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t..'"'" <br /> <br />THIS INDENTURE, made this 27th _ say of_DeCembei 19 79 _, by and between <br />SAMUEL L. STOLL AND MARL%CE A. STOLL husband and xalfe. each in his end h r ac rtgjyr <br />and as spouse of the other. <br />of _ Ha 1 1 County, Nebraska, as mortgagor.~.._ , and Grand Islmd Trust Company of Grand Island, a corporation <br />organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office and place of business at Grand Islmd, Nebraska, as mortgages; <br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor_&_ ,for and in conaideretion of the sum of - _ _ <br />**Seven Thousand Fifteen and 40/100***** ~ 7r8,~S. <br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowtedged, do -___ by these presents mortgage and wettest unW said, + ~ ~ ~ ~ ~y <br />mortgagee, ire eaterseors and assigns, <br />forever, all the following described real eaters, situated in the County of _.._H.d.ll. _.. <br />and State of Nabreaka, to•wit: <br />LOT THREE (3) IN BLOCK ONE 'f1) IN FIRESIDE ESTATES, LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST <br />QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NW-1/4 NE-1J4) OF SECTION TIiIRTY-FIVE (3S), <br />TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (ll) NORTH, RANGE TEN (10), WEST OF THE SIXTH (6th) P. M., HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />-- - Together with all heating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing etluipment and fixtures, including screens, awnings, storm wiat'bws and <br />doors, and window shades or blinds, used on or in connection with said property, whether the same are now located on said property or hereafter <br />placed thereon. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, Wgether with ell and singular the tenements, hereditameats end appurtenances 4hereunW br <br />longing, or in anywise appertaining, forever, tmd warrant the title W the same. Said morgagor s hereby covenant with mid <br />'aartgagae that _ t hs~_ lI)nC . at the delivery here-0f. tlce lawful owner~_ of the premi~a abava comfayod am} daaen'had. <br />sad era __.-seized of a good and indefeasible eataW of ftdteritance therein, free and clear of aU ancumbranoes, and that~heyt._wiU <br />''warrant and defond the Utle thareW forever against the cleirae sad demands of all persons whomaoevar. <br />PIIOt' I DED ALW AYS, and this iastrutrtent is executed end delivered c.o sacrrre the payment of the sum of <br />- '. ** Se.€~r.'tlLiift4~€31_3Ld_OOJI00 ******* ^ _ Dollarais 7,015.00 _ i, <br />'with iatereat- %reret:n, Wgethar with such charges anti advances as may bg due soil payable W said nartgagaa under the terns cad eonditmnn <br />---- of the prvntissory mite of eves tiers herewith and secured hereb axe~vted b said m - <br />lv said torte. and W secure tbs y' y ortgagor S- W said mortgagee. payable ss expressed <br />parfortnanca of all the terms end conditions rnntained therein. The terms of said sots ate hereby ittrorpore.tatl <br />herein by this reference. <br />I[ is the intention and agreotnsat of the patties hereto that this mortgage shall also secure any future advnncee made W said taortgngor~_ <br />by said rnortgagea, and any and all indebtedness in addition W the amount shave stated whirl. said mortgagors, or any of them, may owe to <br />avid mortgagee, however evidenoad, whether by note, book account or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in full force end eHact between <br />the parties hereW end their heirs, personal repreeentarives, successors and assigns, until ell amounts secured hereunder, iaduding tutors <br />advances, are paid in full with interact. <br />The mortgagor~_ hereby easign _.__.. to said mortgagee all yenta and +ncoma arising at any and all times from said property and <br />hereby authariza asid mortgagee or its agent, et its option, upon default, to take charge of said property and collect all rants end income <br />there(tom end apply the erme ta the payment of interact, principal, insurance premiums, taxes, aseeaemente, repairs or improvatnanu <br />necessary to koep said pro,~erty in tenantable wndition, or W other charges or payments provided for herein or in the note hereby secured, Thia <br />rent assignment eball continua in force until the unpaid bafanta of said note is fully paid. The taking of possession hereunder shalt in nn manner <br />pnrveat or retard said mortgages in the oollactioa of sold soma by frracioaure or athazwiaa. <br />The failure of the mortgagee W assert say of its rights iwreunder et any time shall not be coaatrued as s waiver of its rglht W assert the <br />same at any toter time, and W insist upon sad enforce strict compUanse with ell the terms sad provisbns of asid trots and of this ttattgiga. <br />If said mgrtgsgorg shell caves W he paid Vi stud mortgagee the antis amount due it hereunder, and utuler t!m termx and provisions <br />of said sots beraby secured, inehullng forum advanctxi, and any axteneiona or renewals tfsereof in etxrordatxa with tda terms and provisions <br />thereof, and it said mortgagor s shall comply with all the provisions of said oats and of this mortgage, rhea these presents abaU he void; <br />otherwise ta remaLt in l4dl forco nmi Meet, ear# said mortgagee shell 6e eatitled W the pgesesaion of all of said property, sad tray, at its option, <br />declare the whole of said rate and all indebtednaaa represented thereby ta 6e immediately due and payable, end tray foteclaee this mortgage <br />m' take any otker Iegat atMloa ta protect its right. Appratsement waived. <br />This mortggge shall ba bindlrg upon ettd shall enure W the benefit of the hairs, executors, adminietratare, aucosaeore and aeaigm of the <br />respective parties hereto. , <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF <br />written. <br />said Mortgegor.~_ ha .AIL, hetetmta eat _ S',hCf r hend8`_~,the day and ye~ar~fir/,~t~above <br />'Samuel L~tol1 YM~~~~~~ <br />`~iKtfst 'a j <br />afi~~l -c.2 f~, toll <br />