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-, . <br />R n < ~,r <br />REAL ESTATE MpRTGACE '^ _, i aa~ M`_,. <br />_~.... f ,~ kR "". .._. <br />_.. <br />;Hate. Decefnoer 2S, 1979 <br />~~-- ~ il''~~I~ _._~ ..__ ._..__ <br />s <br />Marlin M. Gregg and Lynne Gregg, (also known as Lynne F. Gregg}, husband and <br />wife nc-Ggagors, <br />of Hall Cnun ty. Nebraska tr, consSderatlon of <br />the advance of the principal sup. recited in the note hereinafter described, receipt of which. is acknowledged, hereby <br />mortgage and cnrvey tc <br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation, <br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Rebraska, whose address <br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100, <br />Mortgagee (sub,7ect to oil, gas, and mineral *ights owned by parties other than Mortgagors; exist log eas?menu of <br />record: reservations In United States and State patents: and the rights of the public in all highways J, the fallowing- <br />descri~bed real estate 1n Hall _ county, Nebraska <br />SEC. 7WP. RG. <br />Lot Seven (7), Whites Sunny Slopes Subdivision, part of the <br />NW'A----------------------------- 12 9N 10 W6th P.M. <br />-= 1 together wSth all of the rSgh*., title, and interest o: the Mortgagors Sn said property, Sneluding all Dufldings, <br />_ - = irrpravements, ffxturas nr appurtananczs row °r hereafter acquired, including ail apparatus, equip>nent, fixtur€s or <br />_- -_ articles used to supply heat, .as, air nondl tinning, water. 11gh t, Power, refri gerar_lon, ventlt arson, „r oth€r serv- <br />ices, and the furnishings customarily or appropriately included by lessors to lessees including, but not limited to, <br />_ :' mirrors, screens, wlnSaws, storm wirdaws and dn,,rs, carpe;,ing and Other floor coverings, 1n-a-d:er 4eds, aNmSnga, <br />~- ! stoves, refrlgera0:ors, water heaters, air candid^zners, humldlfiers, heart;l and fireplace equipment, ell n>* w111ch <br />- aredenlared to b^ a part of t-h€ rA=1 eststa, whether physically aLGached Chereto nr r-at, ar,~+ dae;t-sd a p.;rt,iCri a. <br />- j .,i.e ~-€~::r Gy -..-. ....c ,idc'C. vE'~$n c'-~.i :Er air:$ftar '.i2".i'i°J9 i. <br />-;_i This nortgage is :,oven to secure a promissory notia of even date tterewlth, executed by nertgaxors to M2f't?agee, la <br />e fir'- `pa =;;~ ; ~iE.YEN~Y_THIIUS9NSLEIVF_ HtNIlKy~ Win/ 1Q0 _ _ - - - - - - - ,-,~ '.~~, <br />'- ! n yaDle iPr ,r,~Gal,meri..s with inCarest according to the terms of Bald note, the last SnstailmenG being due atui p~}r- <br />-- ~ aDle nn the first day ar January, 2005 This conveyance shall be veld upon Lha pent of said <br />`~- 1 promissory note. <br />,:~ 'i7ze Mortgagors agree to pay, Sf requested by Mortgagee, or. each installment data, in adeiition to the sums r€qulr€d <br />ir, the above-deserl4rd prromissory na*_e, alum €:,ual Lo the amount determlred by the Mortgsge€ rewired to acnunrlate, <br />and pay the lnsurtutce premiums on policies of fire and other hazard Snsurance covering the mortgaged p.^emisES, and <br />_ ;~ ! the real estate t.axas Sad assessrents due on the tttortgaged premises +;, days prSnr to the due dates Cherecf. [n <br />g[ the evanG that the sums arcrun~] for the paymetrG of the said premiums, taxes, or sssessments are irsufficlent, t.^.P <br />Mortgagors will, upon request, ti .y such additional sums prior to the due date thereof. All s!tms received therefor <br />..^,hall Da applied on the principal balance tuttll such tine as they are withdrawn. Dy Mortgagee tar the paymerzG c~f <br />said premiums, taxes, ur rise, netts <br />~,~ ~ 19t1s mortgage is :>ublect to the nrrsvl'lons crf THE FARM CF.F;U1T ALT and s11 acts amendatory thereef or supplemental <br />thereto. 1`he proc4eds of rhr- loan st~ured Deraby will be used .*c1' 'h^ purposes speat.'ied Sn the Mortgsgnrs~ appll- <br />eatinn Litt sold lean atri autnerl.2.ec1 Dy seeid act. <br />4 <br />~~ ~ 7tte N~zr tgagors, and each of than, hereby warr3ni. LhaC t~t2ey are foe owners of the mortgaged real Rroperty; chat t-hey <br />will defend the title against ail claimants whom~aever, and that said GroperGy 1s tree [rum all encumbrances; that. <br />they will keep all trie Smpravements, fixtures, and appurtenances occupied and in Bend repair and permit nn ants of <br />-.' i waste; arld they will relinquish all rights nl homestead in said Premic,€s, andcovar!ant and agree with the Mortgagee, <br />- - - 33 fdli(3hc - - - <br />} <br />- f tiJ 712aG they will pay nitezi due all. taxes, liens, judgments, or assessments which may De lawfully assessed against <br />Ghe property herein mort;gag€d. - <br />i <br />--- ~ (:-1 Yt1at-they will Snsure and keep insured Dulldings or other improvements now nn car which may h€reaft€r be placed <br />-- -. 1 on Bald premises toche satisfaction of the ryartgagee, suenlnsurance policy sha21 De endorsed with a mortgage clause <br />' ' with the loss thereunder to be FaYable-tn Gh€ Mortgagee. Any sums received m~tr De used to pay tnS' reconsGructlon <br />--- --of Ghe destroyed improvements; or, if not so applied, may, at Lhe option of [Da Mnrtglge€, be appli€a in payment of <br />-- ~ i any indeDtedaess, matured or *,lnmatiti'ed, secured Dy this mnr*,gage. <br />(d} That in Ghe event the ryartgag€e is a party to any litigation afferting the security cr the lien of its mort- <br />i_ 1 Saga. any suit by the Mortgagee taforeclose this mortgage nr ar>.y suit in which the Mortgagee may De named <br />a party defendant 1n which St Is obligated to protest its rights or 1ken, including ndndemnation and bankruptcy <br />proceedings, Ghe Mortgagee may incur expenses and advance payment fen aDStract fees, attorney teas (except to the <br />~. ~ .extent prohibited Dy law.), costs, expspses-, and other charges, <br />