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<br /> <br /> <br />3' <br />m <br />m <br />m <br />>' n" ' <br />.« .'ti <br />I i„y <br />m t;;ntni"~dp ~s '~~racu P'^~s~. <br />0 <br />i t+rt _._..' ___._. <br />~ ( l ~(p3 i~~ ~ '~... ~~,t..~_ <br />ji W ! ~ir1 T..: ILg!.~ <br />ii <br />N <br />) 1 <br />~y v t~ 28 uiE i0 t}4 <br />lilt <br />n <br />x; j 'I ~ ~~ <br />m a ~~ ~G _ .~:..__ <br />w ~ y <br />Excerpts rretn leteraa! Revenue Code <br />Sec. 6321. Lien for Taxes. <br />n arty persnn flack Ip pay any tax naplects a fetuses to <br />pay tae Santa alts Mmard. ma amdum iMCluatiq arty ettor~ <br />asi, adatwnai amcvr.C addabn to tax, or assassaak Genaay, <br />trrpdad wilh any casts mu maY accme I:t atlNtian maao) <br />snap De a Ikn k taVar a tae Unaetl States upm aU Dr~at[y <br />afrtl rgbts to Drrtperry, whdaa real a Derspna;, Dcionginq <br />t0 S+RII Oersan. <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br />Unless snakier dale M spacnica!iy iketl hY IxW, me lien <br />impossd Dy sitctien 6321 snaU arise at the tkme tna <br />~~~. assessnrea Ls made artd shalt continue amN the liability la <br />~', 'lea amaLYd SD a56eaaed (a a if~gmali dpakS! m4 ialt~ <br />ptryr artaUrq 0U[ d SU¢a 11aDft}ry) 15 a21RDed a Deattmas <br />antdacea#e Dy teasel d Lapse a lane. <br />~'i ~Sec.6323. Validity and Prir~rity <br />Against Certain Persons. <br />raj Perchasers, Holders Ol Secnrtty to- <br />teresis, Mechanic's Lknars, Aed Jndgmeat <br />Lk6 CtedttOrs. - Tne tieA hnDOSed Dy aa:don sazt <br />span rot hB valid as apastst any Wrehesat, polda a a <br />Seb'fHay kindest, meChank's Ifena, a ludpmen[ Ilea <br />creWa uraN rrd¢e lherad amen meats tae req¢'rempas <br />d aoSpectkn dj has bean tiled ty the Secretary, <br />tej Pcotectlon €a Certain teter~ts <br />6vee TYOeph Nettce FRe/.-tree margn Hellas d <br />a ryas Nipoeea N` tkctlon 6a?t ass bees HMd, soda Ilea <br />span nd De raps- <br />- flti Ptaca €ot Ftltttp Hatice: €erm.- <br />' i5s Pie rx Plgr,~',<Ttd ddkce raye#red to M ::E <br />' aacyidr tat aaa;9 De itkd~- <br />:i Syda lease - <br />NI seat pyt~;aty.,-m tae ease a real DrdD¢~Y-. m <br />apz ta*ra wttn?n ty~ St~a ~ ta: a~*_YY, a a:~ <br />_ gaauaaemal asika#vismak u d&4pnatnd by tae taws <br />d SeuA State, Lt wak4 tea awdiv a;r#eci to tae <br />hen b armeied: and <br />W PetSaAit Prnpsrty--4 rice Casa a peraaul <br />davdty, wmand tenpiDk d artanplDk, m arte dilCO <br />saatn Die Swe (a dd candy. a sad paamaremai <br />s..".aratoak at tlesgratad i>y tM lass d aura State, <br />N aralcA Ina atIIdfY auDjeci ED tlce rdtn b Bltaitad; <br />a <br />t81 yr4a okra p DtxrJci Cad.-h the oUke a me <br />olds d tp Unaea States dbuic[ coon to tea rasq:Gt <br />tpstrfM k rgkca tN aaDanY aupeet to dm is aYUatad, <br />tearer nr Staa tux as a In satppkd ate onke <br />sebe ataxia me neaiaarae4a d weDraP'ape IAk d <br />(Cj Wah Hesatler it Deeds a The Dlstrkt a Cobm- <br />bia.- M the pttiee a the Hecprtler al Dads a the <br />DisUM.t of CaiGmG!a. it the DtdPar7 suafect to the lien M <br />sauatad In the [HSUkt ci Columbia. <br />(2i $AUa {p Pr.~Darry SGbjact Ta Lian.-Fa purppses <br />of Daragraphs Itj anC jaj. prppeny seal! oe deemed to x <br />situated- <br />- - (A) Heal Pt¢pary.-m tF.p case ¢t rdal piaperty, ai Its <br />physkal Ixatian; or <br />(BI Personal Praparty.- to me case of personal <br />propany, wnemer tangled a intangible, at the resldenca <br />of Ore taxpayer a: me lime me Hake a ilen k /p¢d. <br />ra purposes of paraaaph i2)IDL the residaxe ¢I a ¢a~ <br />poraNUn a pamcetsak shaft be daetdea to DB me phca at <br />whkh tae princtpa! executive atfke at the Cashless rs <br />Ixated, and the res!C_sse of a taxpaY¢r wnase resi~nce <br />k Wanout me Unced Stares shall De deemed tp ba m ma <br />06strkt of CaWmbia. <br />131 ram.- The form and cdrtent of the notlca <br />rapped In M subsection !a} shall Da prescn~4 Dy me <br />Secetary. Surh Haste shall oa satid notwi!hslandinq -py <br />skid praisian a tas rega•Cinq rho is , a contem d a <br />notke a Ikn. <br />mj Retiliny Of Noticer ra purµsse d mss <br />aectian- <br />,tj6enttral Rn~.°-Umsa o-rtka of tlr,n is +dttt~d <br />in me mantis prescrked M aarapraph ;Z; tMrnnp ine re- <br />auuetl rerphrp Daiad. atrtn autica a ifan seas kid Imated <br />as Flkd M fife ~ta'un Yn;kA R , tiled im a ~adaxa was <br />aD>~tiaa ifjj atkr the expeatfaft d such rfitrnq palled. <br />rj Ptaee €Gr €litng._>i Daa;e ~ is t~~d <br />aur'up thB requited tefUGrq Ceriotl shah ba anective my- <br />iAj ~ ru 4a ~n rs ratpad *aa df:~~ <br />wAkh IAa Ie~ !mts^e at !tea sas lika4: ath~ <br />iBl k arty case k sAith, 93 days a aipr to ma <br />ODU of a ralllhiq of Hake dt Ike under suDparagrnCh <br />(Ale ma Secretary raeetaad wska mlamatlal (h ma <br />marakr aaacribed k rrrpalatiats xsued Dr me Seuaaryi <br />conCemkp a chsnpe in tae taxpayei s reauknca, a a <br />ndke d suet lien ac aUO tpetl m accadarxd trim saA <br />aeetka qt M tDa Stara a whim soda residence is it>Catetl. <br /> <br /> <br />,%'; <br />Z <br />0 <br />c <br />m <br />a <br />H <br />!aj Regntred ReftBnq Ported.-Mme case a <br />arty na1Ce a Nett, me term "requvetl reyulflq DetYpd" <br />meaaa- <br />(A) the anEYeat Coated E¢dlnU 30 days 2itd [RB ax~ <br />Daatian a 6 years alts rile date of the assassraem a <br />NB tax, antl <br />tBj the mte~year Dartod dndmq wan me exDiratta! a <br />6 years after the clove di roe prscadinq re:,uyad ratpuy <br />ported !a such naks d lien. <br />Sec. 6325. Release Qf Lien Cjr Ois• <br />charge Jf Property. <br />tai RBIea98 (# Lon.- Subject m sdcn reyTGFatipns as <br />tea Secretary may DtesCnae, the $aCtetary may issue a Ca' <br />tUkate ai release a any !ion imDOSen Wiin resDast to say <br />inlemal revenue lax il- <br />(tj LiaDShy Saristie-d a UltezllorceaDh?.-The Searaary <br />iMdS that the IiaDdhy to me amaum aaseseed, tppdhd Wan <br />aft adarCat itt fCSpBdt mores, has Deen IGlly saris?led a Daa <br />tecame ieaaiN unenSOrceaDla; a <br />(2j Band A¢ce;!ed.- there k fumisaed to Ufa <br />Secretary and axeDied DJ ar<-d a G^ad mat Lv catdaianCd <br />opal me paydam d ma amoupt assessai toCather wan <br />ad interest in respect mae,f:', w.±.atn ma time ptesctiDx Dy <br />taw i®Ckdnq any exitmsloe a sacs Io-meA and tact t9 m <br />aCaadalKe sea SUCK mquaearom5 re'atUq to tams, camfr <br />IlDns, and tam d me bond and aaetlCS !aar6aR, as may D8 <br />spaagied DY 9x11 IepUVatfans. <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and dis- <br />CIOSUtB Of tetttlnS and re- <br />tutn inftxmafion. <br />ixl tHsct~are an Certain Retetas and <br />Retern latiuntatt~ €ei Taz ":katatstrtt~t Per• <br />poses.-- <br />.,:tea ~ a,~~=t ate s_-~ a ~~a <br />! ~Y!, naS !`fit t#GC i:XSU.'m tq SKtkni 513111 tea <br />aaWAi a the autstana;nq abtpatiat aeear~ 6y sues iron <br />may m asclmeQ to amy person ra¢ Wrnysrros xatxstactay <br />srnted mtlBanCa dayt ae ass i riper k tea OraPut'f Snakat td <br />such ties a aaearo to obtaW a rpat n sacs PrUpanl!. <br />J <br /> <br />