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~~-~ 'L,~ ' ' "' <br />MORTGAGE ___ _ <br />._. - ~-.:_~._,__._rT_.. .--=-^~^Mc~RTGAGELOANNO. L 23,~6~--~ <br />iQdOPiALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS:That Jerry A. Rajewich and Pamela K. RdjeWiCh, each In h'IS <br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />------Mortgagor, whether one or more, in crinsidera[ion of the sum of <br />Fort five Thousand andNo 100------------ - ------- <br />----- -- <br />Y-______ ----------------- nouARs <br />loaned to said mortgagor by The i:quitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 45D stares of static of <br />gold ASSOCiATfON, Certificate No. L 2 3 s ~(~ , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOClAT10N the fottowiu6 <br />dcsrrrbed real estate, situated in 4ia11 ('ounty, ebraska: <br />LOT ONE (1} IN BLOCK TWO (2) IN BRENTWOOD SECOND SUBDIVISION, <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />together with ail the tene[m:n[x, hereditamrnts and appurtenanaxs thereunto bekingmg, including attached [leer cottringx, all window screens, <br />window shades, blinds, Sturm windows, awnings, hea4ng, air 4Yindrtioning,and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto,prslnps,stovn, <br />refrigerators, and other irxtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to ur used in connection with said rtaf estate. <br />And whereas the said nwrtgagur has agreed and dues hereby agrer ttu.t. the rritirtgagor shalt and will pay all [axes and assexvrientx levied or <br />'assessed uprm said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before tttc same strati becottu delinquent; to ftlrniah sppnivai <br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sure of S 45 ,OOD. DD payable to said ASSfaClAT10N and to deliver in said <br />~~~~ASSOCl.AT10N [he policies for said insurant~; snd not W wmmit or perms any waste an ar about said premises: <br />In case of default in the pr:tfarmance at any of [he terms and amditians aF thrs nxirtgage ur the bond secured hereby, the truirtgagee atta6, <br />an dtrnend, be entitled [u immediate possession oC the mortgaged premises and [he nx+rtgagor hereby assigns. transfers ami sets over to rte <br />mortgagee all the rents, revenues and income In be derived from the mortgaged premises dtuing such time as the moeigagt indebterbess shall rc/taain <br />unpaid; and the martgagce shall have the luiwer to appoint arty agent at agrn[s it may desire fur the. propose of rcpairiog seal prcmiaes and renting <br />rite same and collecting the rents, revenrus and income, and it may pay out of said income all expenses of repaitirg raid prcmisses gad ItQtXYiry <br />~rorrunissians and expenses incurred in renting and a>,snaging the same and of cxillecting rentals therctrpm; tht tialanoe rctrtairli/gt, if ,sty, to be <br />applied [award tits discharge of said mortgage indebtedness; those rights of the nortgagee tray be exercised at any time dtuvg the ezisterttt of atclt <br />default. itrespectire of any temppr°_ty waiter of the same. <br />3Ti€s€ Prcs€nts, iriiwcver, ate ttpati the Cavditiun, That if the said Mortgagor shad repay said loan nn ar before the ttsartuity of said shares by <br />payment, pay mmthly to said ASSIX.7Al'tON of tiro sum apeaafied in the Blind secured hereby as interest ami prirtrapat ae said Matt, an to btfore <br />tht Twentieth day of earl and every rmmth, until said ban is fuAy paid; pay all taxes and assessments levied against said premises gad on this 4lott~e <br />and the &xtd ~ vred tfsertby, bet:ue dehngtxzncy: tisantsh approved hxuranrr upon the kutitiittgs it~r€€ut in its sum of ~ ~v , v~Q, ~~ psyat:trr <br />to laid A.EJIYt iAi~c:'~; r pay to sold ;l:isCx:iATlzrN upon u~r.,and a,'f iwarnty by :t paid tut suds taxes, ass2m~rtp a~ +~ r=h mt+irmt at <br />the maximum itgal rate thrrean from dale ut' payatent all of wltirh MortY,agar htrtbv aetecs to rsav: nerrriit ntt waste un sold or+...;~._ k ~~ <br />a~tretnrcrtts and uiaditte?ns of tfpP Blind fix S 4a t_h~ tttx yen 6y t~ said dirt <br />with all the Q y gi gage*= t+r saw O[_`IA"Sdt, its-~- - <br />with al{ the requutnients of the Const+tutiun and By-Laws i.f sa-id ASSSf1CiAl'ION; then these presemx 3hai! boc;wite nttlt ami vcxid, otlicrwise they <br />shah rtntain in fuU farce and uiay bt furtcl.ised at the option uf' the said A.SSOCIA'I'ION situ faitur€ flit throes nwulths to moire .ny of sans <br />payments or bt throe trxtnths in arrtars in making said trmnthty iayments, ur to keep and comply' with tht agreements and txindrta±ns of said Bond; <br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a rer~eiver appointed forthwith in such torrcbsure procttstings. <br />If there is any change in awnrrship of the real tstatt rrtortgagrd herein, by sale ur otherwise, then the entire remainitsR iridebtedtress ltaraby <br />stx:tued shall, at the option of The Fquitabk Building and Lrian Asstxiatian of [,rand Island, Nebraska, become ilnrnediately due arsd payabk vaithuut <br />furtixer natkic, and tht urxiunt remaining dot under saitt twnd, and any attar hand for any additional advances made the:Giwder, stmt, [sum list <br />date ui exr:eiae of caul optxm, brat interest at tht maximum kgaf rate, and ihu mortgage nary ttttn bt fortielused to satisfy the arranM dtla tMl Yid <br />bond, and any attcer lu>rxi tin at-ditionai advaaues, ttigtthtr with ati surrss paid by said 'i'Ttt tiquitabie Buiidittg and Loan Asaociatissn of Grrttsd lshmd, <br />Nebnslsa fnr insuranrt, taxes and assesurtenis, and abstracting txtrresion chargts, with interest thereon, fnun date of payment at ibt toaxitnttns <br />kµal rate, <br />As provided in tht tlanid secured hereby, whip this nuirtgagt remains m effort tht uxirtgttget [nay hereafter advance additiwtU suns to flu <br />nwktrx ut" said Nknid, tltcu assytns ur sm:cesxiirs [n inltrrxt, whrch sums shall be within tM~ srrurity of this nwrtgage the same as tht ftutds tirigittally <br />aecirted ibteeby, the total amcwrtt elf priricipa} debt not ni €xtxtd at any tirttn tha urigirial. anxiun[ oC tills mortgage. <br />~ nab i ix f ~f' spay at January A. t~., tv~0 <br />~{ _i.~~i <br />r,y A, .Raja L <br />Pamela K, Rajewicft+ <br />STATE r~ NEBRASita, ~ ~. On ttrix 4th day of January iv 80 , beearc trw, <br />COUNTY OF ffALL <br />the undersigned, a Notary fRrblic in and fur said County, persrinally arste <br />Jerry R. Rajewich and Pamela K. Rajewich, each in his and her own W~wght, and a~~~s~ytsetn <br />of. each other are <br />tnt to ba flu identigi person g whose nsrnt S are affixed to cite aba~r~tts' trmst~rn ss mortgagor g and they severally <br />atitnowiedged the slid inatruttvent to be their vvitmkary at:t anti dead. \J <br />WtTNlSS my (rand and Notarial ,Sea; the date afotesaid. <br />My Crirnrr,ixtecrrr aspires / 'r <br />1?18.EM ttl , ~ "'- ~ / ~' ~~ - ___.... .__... _ _ _+_ Notary Pnblic r <br />ta, GEPi~..At t,'.; i,,;;! i:L,' ci 67't.r~;k <br />pi JApSF.S V'.. QtSOY <br />'~ My Gomm. Erp. Nov. 72, 1983 <br />