'q.,.. ~ ~~°~ . ,~~.~:~~ ~~a~TC~~c~
<br />THIS MORTGAGE. made ttd~~s.~.- l~ .,.. .day ~ttf „'~~dt3Y` ............... 1'9'~~, ns ..,.........._..............»........».....«..»..«...».....
<br />~I~.Ir4Wn~,R~u...$a...~ ',~"u~~ lax ~~:~r~&lII~.. .................... ,......... ................._,.,.._....................-.«...W..._....
<br />of.........'ft~fid,..>:a:'vt~r _.::..._.:....... county aL.:....,~ ........................._......_.......:...and State of iNebraska, hereafter referred Co
<br />as "Mortgagor," and BENEFICIAL PIN.4NCE CO. OF NEBRASKA, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of
<br />Nebraska and havsng an office and place of business at....2~...~iH,".:f~2...~~~.~!..~!¢#~:._ ............ . r~$~4~..~,~,s...~.... ,
<br />hereafter referred to as "Mortgagee." -
<br />WITNESSETH CThOat~t~jhe pM~o'rtgagors, in order to seerre the payment of a certain promissory• note of even date herewith in the Actual Amount
<br />of Loan of 5..tie,zyu.ar.a{ ........................ together with interest on unpaid principal balances, receipt of the proceeds thereof being hereby
<br />acknowledged, hereby mortgage to the Mortgagee the foSlowirtg described real estate situated in the County of...~8r~.~..
<br />State of Nebraska, more particulazly desedbed as follows:
<br />All of Lot Yobs (1~), block seven (7), in Dodd and I4arahallta addition to
<br />Wood River, Fall Cotmty, Netraska, eaeeptirg the easterly sizteen (16) feet
<br />thereof and all of Lot five (5) in Block seven (a) an Dodd and Marshallte
<br />addition to Wood Giver, of Hall County, ldehrae~, ezcepting Westerly
<br />twelve (12) feet thereof as: said lots are atsvtayed, plotted and reaa~rded
<br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, title dower right of homestead.
<br />- claims and demands whatsoever of the mortgagor of, in or to said premises or any part thereof.
<br />TO HAVE: AND TO NOLD the above described premises, with all the priv0eges and appurtenances to the said Mortgagee, its sueceasor and
<br />as~gtts, forever;
<br />- AND the Mortgagor do COVENANT with the said Mortgagee, it successors and assigns, that they aze lawfully seized in fee of the premises;
<br />that said premises are free of eV encambtances, except as aforesaid; that they have good right to sell and convey the same as aforesaid; and that
<br />'[ they and then hears shall and will forever WARRANT AND DEFEND the same to the said Mortgagee, its successors and assigns forever, against
<br />' the lawful claims and demands of all persons.
<br />- The agreed race of charge on the aforesaid promissory note is 24%per annum; (2% per month) on that part of the unpaid principal balance not
<br />in excess of 51,000: t8%pez annum (lys%per month} on that part of the unpaid principal balance exceeding S1,OOObutnot excceding 55,000:
<br />and IS%per annum {t 1; 3%per month) on any remainder of ach unpaid balance.
<br />UntB the payment in full of the promissory note evidencing this town, according to the tents thereof, the Mortgagor hereby COYENAN7 AND
<br />AGREE: (t) To pay all faze: and assesamenta on the premises described herein to whomsoever levied and assessed; (2) To keep the btuldirtgs
<br />and impaovements situated thereon insured against fire and other hazards in such amount and with such insurance carder as shall be acceptable
<br />to the Mortgagee; (3) To maintain the premises substantially in as good condition and repair as they are on the date hereof, and nelthu to
<br />- -, commit nor to sutYar nay strap or waste thereof; and, (d)To commit no breach of any covenant herein contained,
<br />PitOVtDEII. NEVERTHELESS, that if Mortgagor shall pay the fuB amount of the Ioan to the Mortgagee, atxording to the tents of the note
<br />- and shalt pedt:rm. all of the tents and conditions of this mortgage, this mortgage, together with the said promissory trots, shall ceaso and be
<br />', void. Othenviae it ahat~ remattt ht atfast. In the avant of nay default in the payment of the monthly instalments on tits iiari, Alartgagaa, its sue-
<br />. ~~ canon or aadgaa, may maint~a an action at taw ~ equity to recover the unpaid prirtcipat balance of said loan Ptus any. accrued ate unpac#
<br />- et~rgea.
<br />! L crdy enta_s~ lea party to L4 ';am~t.att pfura; -~ar.ts h~r~izr safes to Mo.=gagexs strati ba cunsiru~i is *I3e shim l;d.
<br />--.'. -iN-tflSTNES.S-SYftERE-OFD tlt&~r#-Mos=.g~~,rr itava herennta set chair hands and seats on the dais above written. -
<br />- Si`rtad, sealed and ddiveced by Mortgagor
<br />is the prpmtce of: ` /?_ ~f
<br />~y~-~i7 ~..o" ~~G~7,~ (SEAL)
<br />Wfiness Prlnt ar Type Name aJ Mort~w
<br />Dolaald H. RLt9Cther
<br />/~ i
<br />_ r Wlntea _ ~ t -' iG' . ;. 1 ---~ a -~i.:'r :(SJLAL)
<br />1'rtnr or Type NameName o~~~
<br />STA'L'E OF NEHRASICA ) DortheS $r PittaO~tr
<br />) a. t
<br />ss.
<br />COUNT1f OF......... :.................... )
<br />On dils.»°,~..........,daY of....j~Qy~'{j>~ .................. .18..79......., before me.....f1.::1.L.52.~.57,...a}.a....}~'<1~~1....................................~.... a
<br />Notary Public. duty sytptdttted and quaWled for and rosidtttg In said county, personally aPPa~.~.R,Ia~a.S~.,..~.e....~.S~.C.eS S,.kl.~.fi.. ~.TLS~,...
<br />and.A.Sk ~.~.h.><.fa...~r,a....R.t1,L.S.K,k1~.>;.......... ,hie wife, to ma known m be the identical persona dwctibed is and who exocuted the witlsin
<br />- -- - - - -_--mtyt#gsge, 3it$-thee aoverally aekaawkdged-die same to eta their rolun4a - deed. -
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, t have heretmto eat my hand and
<br />hr said eountY~ tlur day sad Year let shove ;t
<br />My Gommiaaioa EzPires
<br />October 2, 1953
<br />Nntary Public in and for said County
<br />t3or AN€-3R, Ed. au8• "7`J
<br />