUary f 9 8~ , txfurc me,
<br />COUNTY pF }iA1.i.
<br />the undersigrud, a Notary Public in and fox saint County, f>trsrrrts!!y tattrw
<br />Roger J. Essink, Presiden.t~::of,~ESsink Brothers Construction Compan~rh~Inc., a Nebr~si~a
<br />C:UrpOrati On ,.~`~ a-, .-: -~,, 15 parson y nown to
<br />me to iw the idtnticai person ~'~a$ig3a~tdt~lb.„_~`'\~ alTixrd to the above instrument as rnurtgagur and he 1ld4rttrYliy
<br />i
<br />acknowledged the said instrtttnot'~xp v 'hi 5 '°~ rv act and deed,
<br />WITNL.SSnty$ated~n~t~~ealt dat~afareaaid. ~~ -
<br />My Cointntsstty~ ~p'tre~ ~'~ ~ ~ ! >'! ~ .~ ~ .-.-~
<br />to-:asat nt ,~` Notary Public''
<br />., . .
<br />