1 dl
<br />~iYSSTLA~~1i MSS®RIAL lAAS;
<br />of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />a cemetery association
<br />incorporated under the
<br />cemetery laws of the
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />- ~;:
<br />.. THYS INDENTURE: Made th1E_--------day ot_----_°-- --------- ~ _-~ -
<br />betweea {VF,9TI.AW;1T. I);EMO gAR$,CSHIE~F3H.Y off' SiR,A~,vD Fsi.AND, NL)dRAEfSe;, Ftrae party.
<br />.-~ ~. ~I.CJC2.C~`"PYt:,:.2 LY C11L':. ! ;LZ.: L 2'2.:L2' Y
<br />and /
<br />...w~UCUt :~ u. 2... :- _ ~~.~ :LJ ,'~SUt% .ic?,-,.cUt-mod <.L2..'. %2V{ CLJ tEbiUr4 Ld -L't C~):Y7u?'L; ~ ~G,i%?
<br />- - _ i ,.~2~ [7 `~ O`Civ.avJ'2J;7C~. -------------' second Party. '
<br />-- - WITNE38E1'H: That First Puty for and in consideration of the sum of -
<br />- ~ ~1Z~_C~il_4ist[b_L41r~. ~? 4i,,~___YSi.4C~?~'=__~s?~1d~=`~'-;z4~~!~1-------------------------------DOLLARS .
<br />the receipt whereof la hereby acknowledged, has sold and by these presents does grant, convey and confirm -
<br />unto the second Party and to second Party's heirs and abslgm ~~' '~'~ ',`~''i'"`3 :.-L;'~ r~~iJ.tri'tiJ
<br />t5 G ,7'UZ~I-~VU ~ ..E-'?? ~,U -2etrorc~ Je C,Zi15/2 ~S L -' - '~f .} 12Cf.' J ~--- J
<br />-----------------------------------------------------------------of WESTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK .,,;:,;
<br />- of Grand Island, Nebraska, attuated in Half County, Nebraska, a cemetery to be used for interment pur- _
<br />- poses only, being so dedicated and declared, the Plat of said cemetery being recorded In Ne office of the - -
<br />Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraalca. -- -
<br />Thin deed 1H subject to atl iarya of the state of Nebraska, and to all 6y-laws, rules and regu]ations - -
<br />of WESTLAWN MEMORLAZ. PARK CEMb.•TERY of Grand Island, Netrraska, and to any changes in said - -
<br />laws, by-laws, rules and regulaUona.
<br />' Any transfer of title of any part of the above described property shalt not be valid until the same
<br />has been recorded upon the books at the FSrot Party. _
<br />- Hants and agrees to and with the Second Party and with the heirs and assigns of the second Party, that - -
<br />at the time of the execution and delivery of these presents tt !s lawfully seized of said premises; that it has _ _ _
<br />good right sad lawful authority to convey the acme: that they are free from encumbrance and First party
<br />- does hereby covenant to warrant and defend the premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomso- ------
<br />ever. - -
<br />_ -,.- WESTLAWN MEMORL~iL P!aRK CEM7yT'ERY OF GRAND SaLAND, NEBRASKA, agrees to fur- - -.
<br />_ tttah perpetasl cars, administration and malntenanee of the above described pramiaer as provided by its by- -
<br />- -- laws. -
<br />- ~ '~+-lT~ii C~%I~~ [7P`, The said 6vE.STI,A.i'EId MEMORIAL PAR'n` CF~'fETT'Ii'-FFiY OF' C.H.AYD = ---
<br />- p_~?3~tiRAAKA hay hereunto caused its corporate 3eaF to be affixed and these presents to ba signed
<br />"i by its "picesldent ~ the day and year (trot above written.
<br />~ ,1 ~ - ' President
<br />~ ~, . ,
<br />8'I'XTI: OF, NEBRASKA, j ~'---
<br />J} aa.
<br />...FOf1NTX OF HAi.L
<br />'. r ,
<br />- On' thla___1~{!"? day of ___`-~>yE- l- d". _____, Y11__~___,
<br />before ms the undersigned, a notary puDltc, In and for acid couttty and state, personally came _______„_____ -
<br />~ .
<br />Preddent Ot Weatlawn Memorial Park Cemetery of Grand Island, Nebraska, to me personally known to be
<br />the Preaidaat and the idenUcat person whose Hama is afllxed to the above conveyance, and acknowledged
<br />ibe execution ihareu# to be his voluntary a>.t and dead as such officer and the voluntary act and doal of the -_`
<br />acid Westlawn Mamortal Park Cemetery of Grand Island. Nebraska, and that the corporate seal o! the said
<br />WsaUawn Memorial Park Cemetery of Grand Island, Nebraska, wu thereto affixed by its authority.
<br />WilNlgss my head and notarld seal the day and year last above written. -
<br />-,. ~' ~
<br />Noeary Publtc
<br />~~ EEYEtullsstlEY•3tatantl;lu,:a~
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