<br />,.cs~:ss f'eittt spa ty~x, z itfv. s.if 1NSTALLIYIENT l61STE lf11~'~~ SE~UR~TY ACiREEfdEldT
<br />oOitdIFWLL-ha~Ptg Cq/T
<br />Ot4-tlGttf-e+tNtC Ct1-7
<br />ik11iKNTR-YC! 6rsTfX
<br />N'o. D49(p7 Debtor William A. B 1 slid SharonIDeitzer December 29 p974
<br />For vattte receltred, the tudeYei~net! ttabte~fs) (~ointty and severally) promise to pay to tM older of tlst
<br />First Investment Comgaay 2213 First Avenue Kearney, Nebraska 68847
<br />FiftX~lgttt-thous^nd -red no/10(1------------------------------- Dot.LARS. f 58.000,00
<br />is 1 atlisoff(i[inataltmaab d f 60a 125. 7Ca ,the drat iedallmast payab4 as tM 15th ml d April. 1980. asd s itloo
<br />sum ae the ---- day d eath -------- theeeeAer, euapt the Hail inualimoat a6a& be i 60,225.3~du.4-15-80
<br />After maturity, this nola shall bear interest at the rata of per annum on the lint f3,000.e0 and per annum on balanro over fi,fIW.00.
<br />Upon the fultye to pay say SnataBmant promptly u hatain agreed, thin vote shall, u tM option d the holder. become immadbtoty dw sad psyaWe. Td
<br />holder may abo dRdatst this Dolt intmadla/e17 dN end payehN wilkpst demand or ttot(tx m li) death Q dLdtyioR d soy d the DEIf1YIRt81: a {~ laaoF
<br />vasty o[ ttaekruptry d soy d tM DEBI'OIt(81: ar 191 U a writ v order d ulaebaaeRt or garnbhmaal, or Federal tea IfaR may ba faattad ar aaatle agoleR
<br />say d the peegNrty, wets a iatame d uy d tM DEBI'OR181.
<br />TM makan, prineipeN, atttetise, andorwe, sad gttaraators d fhb ads aareraity waive presentment toe payment, demand, protest, sad tsotin d ptotsrt aed
<br />rem-paytnsd thetad, sad d( dafaaaee m the greuod d say eatensiaa d the time d payment that may ba ghee by tM holder a holdsra to them ar either
<br />d them.
<br />CrELMQIiENCY CHARGE: Deliayuency charge msy be made on sack instailment in default (or n period of not less than tea tie) days, :~ Not is earou at Ove !ar Deaf
<br />iS%I of euh installment or flR de®era wh{chaver is lase. C Interest shat muurity on cash such installment red earoeding the highest pwsibb contact rate permitted by
<br />law. The tumnt rue is %.
<br />This note may be paid u any time before maturity by peymeot of the unpaid balance less the unearned charges as of the data of payment. Rebate based oo C Rule
<br />of T9's, ^ U.S. auk. __ Weighted Average. " Actuarial Method. _: Othrr__ _
<br />The bank hu a right of sat off ar lien m any deposit io the bank .hieh is the property of a debtor or codeMor.
<br />1. Prttceeda ............................f ~ area nn
<br />9. Otltar %TargeR, Itemltted
<br />9. Amount rituocad (1 ! g)............f 58,000_ 00
<br />a, Tllierrrs ce®ifoa ................g x,125.34
<br />f. Tottl otRyataata ..................f 60e 125.34
<br />AIINDaL TRRCiRTA6R ;ATR_..,1Z._L 7G
<br />PROPERTY INSURANCE, U written k ronneetim with thin ban, may be obtained by borrower
<br />through say peraoo of borrowen choiro. U borrower desires property inauraap to M obtained
<br />through the creditor. the roar wW be f - --- for the term d the eeedit.
<br />CREDIT LIFE AND D(SAEILITY INSURANCE is not required to obtain this ban.
<br />Yo charge is made for credit iasttrattce and no credit iasurattes is provided ualw eM borrower
<br />signs the appropriate statement below:
<br />Ia) 1'ha rtc;t Sor Crafit Lila Luurasiw aWaa wli oe f -- for tM
<br />term of the credit.
<br />tbl The cwt for Credit Life and Disability Insurance wig M f -- -~- _
<br />!or the term of the credit.
<br />I desire Cradlt I dslro t1adN Lila I Do IgOT want Cradlt
<br />L1Ie Inattranca oalY• and DINblUi7 IaaatraRCe, LiI~ or Dlrblllt7 lasuranee.
<br />~2-2q-79~'
<br />f Data) t8lgaatttre) ti)ata! t>MRstatura! rl ( Wy ~d yaeepgtD[taltyt, tnalRtypa- tyre~)era7t~ad ~a~trad
<br />LendaiRo N~eyrP/ROPSRroat ~iy tLaylodilowtt~ig du~er~lboerd tly'oDw+tl~ Any 11IIa1'Vldvg as elvnalI ZIILer~3C 1~ IIe 7YOrLR283L~3~1
<br />(NEB) of Section Thirty-five(35), Township Twelve (12~ North, Range Elevetl~ll) Weat of the 61
<br />F.M. and The Southwest Quarter (Sint) of the Northwest Quarter (NG1'~) and the East one half
<br />(E~)of the Northwest Quarter (NWS4) of Section Seven (7), Township Ten (10) North, Range Twel~
<br />(12) West of the 6th P.M. AND
<br />Proceeds of sale of the above described real estate
<br />all products ot, addluona to aad raplacamanb NereM sad W aetaNOriaal, eoroNtona. parts sad pufpmeot Dow or harsatRar aRlsad tblTeto or used !s
<br />raaaeoitoa tharawltA, sad tM prateed^ at ali proWrty aeeared, wbtea peeperty b nerobY wttnntad tb M ttwa from sit aRewebrrttoae, upon wadlibe,
<br />however, that u tAL aae shall M peld, W Mrcta Nipulatad, then thL NmlrltY agzNmaat to M told, otherwlra to rotttRla ba lull lore,. 'I71s property
<br />wlil Rot M add to rxaoveA [twa the fltaN witlsout tM wtittaa toeNRt of the holder. Pt u further ageeed that eM debtor ahs1l tarry IMrw.
<br />TMiL Wtndatorm sad Co3listao totutaata to as Saw titan attital ratya at pwPertY tsvarsd by this secyritY agreemeet with ttauae ateschM, "Laaw. U
<br />aaY. payable b aatntred party. a! lMtr totereat ,nay Rpttyr,"
<br />it u fttrtMr a;txRd that is tw d failure to pay say iaterat, Er-~_t~---es, ~ the pnaetpst itarean at matwiey. ar whamver the 5dder karad may dvam i:NU iR-
<br />ereure, tbsn tM said haid_er mar ea,_.a. spa whe-le aunt al ptiatipai sad dtet~t a bRrstrx d:te sad eai~tibia, sad :sthztt rr of ar l psctedittst tlx
<br />prt>perey deaertbed 6atrrin, the poaaesaton d these prassats giving sad granting co it, full right and authoniy ao to do, sad it may ,at4 tM same or any put ik:repG
<br />eltlmr at-pttb9e~ privaw safe. wkh ur without notice.
<br />PURPOi{Q: TM aetttNtY lolerest Mrota u glop oe thls tollaural y,Z for • purchase enooeY leas: ~ otbarwiea
<br />tNFORftATtONAL: ~~ TM address d the Debtor, bebw u fkM.xv r.stdenee. Cush address to the [hdttora thief plats of business. ':' Such addrcu is when
<br />the t;oUateral b kept. CJ i?sbtor u a nort•resident d State.
<br />V>!R OP PAOP(gRTT: Debtor warraab, torenuts sad agrsw teat: ?M property la or 4 to M fwd bT Debtor primartty
<br />t. pa buataaN Q iqulpment Y1 f. Tor paraoaRL tamllY. f. IR taretUg otwretlow l7 listen Products
<br />^ tareatory or eawrtaer gaeda O Tarty iqulleaettt
<br />By sigeing bebw, tM dabtonal sigaitl the note. and also aeknow kdgNsl receipt of a ropy of this hour ea eM date hared.
<br />~~`~ .'
<br />~. Willia_~~eG • t o.?
<br />~~~^o! / ~
<br />a ~=-~` 5haronEBeltzer t etor-
<br />Eshibik A t - ~ 4108 Avenue F. Kearney. N ash, 68Q~7
<br />Address
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />